Category Archives: Lab Reports

All’s working!

Baker, Gabby, Ishik, Remy, Xuemin (maybe I’ll reorder by alphabet of last name later, or name length, this is distracting MOVINGON:D) So we figured out how to symlink in Linux, my brain was just fried and thinking backwards about the … Continue reading

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Sensor Tiles Project: Unity Team: Frank & Dwayne – Unity Licenses

For this week, we have looking whether or not we can use Unity for the reminder of our project with the sensor tiles. Thus far, the prevailing question is how (if we can) use Unity to export Blender files to … Continue reading

Posted in Assignments, Damon Baker, DOCUMENTATION, Lab Notes, Lab Reports | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Symlinks and Linux

To do: Make it symlink to hierarchical script folders in order of difficulty (hard link on Windows) make a status print “By the magick of Conda!” make sure it uninstalls and reinstalls properly make sure that it’s compatible across platforms … Continue reading

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Sensor Tiles Project: Measurements of the Gallery Room

For today, we took measurements of the gallery room in to gain a better understanding of how much room we have to work with decided the measurements of the new sensor tile boards. Thus far, we have reached the preliminary … Continue reading

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So we Leap Onward and Upward! lolnope

Baker, Gabby, Ishik, Remy, Xuemin We need a lead.d file of some kind lolso I (Remy) left to oversee another project (networking the capacitative tiles) and everyone on this project was sent into a spin of lulwut. So they talked about … Continue reading

Posted in Damon Baker, DOCUMENTATION, Journals, Lab Reports, PROJECTS | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Notes ‘n Stuff! Anaconda

Present: Gabby, Xuemin and Remy \Woohoo we got some !@#$ to work! Ok so Anaconda is awesome. We followed through with tutorials on how to make an environment and how to install stuff to an environment Having success in both of these … Continue reading

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