Eric Garner

In Brooklyn on Broadway and DeKalb Avenue I found an abandoned lot, my curiosity drove me to stick my head into this square cut out carving that was on the boarding that blocked off the lot to deny access to pedestrians. I was shocked to see that the back was of the building said β€œdon’t tread o anyone RIP Eric Garner.” With the existing protest that has taken place in not only New York, but around the country this caused me to be to feel the unity that is shared amongst strangers in a common view. And we honor Eric Garner.

On July 17, 2014 Eric Garner was arrested for allegedly selling illegal cigarettes while being arrested he was placed into a chokehold by an officer. As he pleaded β€œI can’t breathe!” the officer did not loosen his grip. The chokehold performed by the officer is actually also not considered a method of restraint by the NYPD, causing the unfortunate even to not only have been unnecessary but prevented. Eric Garner died at the age of 43, leaving being a wife and six children. I do believe justice is vital, and as many continue in their visible protest some also quietly sort their thoughts out to the public.

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