Author Archives: Richistyle

Memorial ride

Often if a motorcyclists dies, its tradition to have memorial ride in honor of him. This is organized by his fellow bikers and friends. Everyone gather together and they all ride to a predetermined destination.

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There is no official symbolic meaning, everyone can interpret it the way see fit. Some say its like his spirit is riding with all his friends, others say to symbolize his spirit riding on. What ever the case may be, this is a universal thing to between all bikes, of riding styles and in every country.
On the ride there are sometimes stickers given out in remembrance of him. And if he belonged to a club, then people might wear patches saying something like “RIP Jimmy “Speeds” Smith”

Jacob K. Javits

Jacob Javits was a united states politician who was a United States Senetor from New York from 1957 to 1981.

Perhaps the most known honoring of him is the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Inside there is a statue of him next to a chair for people to take pictures.

The Jacob Javits center is home to many big events in New York city, including, The New York Auto show, The New York International car show, The New York boat show, New York Comic Con. all hosted in the large convention center.

20141214_090053This was taken inside the Jacob Javits center, near 11th ave and 36st.


Interesting reads

A video of Jacob Javits himself

Memorial in Russia

This picture was taken on Route 189 in Belgorodskaya oblast, Russia.

“Widow and the mothers of solders” is written on this memorial. It is a monument to all the mothers and widows during World War II. In Russia almost every family had someone they lost during the war, this is just a humble statue in the middle of nowhere to remember all the mothers and wives during W.W.II.


There are plenty of written works in honor of groups of people, such as mother and siblings of war, but statues seem less common. The statue isn’t that noticeable, nor is it in a populated area, it’s just a simple memorial along the highway. Perhaps this is to show that a window and mother wasn’t that noticeable during the war ether.


Balto In New York’s Central park and a small town in Alaska ( Nome ) is a monument to the dog Balto who saved hundreds of lives during a diphtheria epidemic that broke out at the beginning of the last century. Balto was mainly a sled dog traveling as far 760 miles to deliver medicine deliver medicine.


It’s not always an animal is remembered and honored, in this case Balto saved countless lives, and was a valuable asset to his community.

This picture was taken in Central Park, a bit North of the zoo, around 67st.