Noble Desktop

I attended a session at Noble Desktop where Amit Schwartz discussed the different types of graphic designers. I learned the difference between UX and UI. I attended this session because I wanted to learn more and to see if my interest would grow, which it did. It was also a learning experience because he provided great examples of other designer’s work, something we also need; exposure to other designers. I learned that UX anticipates the customer’s needs with research, product development, user testing and more. Whatever you’re designing it should be enjoyable and user-friendly, again it should fill a purpose. Part of the research is a process where you built personas. Personas are different portfolios where you make certain specifications: age group, race, gender, etc, what the need and set a target audience. The following step is using wireframes: sketches of elements that will be used, then that creating prototypes: interactive representation of how the product will operate. Next is usability testing, creating experiments where one can observe, create questionnaires and recordings to further communicate in English of the results. I learned that UI Design is the visuals of digital products such as apps and websites. The designer is in charge of designing the layout, type, color, composition, and visuals. Unlike print UI also includes user interaction and animation.  It was interesting to see the different examples provided of fun interactive web designs. Another interesting element of UI UXIUI are distinct fields, but they can overlap, and smaller companies may combine those roles. Schwartz explained that at a large company, UX designers may focus on a single aspect of UX (research, design, user testing, etc) and a UI designer may focus exclusively on the visual design. He also discussed different apps that are being used within the field and gave a couple of examples of designer’s portfolios. I want my portfolio to have as much versatile and being able to expand on UXIUI will definitely be very beneficial to me.