Wix Playground Networking Event

Giorgia Lupi said “If everything is organize then you’ll have time to think about other things.” Organization is important, it’s the reason many people carry an planner, or have serious of excel documents. Organization is specially important in design, which is why we have a grid system. The quote above by Giorgia Lupi speaks the truth of life, even in design; if everything in organize, then you’ll be able to think of new designs. When sketching organization is key because something you might consider a doodle can turn into a concept for your next project. The Networking event I went to was at Wix Playground, where Debbie Millman interviewed Giorgia Lupi. Debbie Millman is an American writer, educator, artist, curator and designer who is best known as the host of the podcast Design Matters. Lupi is an Italian information designer and co-founder of data-driven research and design firm Accurat. She is a co-author of Dear Data, a collection of hand drawn data visualizations, along with award-winning information designer Stefanie Posavec.

Giorgia Lupi didn’t initially study design instead she got her degree on architecture, designing floor plans and dealing with rules and measurements. Architecture helped her with the organization of her work, creating manual drawing, creating hierarchy, creating things in layers and as well as importance of line weight. Giorgia Lupi is also co-owner of Accurat Studio, this studio is data driven. Her clients provide the data and her and her team make it visually enjoyable. She states that data is an abstraction of life, meaning that without human interaction you wouldn’t have data. When working on a project she asks “what are you trying to show?” Giorgia Lupi also had rules that shape her life and some interesting new year resolution: increase her yoga practice, keep deadlines and finding different creative projects.

The networking event was actually a live recording for the podcast Design Matters; which meant that while the interview was going on everyone had to be really quiet. At the end there was a Q&A session. The space at Wix Playground was amazing, they had food and refreshments. They gave up pins and had a section to sign up for their newsletter. There was also a book signing; the book was really interesting because it was a journal for data that you collect around your life. As you can see by the pictures the event was pack, most of the audience were students from Millman’s class. 


I chose this networking event because I am currently taking an info graphics class. It was easy to relate to the speaker and also be inspired by her work. I introduced myself to Michelle Gevint, the photographer at the event. Since I am also interested in photography I approached to ask how did she receive the photography gig. Gevint said that she was a freelancer and most of her photography jobs are from people that recommended her. Her passion is art, but she enjoys photography as well. I was able to connect with her on linkedIn, and follow her Instagram page. She also offered to look at my work and offer me tips to improve.    

Lorinda Mamo said “even great design begins with an even better story,” this is true for most cases, especially if the design can from a doodle you made during a long trip, or class or event a very long meeting. One take away from the interview was to always carry pen and paper because you never know when an idea will come. What better way to present your design than with a story. Sometimes we don’t really see the design in our minds until its actually drawing on paper. Although it was my first time knowing of Giorgia Lupi and Debbie Williams is great to be expose to their work and further expand my knowledge in design.