Outline (Graphic Novel)-Devin T.

Sorry for the penmanship. After my meeting with the writing center to discuss my genre, I decided 11 pages of content would be enough as well as including a disclaimer page. Mainly due to me wanting to include a scene thats graphic and potentially a bit traumatizing.

2 thoughts on “Outline (Graphic Novel)-Devin T.”

  1. Nice story board pictures.

    Reminder to make sure your story line has elements, events, character personalities, struggles, conflicts, etc that come from your research. Right?

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!!

    1. Yeah I made a note to make sure I do that in the bottom right corner. I wanted to make sure that I used my research in my project or else it would have been for nothing really. I’m in the process of a rough draft right now so I can at least have a skeleton to work and edit off of.

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