Author Archives: Yekaterina Elterman

Gianni Versace


This picture was taken years ago on the steps where Gianni Versace was murdered. Everyone stops here to take a picture and let everyone know that they visited Versace’s home. In a way it does pay tribute to the man. People flock to this site because he was an exceptional designer. His designs are timeless. Everyone knows where his home is and the story behind his death. All the millions of pictures taken in front of this home and posted as a  tourist ranting and raving about going to this place is keeping his memory alive.

Grafitti Art memorial for Arthur G

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This piece was originally spray painted after Arthur’s death in 2009. This picture was taken in Manhattan Beach Brooklyn where Arthur had resided his entire life. He was very well known amongst our community and close knit friends. I didn’t have the pleasure of befriended because he came off a little mean but from what I told now he was a sweet heart. That just proves don’t judge a book by it’s cover. He passed away in sleep. He was only 22 years old. He was a huge sports fan and the New York Rangers were his favorite team. As fast this memorial was put up for Arthur it was just as quickly painted over by the building’s owner. This is a beautiful memorial. I don’t agree with it being painted over.

Facebook memorial page for Denis Volchkin


This is another Facebook memorial page for yet another young fallen angel. Denis was a friend of mine who was a true friend and kind hearted human being. He was killed by a police officer at the home of his mother. They say that he lunged at them with a knife so they had no choice but to shoot and kill a 28 year old man. He had a heart of gold therefore it is extremely hard for me to comprehend that he is capable of doing such a thing. Everyone goes through hard times but he was dealing with his. He will truly be missed. This page is set up for his friends since he had so many that loved him. I’m grateful that his cousin actually set this up for all of us that knew him.


Facebook memorial webpage for Yelena Bulchenko



I took this screen on my Facebook application on my phone. This is some what of new way to pay tribute to the fall and the dear departed if you will. This is a new way because most if not all of my generation is now on the web rather than out in the world. The young woman who is being remembered was murdered in cold blood by someone who was at some point in time close to her. he was a drug user and unfortunately someone who I attended school with. He wanted to be with her but unfortunately the feelings weren’t mutual. He went on a rampage killed 3 people including his stepfather, Yelena and her mother while injuring others. His is name is Maksim Gelman I’m we all know who is. I believe that this is a great way to pay tribute to people. Not everyone can get out to a memorial.