Research Journal

My time experimenting with Google and Google scholar in class was not very useful but when I started to play around with it at home I was able to get very useful results. I tend not to use regular Google for this type of research but it is good for finding magazine and or online articles which I like about it. But Google scholar makes it easier to find books and database articles I have already chosen 3 articles so far to use for my research paper. I often compared the data to Wikipedia because I was curious on the accuracy of Wikipedia. While I don’t plan on ever citing a Wikipedia page it was fun to see that most information is close to or pretty accurate I am sure that probably depends on the page because some pages people love to destroy and mess with them.

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Journal Entry 2

In class I tried the which I was a fan off. I liked Google Scholars because it was very informative and proper. It was easy to use like a normal google search and not to complicated. It also found many information and allowed me to choose in which library I wanted to look in. I found many great and useful information on Google Scholars than a regular google search engine. Also the information I found was reliable and I felt comfortable using. The information I found on Google Scholar that’s different a from the basic Google search, is that there was articles and journal entries meanwhile on the search engine I saw wiki & other unreliable resources. I haven’t inquired any difficulties using Google Scholar because I think it is very similar to the typical search engine.

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Research Journal Blog Post 2

I found it more confusing using the advanced search strategies. I’m much more comfortable using the common search engines like google, yahoo etc. Using a new one would more than likely slow down my research altogether. However these advanced search engines are more specific and gives me better, or more useful information. The only downside is that I have to take extra time in learning how to use the more advanced engines. Specifically with citeseerx, I see they give you any page that contains one of your keywords, even if the page doesn’t contain all of your keywords. I guess to decide which search engine to use is dependent on your research topic.

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Journal #2

I guess my research goes well so far. I used Google Scholar to search for scholar sources. It pretty helpful. I just typed keywords in seach engine bar, and it pulled out many pretty useful articles. I found more articles that is more useful and relevant for my topic on Google Scholar than regular search engine. But there are also some problems I encounter. One of problem is there is choosing articles. There is too many articles to choose even though most of them are can use for my research. I just hope I have enough useful sources to write my research paper.

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google vs google scholar

It could just be me, but I found that the online scholarly sources were frustrating and somewhat unhelpful. I would either get a search result where the download had to be purchase or the results were not what I was looking for. Also there were a few that had the PDF’s online, however when tried to download it, the file wouldn’t open. At first I thought it was just the computer I was currently using, but after trying to gain access on several other devices I realized that wasn’t the case. Google Scholar is the only one that was remotely helpful. The main difference between the regular search engine and the scholarly engines is how precise you need to be with your wording when using the scholarly engine. To me it is not as dynamic as the regular search engine. Overall using a regular search engine gave me more useful results.

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Journal entry #2

While In class I experimented with Google Scholar for the first time using a few different approaches. I started with an and/or search but was not obtaining any useful results. I then tried natural language but was obtaining to many unrelated hits. My most successful searches were natural language phrases in quotations marks. I found a variety abstracts and books which I did not have full access to online. While I kept these as possible physical searches for the future I wanted an instant article that I could download and read immediately. I searched with the same parameters in basic Google and discovered several magazine articles and 1st person blogs about my topic. Although these are not scholarly sources they make a great starting point for my paper.

Jessica bilikiewicz

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Research Journal Entry #2

Dear Journal,

So far, my research is going well. I found an actual copyright website which allows you to submit your idea so it can be protected. The site is like a whole new world with many sights to see. One source can lead to other sources. Luckily, led me to more information. Of course I have to find sources other than the internet. I went to some libraries close to my home and found some good books. I left them in my home so I really don’t remember the titles. Anyway, my spring break could of been better. Wanna know why? My stupid home computer couldn’t translate my topic proposal. Sucks, doesn’t it? Prof. Leonard is probably pissed off at me for not submitting my final proposal. I hope she doesn’t have anything in store for me. In other words, I better submit that proposal and hope for the best.


Virgilio Samo III

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Research journal

I went to three libraries thus far, and obtained three books. One book I know for sure is not what is needed for my paper. The other two I will look more in depth. I have to get some sort of a news source, two of the them, but not from the Internet. Where are they stored? In libraries? How likely is the topic of my paper located in today’s paper?

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Guidelines for the research paper outline are now on the course site

hi everyone,

Hope that spring break is off to a great start for you all. The guidelines for the research paper outline are now on the course site; I’ll distribute them on paper when we meet again on April 4. Remember that the annotated bibliography is due on April 9, and the research paper outline is due on April 16. Please get in touch with any questions you have about these assignments.

Prof. L.

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Notes from today (3/21) and reading and blogging assignments for Thursday, April 4

Today’s topic was advanced internet searching. You all had the opportunity to search for (and hopefully find!) scholarly information sources on your research topics. You may have used Google scholar, or perhaps tried another online archive of scholarly sources; Badke recommends the following:

•Citeseerx –
•Scirus –
•ArXiv –
The use of citation managers such as Easybib and Zotero was also covered; if you had a chance to create your Easybib account in class today, remember that you can log in and organize your research from anywhere. Slides from today are available here.

On Thursday, April 4, we will discuss how to use library catalogs to locate books, e-books, and other media. Please read Badke Ch. 5 (pp. 71-76) and review Badke, chapter 4 (entire) and the Library of Congress Classification Outline. Your blogging assignment is one research journal blog post, responding to the questions below:

In class today you tried out advanced internet search strategies and scholarly internet resources  to search for sources on your research topic. Describe one advanced strategy or scholarly resource you used. Did you find different information sources than you found doing a regular internet search (just using Google, Yahoo, etc.), and if so, how are they different? Did you encounter any difficulties that you haven’t encountered in a regular internet search?

Enjoy Spring Break!

~Prof. Leonard

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