RAB Source Entry #2 – Gary


Source Entry #2


Part 1 MLA Citation 

 Food Desk, The New York Times. “How Eating out Has Changed, from the Menu to the Tip.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Sept. 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/09/07/dining/restaurant-changes.html. 

Part 2 Summary

  This article named “How Eating out Has Changed” written by the New York Times talks about how the pandemic brought a new idea “La Fresco” , a concept which is fine dining. In order for restaurants to get their business back on track they made a variety of changes due to the help restrictions, also requesting proof of vaccination or you would not be allowed to attend the restaurant. With Covid-19 spreading like wildfire, restaurants had to improvise and adapt to the apps, delivery, takeout, drive throughs and outside dining. The pandemic kept many New Yorkers so when restaurants were open again consumers could not wait to go out with their families, friends and coworkers to experience the new concept. Restaurant went as far to build cabins, yurts, even added air conditioners, heaters, plexiglass to separate consumers to respect their customers privacy.       

Part 3A Reflection/Genre Analysis

   I agree with the information written in this paper because it’s not biased, it comes from different people’s research which makes me more interested. A significant quote to me was “The pandemic has brought a host of new developments that could last a while”. One question I do have is why are there so many different topics in one article. If I could speak with the author I would ask for less writers in the article so it can be more interesting. The article tells me that even though we were hit by a pandemic that was unpredictable, owners had to close down their restaurants. When they were opening back up they were determined to get back to normal and try out this new concept that improved the sales and revenue, and the way the future of restaurants will look.

Part 3B Rhetorical/Genre Analysis

    There are so many different writers involved in this article it would not be fair to judge them off of it because it was interesting, there are multiple writers with different styles. The writers in the article are trying to show other restaurants that it’s possible to save your business and/or  and there is a new concept they should try. I think the genre is restaurants and it describes the rises in certain organizations the were doing bad at the beginning of the pandemic; but they adapted to the new trends and were able to manage what they had. The reason the writers wrote this article was to inform everyone that there are some positive opportunities for people who like to go out to eat and people in the restaurant industry.

Part 4 Notable Quotables

“The pandemic has brought a host of new developments that could last a while”   

1 thought on “RAB Source Entry #2 – Gary”

  1. Your summary could be better on the MIs and Supporting details, but you are definitely on the right track.

    Reflection and rhetorical anaylsis parts: Actually you have some good points in these parts. You can keep a good part of this Reflection. I can tell you did your own reflecting on the article — that is good. When you revise your summary to include more specific points, then in the Reflection part, you can add-in a few specific thoughts on your personal reflection / your opinion about the outdoor cabins, the QR code menus, the drive through.

    Your choice of notable quotable is good.

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