Outline Op-Ed Project – David Antwi

I. Introduction

  • A. HOOK : The eruption of the pandemic led to a lot of disruption in the flow of our daily lives. Many things took a big hit, but one important aspect that has affected everybody’s life is our health.
  • B:More explanation on ways human health was heavily impacted.
  • C:In addition, elaborating more on how this huge impact has affected our world we live n today.

II. Personal Narrative

  • A: Personal experiences will all be included in ways that my health was impacted due to the pandemic.
  • B:Additional personal experiences added on the impacts it had on my health after the pandemic cooled down a bit. How I adjusted and what I did or didn’t do to stay in shape.

III. Advice

  • A: Adapting to working out at home.
  • B:Learning to control certain eating habits

IV. Resources

  • A: Previous bibliography done.
  • B: More research will be done to obtain more accurate research.

V. Conclusion/Closure

  • A: I feel like nowadays the health aspect of the human lives is not really talked about that much. I want to or at least try to bring awareness to it and how important it is to stay in shape without using the excuse of the pandemic. I will end by educating others on how important it is to stay in shape and benefits you obtain from staying healthy.

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