Eva Machauf | COMD 3501 OL26 | Fall 2020

Author: Li Yan

Paul Rand

After reading and watching “How to design an enduring logo: Lessons from IBM and Paul Rand I felt the big difference that stands out to me is the design of the IBM logo. The article talks about how the IBM logo was created, and the different ways it can be used for. ” The logo’s design did not happen overnight.” They spend much more time working on it. On the other hand, Paula Scher’s Citi bank design was just done in a second, on a piece of tissue paper. Like Paula Scher said sometimes you need to forget the brief and do what you’ve never done before.

Paula Scher: Do What You’ve Never Done Before

After watching “Paula Scher: Do What You’ve Never Done Before” I always can learn something new and get inspired by her work. I repeat a lot of time when she takes about the logo for Pittsburgh. she said “so sometimes just ignore the brief and go and do it especially when you’re not getting paid to use Pittsburgh and you have nothing to lose. It kinda reminds me of a YouTuber, when he has nothing to lose, he tries to be a YouTuber and achieve his goal. I like it when she talks about the MoMA project, about how they should communicate with each other in an easier way so they can do more work and use less time.

Paula Scher : Artist Series

I remember Paula Scher when I’m taking the history class. When first looking at her work, I was shocked about how she has done all these designs and sketches by hand. Her hands are powerful. During her time, she all she got was her hand, it’s not like now we got a computer, we can go online to get ideas from others. When she talks about how the music typography was design to look like it makes noise and how it became an identity, a style of public theatre. I love it! I love her the maps that she sketches. I agree with her that design is something that you work by hand. When she talks about the logo of Citi bank, I can’t imagine she done that logo in a second. Everything is in her head.

“The Art of Logo Design”

“The Art of Logo Design” Each logo expresses a particular feeling and meaning that bring to people. as time changes, the logo changes too. It feels great to see how each logo changes and the meanings behind it. I love the phrase” its an identifier but its also something that stands in for who you are”


My name is Yan, but just call me by my last name(LI). I’m a senior, Graphic design Major. I have one more semester left after this one. I hope to learn and improve my skills.