Wix Playground

The networking event I attended was at  Wix Playground, Debbie Millman was doing live interview recording of Giorgia Lupi an information designer, artist and entrepreneur. I chose this networking event because I am currently taking an info graphics class. It was easy to relate to the speaker and also be inspired by her work. I introduced myself to Michelle Gevint, the photographer at the event. Since I am also interested in photography I approached to ask how did she receive the photography gig. Gevint said that she was a freelancer and most of her photography jobs are from people that recommended her. Her passion is art, but she enjoys photography as well. I was able to connect with her on linkedIn, and follow her Instagram page. She also offered to look at my work and offer me tips to improve. I loved the space at Wix Playground, the had food and wine and gave out some interesting pins.