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Indoor Light

The first picture I used the made use of the blue light being cast from on of the monitors in the hallway. The second picture I noticed the light coming from the bathroom to be giving off warm colors compared to the cool colors of the hallway. For the third picture I used the light from my phone to cast shadows throughout this sculpture.



For the light challenge it was interesting to see what the end results would be, since the lighting throughout the building was weak and unflattering to say the least. I wanted to focus more on the way the subjects interacted with the environment and lighting. For the first photo I wanted to focus on framing and so I used the window frame so the only light would be coming in from the center where the face was. For the second, we took turns standing near the light of the classroom to create a soft glow effect. The third I wanted to solely focus on the harsh white light coming from overhead to create a chiaroscuro effect. And on the editing I wanted to keep the mood and colors dull and mute to keep the pieces similar.

Learning Log 2 Indoor Light

Blue Light

For this picture the projector was still on so we used the light that was shining as our light source. The good thing as that this was a colored light, so I wanted to give it a cool affect to the picture Composition wise I wanted to get somewhat of a profile view so you wouldn’t see the screen in the back, yet manage to capture a little bit of her shadow.

This was in the elevator what I really loved was how the ceiling lights was shining on the walls. I wanted to have a “depth of field” effect where it went from light to dark. My composition was to fit to frame that way it focused more on certain parts.

The lockers had something interesting where the light was hitting in small parts of the locker and other parts was dark. The light wasn’t so great.

LL#2 – Indoor Light – Voorhees Challenge

A lot happier with the outcome of todays photos. Just using the camera more I was able to get better results in different artificial lighting throughout the Voorhees building. The first photo on the left as well the one on the right were taken in the same location but the subjects were standing in different positions. All I did was adjust the ISO to capture the light better. As for the last photo, Gabe is standing in a dark room with the light coming from inside of the classroom. We had a lot of photos with this light. Very pleased with the outcome!!

Indoor Light LL2


During this project we walked around the building and find interesting lighting for some portraits. I tried to focus on creating some shadows with the focused lighting around the building. I found it a bit difficult finding interesting lighting but I tried to make the images as creative as I could with the light i had to work with.