RAB Source Entry 1 -Anthony Clement

Part 1: MLA Citation

Beames, Charles. “Ai in Space and Its Future Use in Warfare.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 19 Jan. 2023, https://www.forbes.com/sites/charlesbeames/2022/12/21/ai-in-space-and-its-future-use-in-warfare/?sh=5212fc2d3962

Part 2: Summary

In the passage “AI In Space And Its Future Use In Warfare

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Anthony Clement

I agree with Berliner’s claim in this article that schools are killing curiosity. I’ve experienced the scene that she demonstrated in the beginning of her article, while in the middle of a lessons I’ve asked a questions somewhat but not …

Annotated Source 1 – Anthony Clement

Source 1

Hardy, Quentin. “Artificial Intelligence for the Next War.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 12 May 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/13/technology/artificial-intelligence-for-the-next-war.html.

Source 2

Middendorf, J. William. “Opinion/Middendorf: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare.” The Providence Journal, …

Mother Tongue and When I was PR – Anthony Clement

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

“But to me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It’s my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped …