
I am doing pretty OK on my research parper proposal so far. I need to focus on one question on the topic instead of two, and working on my grammar. My research paper  topic is about online privacy. I mainly search  articles on the internet. Some of them are pretty interesting and useful. I hope I can find more relevant information later on to support my thesis statement. I am start to look for scholar articles and news articles for my paper.  My biggest concern about research paper right now is plagiarize the information instead writing it doe to my language problem.

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Research Journal

When I get my research assignment, the problem I encountered with is what to write about. I knew that I supposed to write about something related to technology, but what about technology. Since there are so many things about technology then I started reading badke chapter 2 “Taking charge” in which he explained what to do in this kind of situation. As he said, read through your assignment analyze it and see what question comes into your mind. And then try to answer that question through your research. Don’t just summarize what you have read. His knowledge and information about research proved really helpful for me. So I started gathering information about technology and I end up with a question and now I am writing about that question.

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4 important parts of a search engine

If we want to find specified information in a database, the most common method to use would be the search engine, otherwise known as an information retrieval (IR) system. Examples of search engines include Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Blekko, and many others. The search engine consists of four important modules: document processor; query processor; search and matching function; ranking capability. The document processor’s role is preparing, processing, and inputting document, pages, or site that users want to find. Query processing is when a system uses several steps to match the query to the inverted file during the processing. Searching and matching function is usually a standard binary, search and looks for inverted files for documents to meet with query requirements. After that comes the ranking, an ordered list of search results presented to the user. For example, Wikipedia would show up as one of the top results during a search process. Search engines are a useful feature to have and without them, it would be hard to find the required information you want in the pile of databases.

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Post for 3/19

Chapter 3 of Badke was quite an enlightening read, as I finished the first few subsections I thought about how much I really agreed with him. Every time I search for something in a database it would give me an unreadable amount of sources that may or may not have any use to me. I loved his analogy for keyword searching the “friend” that you can only trust to a certain point because they can also hurt you depending on what information you give them. This is most definitely the same as keywords because if you type the wrong keyword or word it differently sometimes you can get a lot of information that has no use to you and other times the different wording can help you a lot personally I feel this is a trial and error process. By using synonyms for different words can also help you to keep your search centered around one topic but across 2  separate words. also the difference between the search terms are very different when compared to Google when I use or and “and” in a search on Google sometimes I don’t get anything that I was expecting but with a database it seems to work better even if Google is technically a “Database”.

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Research Proposal – Journal

One of the major difficulties that I have encountered while I was working on my research proposal is finding accurate information when using google as my search engine. When I used google I got many unnecessary information but when I used another search engine for example I got more accurate information and I wasn’t being advertised more than being given information. One of the strategies I gained was learning that they’re is better search engines than google. I learned how to use databases and the schools library to collect information from my computer which helped me a lot while doing my research proposal. I also learned a lot more about my topic.


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Preliminary research

So far my research for this topic has been relatively superficial. My topic is rather new, in general it is how web 2.0 and other media outlets are affecting the lives of strictly religious communities. My biggest hurdle so far is that there are not many scholarly sources to pull from. I have found several blogs, first person directives that deal exclusively with this topic, and other articles that help in supporting my thesis. I am still searching for something published in a journal. In order to find this I am going to broaden my search slightly by searching for a few articles correlating the web and livelihood in general. From there I am hoping to find something that will be more specific to my needs.

Jessica Bilikiewicz

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Journal Entry-Research Topic Proposal

Dear Journal,

So far, my proposal is going well. It’s about copyright and fair use. I submitted my proposal to Prof. Leonard and she says that it’s too “general”. Give me a break. Also, I’m still researching on my topic so that not only I can get a decent grade but to impress the professor because I want to show my potential in this class. As of now,  I have no difficulties with my research at this time. My strategies is to focus more on facts and be more specific rather than too general, as Prof. Leonard pointed out. Also, I have no questions that need answers so I can simply say that I’m okay for now. If I happen to have anything that I want to release from the mind, I’ll let the professor know myself. This is what I can write for now and I will write again in the future. Later!


Virgilio Samo III

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Notes from today (3/14) and reading and blogging assignments for Tuesday 3/19

Today we discussed the research process, including how to generate a focused research question that addresses a problem or issue that needs to be solved. Slides from today are available here. On Tuesday we’ll continue our discussion of the research process, focusing on refining a topic and developing search strategies. Please read the following from the Badke textbook: Appendix 1 pp. 223-257, review chapter 3, pp. 42-48.

Tuesday’s blog post is a research journal post. Please answer the following questions in one post of at least 100 words:

You are working on choosing a topic and developing a research question for your paper. What difficulties (if any) have you encountered as you work on your research proposal?
What strategies (if any) have you used successfully during this work?
What questions (if any) do you have about the assignment?

If you emailed me your research topic proposal, I’ll give you feedback and a provisional grade by Monday. I distributed guidelines for the annotated bibliography in class; we will discuss this assignment further in the upcoming week.

Enjoy the weekend!
~Prof. Leonard

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Chapter 3: Database / Search Engine

What is a Database? According to Badke, Databases are  any kind of colllection data that can be retrieved using organized search procedures. He explained how many people today can be expert at searching things on the computer by using keywords and other websites. What they do not know is how to search for a Database properly. That is when the search Engine (Information Retrival (I.R) system) comes to play. In Liddy Elizabeth’s article, she explained how researchers and develppers have more advantage of using the system than the consumers. I agree with her because like Badke eplained in the above, people just use keywords and want the system to find what they really want. But that is not how it works. Lets take Google as a simple example. If you are typing a common name such as Washington, Google might give you more than 5,0000 articles about it. And this is  the part where people starts to be lost when it comes to researching. Why? the keywords you used have a lot of meaning to the system and  because you were not specific, it provided you that much information about Washington. Now, what you do is absolutely not wrong but takes too much of your time for the research and I am pretty sure no one wants to stay too long researching something. We all want quick results. To conclude, how do we use Database and Search Engine properly? the key is very simple. ” You need to know that most Database use descriptive records that stand in a place of an actual content when you search” -Badke. In other words, being specific.


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badke chapter 3

Reading chapter 3 in Badke gave my confidence that I can do this research paper. Everytime ive ever did a research paper I gather all m information and for the most part just restate what I’ve read. That explains why  always get the grade I get. I need to give more information and solutions to the problem. When he spoke about you having a mad bash ir becoming a mad bash thats how I would be. When doing a research paper you have so much information you donyknow where to start. He gave some good ideas and how to do it in steps will make it less complex. The biggest thing I got from it was dont panic

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