Author Archives: Akshay Patel

Museum visit- Akshay Patel

Jeffrey Veregge: Of Gods and Heroes

The artwork on the top is of Hulk from marvel. The background is green and shows the hulk however the foreground is hard to tell, it looks like the square blocks shows hulks muscles, which is true. However, those square blocks represent strength, the wings on his arms and legs represent flight showing he can jump high.

The way the background and foreground is by adding physical symbols on the background (the character) which represent actions and have meaning behind each symbols.

The artwork of Hulk relates to my selfie in a way. Both the artwork and the selfies backgrounds are green. Like the artwork, there are shapes which help create a facial structure on my selfie.

Jeffrey Veregge : Of Gods and Heroes


National Museum of the American Indians



I enjoyed doing this project, at first I thought this was going to be a easy project. However, once I started going out on the streets looking for the perfect crack or stain on the ground I was met with frustration, it took me a while to actually find a crack that represents a letter or word. In the end, my Imagination skills became sharp.

ColorYourSelfie-5 deliver

During this project I had the opportunity to explore and work with Photoshop and self educate myself on how to use the tools in the software to edit my selfie and make it look nice. It was hard at first but after playing around in the program and watching a few tutorials I was able to complete the project and with it gain some experience in photoshop.

TxTure & Pattern-4.Develop in ink

Fence: This image is an example how the shadows make up a dark part of an image. With the sun shining it’s light  for the right side which helps create a dark and light sides to the fence. Using only lines and letters I used heavy tipped ink to create a shadow on the fence.

Tree: This image is an example of how contrast works with a image. I used lines to and with heavy ink marker I created a more contrast side to the tree and also with the words I made the typefaces bolder.

Lost & found: Phase 4

In this project I learned things that I would have never noticed before. I was able to capture an image of something random and turn it into a piece of art. I used to walk past things on the streets without paying attention now through this project I carefully inspect the object and everything surrounding it. I could have improved my work by using better materials to give it a very interesting look. What I learned from this project I will carry on to the next and improve my skills to bring out every detail.