Open Pedagogy Event (Th 9/28): Copyright & Attribution in Open Digital Pedagogy

Join us on Thursday September 28, 2017, 5:30-7:00pm (Faculty Commons, N227) for a discussion of Copyright and Attribution in Open Digital Pedagogy!

*Refreshments will be served. (Thanks to the Provost’s Office for its generous support of this event!)

*Part-time faculty are eligible to receive a stipend for participation.

*Please RSVP by commenting on this post. Please share this invitation with your colleagues!

An inverted logo of the traditional copyright symbol with the test "Sharing it defends creation" below it in Spanish.
Translation: “Sharing it defends creation.” Image Source: Lourdes Muñoz Santamaria

Join the OpenLab Team, City Tech faculty and staff, and CUNY colleagues at our next Open Pedagogy event, where we’ll be discussing copyright and attribution in open digital pedagogy. Working with and amongst our students and colleagues via digital pedagogy raises exciting possibilities for sharing, remixing and evolving the pedagogical work of the university. In addition, it raises important questions about intellectual property, scholarship, pedagogy, and the nature of digital communication. During this event, we’ll have a discussion about how to best cultivate an ethic of sharing and reuse while creating a community around attribution.

Our conversation will be guided by the following questions:

  • What is a Creative Commons license and how does it differ from traditional copyright?
  • What are the ethics of sharing and using the materials we produce as a community of scholars and educators?
  • What does Creative Commons and open licensing mean for our pedagogical practices?
  • How do we communicate to our students that their work is also intellectual property, to which the ethics of copyright, attribution and sharing apply?

Want to learn more about copyright and attribution in ODP? Here are a few short pieces for reference:

A Greek-inspired battle scene between 'corporate capitalism' and the 'public domain' and 'free culture' with the text, The Battle of Copyright underneath.
Image Source: Christopher Dombres

23 thoughts on “Open Pedagogy Event (Th 9/28): Copyright & Attribution in Open Digital Pedagogy”

  1. This is a great initiative ! I have been hoping for access to this kind of workshop–an open discussion of these complicated issues is long overdue. Thank you to the organizers for putting this event on.
    I would like to attend. Do we have confirm in some other form besides replying here?
    Francesca Sautman, AEO, French Ph.D. , Director Henri Peyre French Institute

  2. This sounds terrific. Unfortunately, I have class until 5, and then another one starting at 6, so I can’t attend. Is there going to be anything posted afterwards? Thanks! -jackie

  3. I am really sorry to miss this! Especially since it’s something I struggle with all the time. But it is HS curriculum night and I will be elsewhere. Have a great session. Sandra

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