Commemorating victims of 9/11 on their birthday


This last commemoration was located at the 9/11 museum. The one thing that I found interesting is that on the birthday’s of the victims of 9/11 a while flower is placed on their names. There is one American Flag in this picture and I believe that flag may have been someone that was a fireman or a police officer that died during duty September 11, 2001. I think this is a beautiful way to celebrate people that passed that day, even on their birthday. This shows that they will always be remembered.


Commemorating Nelson Mandela



Along Broadway and the Canyon of Heroes lies Nelson Mandela name. Although it has been here long before Nelson Mandela passed away I feel that this is a great way to commemorate him so that future generations may know about him. On June 20, 1990 Nelson Mandela arrived to New York City after being in jail for 27 years for treason. He was the leader of the movement to end Apartheid in South Africa. The canyon of heroes is where mayor presented honored guest with a proclamation, a medal, a scroll, or a key to the city. This is where many ticker tape parades happened.

Links from information in the commemoration


9/11 Cross ‘A Symbol of Hope’


This  Statute here is called ‘9/11 Cross, A Symbol of Hope’.This statute is located near St. Paul’s Chapel of Trinity Church near the 9/11 memorial. This statute represents the wreckage of the twin towers forming a cross from the aftermath of 9/11. The original cross was moved in the 9/11 Museum. This cross was sculpted by Jon Krawczyk. Cardinal Egan picked him to sculpt the new cross. At the bottom of the cross is a metal book that consists of 35 pages of the victims of 9/11. Each the victims names are inscribed in the metal book. All visitors can look through the metal pages of the book to look at the victims names. This is commemoration is dedicated to those that did not deserve to have their lives ended on that tragic day, and also to commemorate those whole lost their loved ones.

Information about the original 9/11 Cross

mus ( The Original Cross)

Commemorating Ben and Etta Schoenfeld



This photograph was taken in Central Park. Here is a commemoration to someone’s dear loving grandparents. This is a silver plaque attached to a bench within Central Park. I don’t exactly know who Ben and Etta Schoenfeld are, but I am assuming that they were married and that they loved coming to Central Park together. Their Children, Grandchildren, and Greatgrand children dedicated this Central Park bench to them. I think this is a beautiful way to commemorate a family member or friend.

Commemorating William Church Osborn


This photograph was taken next to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The person that is being commemorated here is William Church Osborn born 1862 and died January 3rd, 1951. (89 Years Old at death). He was the president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and president of the Children’s Aid society. These plaques lay to the side of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and in front of an ancient playground. My reflection of this commemoration is that it makes a lot of sense to have his plaque in front of a children’s playground since he was the president of the children’s aid society and at the side of the Metropolitan Museum of Art because he was the president of that as well.

The first  bronze plaque states:

“In memory of William Church Osborn”


“He served his City and his State faithfully well”

The second bronze plaque states:


The Children’s Aid Society


New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled



The Metropolitan Museum of Art



Link from information in the William Osborn’s Commemoration


Mark Hopkins(1802)-(1887)


I took this Photograph at Bronx Community College.  The person being commemorated is Mark Hopkins. He was known for being a famous educator and also  known for incorporating his religious background into teaching and education. The reason why I took this photography is because anyone who influence the education system to make it better it worth paying attention to.


Horace Mann 05/04/1796-08/02/1859


I took this photograph at Bronx community college. The person who is being commemorated is Horan Mann he was the a member of the house of representatives from Massachusetts’s 8th  district. He was known for being part of education reform in 1837.My reflection is that it is a unique statute. I love how the college have a separate location for all their statute of  people that was famous they call the location hall of fame. It a beautiful place in the college to visit.





I took this photograph at the 9/11 memorial .The person that is being commemorated is my cousin  Elizabeth Holmes she is one out of 2,996 people that lost their life on 9/11 when New York was attached by terrorist. This was a very devastating time for my family and other family that lost loves in this emotional time. My reflection about the commemoration is that the way it was design it was so beautiful and breath taken I love the water fall that surround all the names of people that lost their life. The water fall make you feel so calm but when you look at all the people names on this concrete it make you feel nothing but sorrow. My cousin is special to me because she a wonderful loving person . She will always be missed.

John Lennon Memorial

John Lennon MemorialThe “John Lennon Memorial” is located Central Park west. As soon as professor donsky told us about this assignment, I knew right away I was going to do this piece. This is a beautiful piece to honor the great John  Lennon. I have been a huge Beatles fan my entire life.John Lennon has always been a strong believer in peace and has shown it in his music. December 8th has marked thirty six years of john Lennon passing. I still think to myself what he would have to say about everything going on in our world today and what his music would be like today. The piece is titled “Imagine” from his famous song. The song had a message of people living in peace and that we can make it happen if we work together. The memory of john Lennon will continue to live on.

World war 2


The picture was taken in Albany ny . This memorial represent all the people who have fought in World War Two . The reason why the soldiers are being honored is because many lost their life to fight for the country.It was the foundation of the modern world order. My reflection about this commemoration is that it a beautiful  reflection on what happen in those days and a awesome and unique way to pay respect it absolutely caught my eye.