Outline OP-ED – Gentian Dumani

  1. Introduction 
  •  A. HOOK: Open with question “Are students even learning anything”
  •  B. Give a brief explanation of what I experience with remote learning
  • Give a description of what has changed from transitioning (add detail)
  • Ex. # of students, class hours, participation in class, Assignments/exams, etc….
  1. Personal narrative 
  • A. Give an explanation of how I struggled through online learning
  • B. Provide information showing how students in the United States has been struggling with learning loss
  • Use information from gathered from “The pandemic hurt these students the most” by Sarah Mershov
  1. Introduce my argument 
  • A. Hook: open with a statistic or fact that the can be found shocking
  • B. State how I believe school districts should extend the school year to overcome learning deficits 
  1. My reasoning
  • A. State why I believe the school year should be extended 
  • B. Give any necessary information from credible source to further my argument
  1. Conclusion (My message)
  • My message is to encourage school districts to make the school year longer. Education is a very important aspect to many students. Losing out on something so important can take away future opportunities for success. I will end my paper with a very powerful sentence that I have not thought about yet :(.

2 thoughts on “Outline OP-ED – Gentian Dumani”

  1. Agree. I think you have a good idea. Kids would learn more and need to learn more in an extended school season.

    However, you will obviously have to include a counterargument. How will you defend the longer school year against the many like Richard who would definitely oppose your idea!

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