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Phase #4

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Final Compositions. 

It was very challenging to obtain this two final composition and be capable of to present the specific aspect need it. An obvious and an ambiguous composition are presented in this pictures. I considerate that both compositions still keep the presence of organic figures, and the simplicity is emphasized by being black and white or white and black images. In addition, framing both pictures made easy to transmit to the paper. I had some issue to take the final composition because I scanned both of them.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Lost & found: Phase 4

In this project I learned things that I would have never noticed before. I was able to capture an image of something random and turn it into a piece of art. I used to walk past things on the streets without paying attention now through this project I carefully inspect the object and everything surrounding it. I could have improved my work by using better materials to give it a very interesting look. What I learned from this project I will carry on to the next and improve my skills to bring out every detail.

Lost and Found 4: Phase 4

This is my ambiguous image

This is my obvious image








By the end of the project, I believe, that this project was quite interesting in its own unique ways. I think that it let me get really creative and letting me use the real world, as a way to influence my images. I think that I was able to learn a few new things. I was able to distinguish and even create my own original obvious and ambiguous images.

Lost and found 4

This project helped me noticed and realized that there is art in many different ways and form all around us. My progress on this project was okay but i feel like I could have done better when it came to details, materials required and communicating with the professor to have a better understanding. However I did have fun doing project and I will try my best on future project.

Lost & Found: Phase 4

What I learned from this project is that anything can be simplified thru design, and can be used to communicate/represent something. Things I feel that I could have done better was to try not to focus so much on the detail and the lines, instead focus on shapes and finding the shapes in everything. On my next project, I will look for shapes in the image and find ways to simplify an image.

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Lost and Found: Phase 4

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project. Taking all the photos as I walked around different neighborhoods opened my eyes to everything around me and how interesting and intricate they could be. I was happy with a lot of the photos I took, and even ended up using some for my other course I’m enrolled in.

Having the project guidelines and following the process/phases helped me complete the project seamlessly, as well as teach me how to approach my work, and I’m sure that will help me in any future projects I work on in and out of this course.

I feel like I could have improved on my usage of tracing paper; I haven’t really used it before, but in the end I did manage to transfer my sketches over to bristol paper for inking. Although they were flipped, the overall composition of my work was preserved and I was ultimately happy with the end result.

Here are the links to my posts for each phase of this project, displaying my progress and process for this project: Phase 1 , Phase 2 , Phase 3