Networking Event : Design Driven NYC (A FirstMark Event) at Buzzfeed


I met four different speakers Matthew Strom, Laura Hahn, Andrew Crowned Jake Appel. Matthew Strom is Design Director of the Wall Street Journal his overall presentation was helpful to identify the things I don’t want design to be. I was able to connect with two of the speakers Based on his presentation I don’t want design to be lonely, I want to create with different people, be more accepting to feedback, and “make failure safe.”  Strom’s presentation also included a link to a workshop all designers should try to improve design principles as a team Laura Hahn is head of design at Priceline. Part of her presentation, was that in the industry we are designing very linear design, meaning that we are more focused with the set of design principles, instead of more free and interesting design. Hahn’s presentation also thought me to push myself to work with more people to add different styles to design. At the end of the meeting, I was able to introduce myself to Sofia Millares, a worker at BuzzFeed, and ask her for future opportunities at BuzzFeed. Hopefully, I can work there, the space was amazing and they had a snack bar for their workers. Also, I introduced myself to someone sitting next to me, although I don’t remember his name, he recommended to get myself familiarize with UXIUI design. I was already curious about UXIUI, now hearing a suggestion from a stranger made me look further into the class course. Overall, an productive networking event.