In the Spotlight: OpenLab is Here for You!

As the semester winds down, the OpenLab is here for you! This spotlight shines some light on some upcoming OpenLab events, support, and tools.

OpenLab Open House

pink balloons fill a storefront
“Balloon” by oliver gartmann CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed.

Come to the OpenLab Open House to share your successes from this semester, ask questions, and learn from each other about the OpenLab.

The OpenLab Open House will be this Friday, 5/10/24, from 2:00-3:00pm via Zoom. All are welcome.

OpenLab Co-working Session

two green frogs on a green leaf
“frog” by Daz Smith CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed.

On Thursday, May 16th from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 PM, join the OpenLab team for the final co-working session of the Spring. You bring the work, we’ll bring the friendly presence in the Zoom session (plus we’ll bring work, too).

OpenLab Open Hours

Open up” by Patrik Theander CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed.

OpenLab Open Hours are virtual 30-minute individual appointments with a member of the OpenLab Community Team.

The final two Open Hour sessions will be held on May 14th and May 21st, each featuring appointments at 9:30am and 10:00am.

All are held via Zoom and are open to faculty, staff, and students. Reserve your spot now!

OpenLab Email Support

Connections” by Whatknot CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed.

Have questions you can’t find the answer to in OpenLab Help?

Reach out for email support by sending a message to us at or via our contact form.

What’s Happening at City Tech

Bubbles @ Party in the Garden” by Karsten Wentink CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed

Want to keep up with what’s happening at City Tech while browsing through the OpenLab?

Now you can find a list of City Tech events and updates right on the OpenLab home page and click through for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at these events and supporting you through the end of the semester!

Co-working session 5/16

One more co-working session to help everyone finish this semester!

On Thursday, May 16th from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 PM, join the OpenLab team for the final co-working session of the Spring. You bring the work, we’ll bring the friendly presence in the Zoom session (plus we’ll bring work, too).

As with the previous co-working hours, this space can help support you focus on the work you need to finish–in this case, your goal is finishing everything for the end of the semester. If you’re teaching, bring your grading! Or invite a student to join so you can co-work as they finish their project or study for that last exam. Or bring a friend and race to finish your to-do list!

You can work silently in the main Zoom room or move into a breakout room to talk with a collaborator or with one of our team members if you have specific questions we can help you with. 

We hope this co-working session is useful for you–and let us know how else we can help!

Photo credit: “frog” by Daz Smith via Flickr under the license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed.

Co-working today, F 3/15

The weather is getting better, but there’s always more work to do! Let’s get together TODAY to work and check things off the to-do lists we all have–or take some time to make to-do lists!

The OpenLab Team is hosting a co-working session today, Friday, March 15th, 10:00-11:00AM. Join us to cowork in what we hope is a welcoming space that helps as you focus on accomplishing what you need to finish. Bring whatever you want to work on, OpenLab related or not. We’ll bring bring work, too, plus some good energy for checking things off to-do lists.

You can work silently in the main Zoom room or move into a breakout room to talk with a collaborator or with an OpenLab team member if you have specific questions we can help you with. 

Please share this opportunity with colleagues and students–all are welcome. We hope this co-working session is useful for you–and let us know how else we can help!

Photo credit: “Three is a charm (26/365)” by Chung Ho Leung via Flickr is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 Deed

Reminder: More Co-Working Today!

The semester is nearly over, but there’s so much left to do! Let’s work together to finish something and get closer to being done!

The OpenLab Team is hosting a co-working session today, Friday, December 15th, 1:00-2:00PM. Join us in what we hope is a welcoming space that helps as you focus on accomplishing everything you need to finish. Bring whatever you want to work on, whether it be OpenLab related or not. We’ll bring bring work, too, plus some good energy for checking things off your to-do list.

You can work silently in the main Zoom room or move into a breakout room to talk with a collaborator or with one of our team members if you have specific questions we can help you with. 

Please share this opportunity with colleagues and students–all are welcome!

Photo credit: “Not a yellowjacket” by cotinis via Flickr is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 Deed

Reminder: Co-Working Today!

As the semester winds down, let’s work together to check things off the to-do lists we all have–or take some time to make to-do lists!

The OpenLab Team is hosting a co-working session today, Thursday, December 7th, 2:30-3:30PM. Join us in what we hope is a welcoming space that helps as you focus on accomplishing everything you need to finish. Bring whatever you want to work on, whether it be OpenLab related or not. We’ll bring bring work, too, plus some good energy for checking things off your to-do list.

You can work silently in the main Zoom room or move into a breakout room to talk with a collaborator or with one of our team members if you have specific questions we can help you with. 

Please share this opportunity with colleagues and students–all are welcome. And save the date for our next co-working session, on Friday, December 15th at

We hope this co-working session is useful for you–and let us know how else we can help!

Photo credit: “Working together again” by Nick via Flickr is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Deed

Co-working FTW!

Two birds sitting together on a branch.
“Twins” by Todd Petit via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

One more co-working session for the win!

On Tuesday, May 23rd from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 PM, join the OpenLab team for the final co-working session of the Spring. As with the previous co-working hours, this space can help support you focus on finishing everything for the end of the semester. If you’re teaching, bring your grading! Or invite a student to join so you can co-work as they finish their project or study for that last exam. Or bring a friend and race to finish your to-do list!

Although our focus for this session is on supporting faculty members finish out the semester, all are welcome. You bring the work, we’ll bring the friendly presence in the Zoom session (plus we’ll bring work, too).

You can work silently in the main Zoom room or move into a breakout room to talk with a collaborator or with one of our team members if you have specific questions we can help you with. 

Not able to make it but want to suggest a day and time for Fall 2023 co-working hours? Please leave a comment to let us know what works for you. And before the start of the new semester, we’ll post our new co-working hours and other support schedule information right here on The Open Road.

Finals end on Tuesday, May 23, and grades are due Friday, May 26th. We hope this co-working session is useful for you–and let us know how else we can help!

Co-working for Students!

Two butterfiles sitting together on a flower.
twins” by alain01789 via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Here’s another co-working session–please help spread the word!

Have you heard of “body doubling”? Do you get more work done when working in the company of others? This practice of working on a task while others are also working on their own projects is becoming very popular on social media. It’s a trend because it works!

With “body doubling” comes accountability and knowing that others are also working, creates some positive stress. And when one is focusing for a short period, while intentionally putting the phone away and avoiding emails, a lot can be done! 

As the end-of-semester stress mounts, the OpenLab is holding a co-working session for students just before Finals week. Join us on Tuesday, May 16th. The Zoom room will be open from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. for students to work silently in the same space. Join anytime with that final paper or project and work on tightening its loose parts. Or your study notes for your exam. Or anything else from your to-do list you want to accomplish!

Do you have other productivity or stress management hacks? Share them in the comments below!

In the Spotlight: Coworking

“Pollination Hypnosis” by Wayne S. Grazio via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Do you work better when there’s someone else working nearby? Do you seek out spaces like libraries or coffee shops to get work done? You might be interested in coworking !

This idea of coworking and the related idea of body doubling, in which people find better focus or persistence when they have a friend or colleague working in the same in-person or online space, can be effective methods for productivity.

The Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab project is hosting a coworking session this week: Tuesday, April 18, from 1:30-3:30. This is a virtual coworking opportunity, hosted on Zoom. Join at any time from 1:30-3:30, with whatever work you want to accomplish. Check out the Coworking invitation post for more information.

Have other ideas for increased productivity, accountability, and getting through your to-do list? Share them here in the comments!