Author Archives: blossom

Beecher’s Monument in Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn




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Henry Ward Beecher is being honored here in Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn, NY.  He was a social reformer, known for his support of the abolition of slavery.  His sister Harriet Beecher Stowe received worldwide fame for her abolitionist novel, Uncle Toms Cabin.  His statue depicts him in an upright position with children by his side, this may be because he was a firm believer in God’s love f.  Uncle Toms Cabin is a must read novel, I would recommend it to anyone!

Brooklyn Family Remembers Teen- Brooklyn, New York


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On the corner of East 55 Street and Church Ave in Brooklyn stands a makeshift memorial for Kimani Grey.  Kimani was a 15 year old who was gunned down by officers in Brooklyn, NY on March 9th,2013 after officers mistakenly thought he possessed a firearm.  Beloved by his classmates and family, this memorial was dedicated to Kimani over a year ago.  I was saddened by the loss of such a young child, no one deserves to die such brutal death.