Final Course Reflection

Final Course Reflection 

Dear Class:

I have enjoyed our class this semester, and I’m so proud of your dedication and resilience. It’s been a difficult semester, but I hope you will reflect back and say you had fun too!  As teachers, we have is a lot to learn from you as students.  Undoubtedly, I will teach ENG 1101 Co again, so I appreciate your feedback on what worked well for you this semester and what needs adjustment for the future. 

As the Final Reflection, you will write a letter to me (Start with Dear Professor Wu,) evaluating our course from your perspective.  This Reflection Letter is absolutely required to receive a Final Grade for the course and is part of the Final Portfolio Grade.  You should feel free to be frank and constructive and compassionate and add any additional comments and insights you may have. 

I have enjoyed teaching each one of you.  Many thanks for your time, good luck on all your finals, and have a wonderful winter holiday! 

Best Wishes,

Professor Wu


2 pages, typed as a letter beginning:  Dear Professor Wu,

MS Word Doc submission to 1. Blackboard and 2. GDrive

Due Friday, December 17

  • Salutation: Start your letter with:  Dear Professor Wu,
  • Body:  To write the body of the letter, use the questions below to write a short paragraph for each of the 5 sections.  You will have 5 paragraphs for the body of your letter. You may have more to say on some questions/sections than others, and that’s OK. Don’t put the numbers or copy the questions, just turn your answers into a paragraph for each section.
  • Closing: Close with a proper sign-off: Sincerely,

I. Reflecting back on the semester as a whole:

  1. Which was your favorite reading of this semester? Why?
  2. Which was your favorite writing assignment? Why?
  3. How did you enjoy working on the Reflective Annotative Bibliography?
  4. Which was your least favorite reading and writing assignment? Why?—Readings for Fall 2021 semester: Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the Classroom,” ,Frederick Douglass’s “Learning to Read,” Malcolm X’s “Prison Studies,” Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue,” José Olivarez’s poem “Mexican American Ambiguation” or his essay “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing,” Annie Correal’s “Love and Black Lives on a Brooklyn Street,” Barack Obama, Chapter 4 Dreams from My Father

II.  Technology

5. How did you manage online learning in our class?

6. Do you have any suggestions on activities to improve student participation?

7. Did you turn on your camera in our synchronous class? Would you have preferred to see your fellow classmates’ faces?  Why or why not?

III. Teacher/Class

8. Which of the writing or revision strategies we practiced in English 1101 Co can you imagine carrying with you to other courses? which strategies?  which courses?

9. Did you ever meet with me individually? If yes, was the visit productive?

10. Think back on the written comments I have given you on your papers. Which kind of comments were the most helpful?  Least helpful?  Why?

11. What specific suggestions do you have for changes to the class?

IV. Outside of Class Activities

  • 12. Were you able to attend the Soho Memory Keeper talk? What was the value to you?
  • 13. Did you do one of the extra credit assignments? Which one? Was the activity worthwhile for you?
  • 14. How many times did you meet with the Writing Tutors? Were these meetings productive for you?

V. You as a Student

  • 15. How would you evaluate your own progress as a writer over the course of this semester? In what ways are you now stronger?  In what areas do you need more practice?  How would you evaluate your participation in class?  In what ways have you contributed?
  • 16. If you could change one thing about your own participation in class this semester, what would it be?
  • 17. If you work outside of school, how many hours? What is your job?  Do you think this work interferes with or enhances your schoolwork?  Explain.