Author Archives: Victor Lee

WeBWorK Reminder

Hey folks,

I’m not seeing much WeBWorK being done on Rederly. 25 out of 35 students have signed up, with four who have signed up not actually having started any homework sections at all. That is a very unacceptable set of statistics. Remember that WeBWorK counts for 15% of your class grade this semester – e.g. if you get 100% on all tests and modules , you’ll only get a B for a final grade because you didn’t do any WeBWorK. Also, I have a tendency to take many of my test questions from the homework. It makes me consider quizzing you all on Friday.

If you’ve completed all your homework, ignore this message.


Professor Lee

Login Information

Hello class,

Some of you have sent me emails regarding login information and email addresses.

In order to have an OpenLab account, and to sign into WeBWorK on Rederly, you should sign in using your City Tech email address.


In order to use the Dropbox account, go to, and sign in using your CUNY login information.


Week 1 Notes

Hello class,

Here are the notes for Week 1. The homework is open on Rederly.
I have decided that I want you to get in some practice factoring Factoring is a very important skill for the semester and I want you to get in practice. Thus, I have added three homework sections for you to complete:

  • GCF, Grouping
  • ACMethod
  • Difference of Squares

I have also decided that I will add the notes from my previous 1275CO course to help you in your quest.

Professor Lee

2nd OpenLab Assignment

During these trying times, it would be ideal for us to be able to be back on campus as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and one of the issues that have arisen in school is how to submit your work to your instructors.

CUNY has done a lot for you. There are a lot of places willing to give you discounts on food or consumer goods just because you are a CUNY student. It has granted you free access to the entire Microsoft Office 365 Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) and McAfee Antivirus software with your City Tech email address. As awesome as all of that is, you are allowed a free DropBox account just for being a CUNY student also. Your login information is what you use to log into CUNYFirst. (If you cannot login to CUNYFirst, please email the Student Helpdesk.

DropBox is cloud file storage, and you will be receiving your graded tests from me in a DropBox folder that I have shared with you specifically. The DropBox app can be saved on your phone and you can use DropBox to scan documents and save them as a multi-page PDF. CUNY will not accept any other file type.

Speaking of multi-page pdf files, your assignment is to submit a multi-page PDF into the DropBox folder I am sharing with you. It helps to have the DropBox app on your phone because you can create a multi-page PDF using said app. Here is a video of Professor Kan using the DropBox app to submit files.

  1. Draw a smiley face on page 1.
  2. Attach your student ID to the top of page 1, but do not obscure said smiley face.
  3. Scan the Document using DropBox or another scanner app.
  4. Scan another page with some notes and scan that as page 2.
  5. Compile the two images into one pdf file with lastnamefirstnameassignment3.pdf as the name of the file.
  6. Submit it into the DropBox folder I share with you by Friday, February 5th, before class.
  7. Also, submit the same file to this dropbox request link.

Remember to submit it into TWO different locations- the request link and the folder I share with you . I want to know that you all have access to your DropBox accounts and I want to know that you can send a file to me.

It is City Tech’s policy that your examinations require that you have photo ID on all your examinations. I will extend that policy to all your assignments that are to be submitted to me.

-Professor Lee

First OpenLab Assignment

Your first OpenLab Discussion assignmentĀ is to introduce yourself to your classmates.Ā  This assignment isĀ due Friday, February 5th, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment.Ā Add a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.Ā  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length.Ā  In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).Ā  In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Donā€™t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmatesā€™ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.

Greetings and Salutations!

Hello all,

This is Mr. Lee… first blog and everything… MATH! Yay! Algebra and Trigonometry! Even MORE YAY!

I will try my best to keep you all up to date on the happenings within the class, whether it be assignments, course policies, deadlines, etc. This will indeed be quite important… as soon as I figure out how to use this thing.

It will be important to know that if you want to ask questions aboutĀ  WebWork, you will need to register for an OpenLab account to do so. You need to have a city tech email.

My email address is

Let us try our best this semester.


Professor Lee