Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020


Tell the class about yourself. Your background, experience, your goals.


Hello everyone, My name is Daniel Ortiz. My Major is Communication Design because I’ve always been interested in illustration and design. My reading ranges from manga to science fiction.

I consider myself a vintage toy collector. During my free time I like to draw, watch movies and play the bass.
I hope to use what I have learned in this course and potentially apply it to my illustrations and designs.

In addition, it will also allow me the ability to criticize and discuss about corporate identity design with other people.

Introduction – Week1

Hello Everyone.
My name is Anna. I am a lower senior with just two more semesters following this one.

I grew up in manhattan, but I enjoy exploring all of the boroughs. My hobbies range but painting, and photography are my go to. I also enjoy biking, my two cats, almost anything fantasy, watching anime, hanging with friends and getting a good bite to eat.

Through this course I hope to gain more skills and comfortability with the creative process.

When I started at CityTech I wanted to be a graphic designer/medical illustrator. Since then medical illustrating is still on my list of to do’s, but first I would like to work for an agency and gain firsthand experience.


Hello, my name is Virginia Sanchez and I am a junior at City Tech under the Communications Design major. Although I focus on Graphic design in my education I find myself drawing in my free time. I am quiet but friendly. Along with drawing, I really enjoy watching movies and Japanese animation. Some of my favorite directors include Satoshi Kon, Quentin Tarantino, and Hayao Miyasaki, I love most if not all their work.


Hi, My name is Yaowen Li. I was not born in US, and I came to New York 7 years ago from China. English is not my first language and I’ll will keep catching up. This is my fourth years in CityTech.  My major is Communication Design and focus on Motion Design. Every time I watch movie, like famous director James Cameron or Christopher Nolan’s movie. I always focus on how they make or do the editing. And I’d like to shoot my own video too. That’s why I’m in the Motion Design major.


My name is Yan, but just call me by my last name(LI). I’m a senior, Graphic design Major. I have one more semester left after this one. I hope to learn and improve my skills.


Hi everyone my name is Nicole Harripersad and i just became a senior for this semester. Im a COMD student who’s main focus is illustration and graphic design but most importantly illustration. I love to draw, paint, and use different types of markers in art. I also like using the Software Procreate with my illustrative work and Photoshop and Indesign. Hopefully when I graduate with my bachelors for the spring of 2021 Ill be continuing to go back to school again in the fall as a grad student and working on becoming a art teacher. My goal in life is to push myself into the art field more, and earn my Masters in Fine Arts so I can be the one to also teach art and graphic design In universities in Staten island because in Staten Island there isn’t enough graphic design programs being taught and I want to be the to be able to create more graphic design learning studies and techniques for people in Staten Island because there are so many children here who love to learn about graphic design and it isn’t fair that they don’t have any college courses to teach that here on staten island and students have to travel far to another borough or even a next state just to learn graphic design. I hope one day when I finish my masters I can implement what I learned from city tech and whichever grad school I go to next year and apply it to the colleges here on staten island so children and other future undergrad students can get a chance to learn about graphic design.


My name is Matthew, if you want I go by the nickname “Matt”. This is my fourth year in this school, my major is communication design and I want to be a graphic designer. I enjoy doing page layouts, business cards, logos, and I want to get better at illustrating. My hopes for this class is that I will begin to grow as a graphic designer and develop more skills in the future.


My name is Ashli Barker and I’m currently starting my last year. My major is Communication Design and I’ll be graduating in Spring 2021. I transferred here in spring 2019 from Kingsborough and I want to be an illustrator. I chose this major because I want to be an artist but there were no other majors that seemed to match up to my needs. What I hope to get out of this class is a better understanding of design and how to properly recognize and execute the needs of my clients when I become a freelancer.


My name is Jonathan Valero I am part of the COMD department I am currently focusing on graphic design. I chose to come to this school because I actually want to be a video game developer but that felt like too niche a job so I figured I could get a degree with a larger net. so I just hope I continue to learn new skills from this course for the future.


Hello everyone, my name is Nicole Biggs and my major is Communication Design ( graphic design).I chose this major because I knew I wanted a career in the Arts but didn’t know what field would best suit me; Communication Design would give me the opportunity to learn a little of everything and apply it to graphic design.This is my senior year at city tech and my estimated graduation spring 2021 with my Bachelors Degree.When I graduate from City Tech I hope that I would both freelance and work for a corporation.I hope this class will help me understand how to identify what’s good for both me and my future clients.



Hey, my name is Darwin Cruz. I am currently in my last year, and should be able to graduated by Fall 2021, with my Bachelors Degree. I was a transfer student that was precisely attending LaGuardia Community College, but soon transfer to City Tech in 2018, in order to get me closer to achieve my goal, which is to go into advertising. By the end of this semester, I hope  this class will be able to improve my skills on branding and help me get a better understanding of branding and design in general.