Video Project

Inspired by film-making that documents “the strangeness and beauty of the ordinary—of everyday lives.” The assignment was to capture what you do for fun through a collection of shots, that will amount to a short film. Keeping in mind that the video should communicate the essence of something I like to do for fun. When I hear the prompt I completely forgot all the things I do for fun, so instead I started brainstorming of my day to day schedule. My schedule involves working two jobs and going to school, therefore the most obvious solution was to capture things I see while n the train.

The first step to creating a video: brainstorming

While brainstorming I realize of only a few things I see which is homeless people, people waiting for the train, musician & artist, plus we can’t forget about showtime. So for the sketches below I drew some videos that were needed for my video unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture showtime but did capture some amazing artist at different station.

The second step: thinking of possible shots.


What’s Better than New York

Watch my final video by clicking on the link above. Although the prompt was to communicate the essence of something I like to do for fun, I made the choose of capturing the reason why New York is the city of possibility and what I like to watch while changing trains between stations. I was able to capture amazing artist, through the video I wanted to create the feeling of a memory, and to depict how great New York is from the moment the train arrives. I tried to capture the idea that at any age or any talent you have, New York is the city to show it too. I hope you enjoy and don’t forget New York is concrete jungle where dreams are made of.