In the Spotlight: Pre-semester Prep

close-up of purple allium flower with a bee
Allium and Honey Bee, Greys Court” by s9-4pr via Flickr CC BY 2.0

As you get busy preparing for the upcoming semester, the OpenLab team is here to support your course building efforts!

Join a Workshop

Click here to view the full schedule and register to receive the Zoom link for the workshops.

Monday, 8/21/23

  • Getting Started on the OpenLab (express): 1:00-1:30pm
  • Creating a Course Site: 1:30-2:30pm
  • Fostering an Interactive Course Site 2:30-3:30pm

Thursday, 8/24

  • Getting Started on the OpenLab (express): 10:00-10:30am
  • Creating a Course Site: 10:30-11:30am
  • Fostering an Interactive Course Site 11:30am-12:30pm

Follow the 5-part Summer Series

In each of the five installments of this asynchronous Summer Series, the OpenLab team suggests tasks to guide you from creating an account through joining the community to creating courses. No worries if you didn’t start last month–follow along with the installments at your own pace and at your own start date.

Co-work with us

Last semester, the OpenLab team piloted co-working session for quiet working time with others, with the option to move to a breakout room for conversation or questions. Join OpenLab team members on Friday, 8/18/23 at 12:30-1:30pm to start working on your course site, build out your portfolio, sort through your email, anything OpenLab or not OpenLab, or just to be a positive force for anyone else joining who needs that energy!

Help is here

Use Help materials and screencasts to guide your work. Search for your specific topic in the OpenLab’s Help section or navigate through the different sections. You can also reach out for email support by sending a message to us at or via our contact form.

Want more? Request a workshop for your group, ask a question, or let us know what else we can do to support you!

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