Wall of Hope

This photo was taking in Providence, Rhode Island

This photo was taking in Providence, Rhode Island

While taking a tour around downtown Providence I ran across a tunnel with pictures on the wall. At the center of this tunnel, there was a glass ceiling that allowed the sunlight to shine inside and illuminate the pictures on the wall. Children at a nearby elementary school  painted these pictures, so that people who lost a love one in the tragic moments of 9-11 have a place to visit. The name of this place is called the “Wall of Hope.”

This photo was taking in Providence, Rhode Island

This photo was taking in Providence, Rhode Island

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About Naquan26

Welcome readers and bloggers to Justices For All, my name is Naquan and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm currently a college undergraduate attending New York City College of Technology for Law and Paralegal Studies. I plan on getting a bachelors and master degree from my current college and one day owning my own business. In my spear time I like to study chess read novels and meditate. The reason I decided to start a blog is to raise awareness for prisoners who can't speak out about the injustice taking place within the New York State Prisons. Martian Luther King Jr. once said "injustices anywhere is a threat to justices everywhere." I would like to use my knowledge of the law and discuss current topics going on with the prions systems today. Feel free to leave me a message or email me at dwgman42@gmail.com.

One thought on “Wall of Hope

  1. Mary Sue Donsky

    Hey Mr. Ware!
    I have really enjoyed your blogging and I think you should apply to become a member of the OpenLab Student Blogging Team! Here are the details:

    Apply to become an OpenLab student blogger or photoblogger!

    Why should you join the Student Blogging Team?

    Share your experiences and ideas with the City Tech community | Collaborate with a team of students | Publish your work on the OpenLab | Gain real-world blogging experience | Add to your resume | And get paid $300|

    City Tech’s OpenLab, an open-source digital platform for students, faculty, and staff, is looking for enthusiastic City Tech students to blog weekly. Your posts could be about you: maybe you’re from far away, a parent, coming back to school after many years, a veteran, etc. Or you could write about what interests you and your friends and classmates: music, sports, food, movies. Or you could share your photography as a photoblogger.

    Whether writing or photoblogging, OpenLab Student Bloggers will work with the OpenLab Community Team to create conversation on the OpenLab, commenting on the posts by other student bloggers and members of the OpenLab community.

    If you’re applying for blogging as a writer, you should:

    have already passed English 1101
    review The Buzz for a sense of what previous bloggers have done
    send an email to openlab@citytech.cuny.edu
    explaining what your posts will add to the OpenLab and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers
    include a 400-word sample post that is clear and interesting for your potential OpenLab audience
    attach your resume
    If you are applying for photoblogging, you should:

    have experience taking photographs and optimizing images for the web using Photoshop or similar software
    send an email to openlab@citytech.cuny.edu
    explaining what your posts will add to the OpenLab and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers
    send at least 5 images to openlab@citytech.cuny.edu
    attach your resume
    Deadline: 15 November 2014 for the Spring 2015 semester


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