These shots I was focusing on shooting an images that have a high and low key. For instance, the hight key is when the image has more than one source of the light coming from different directions and the low key is the image when it does not that much light. I was moving around along with the lights to get the best shoots for VICTORIA’S SECRET Brand which is one of my favorite Brands as if I am doing a campaign or an advertisement for this Brand. I set up the camera to 100 IOS , 1/200 speed shutter and the aperture was F8.0
Monthly Archives: March 2019
learning log
Learning Log #6
In order to get these shots I had to put my camera at the right settings. I put my ISO at 200 for the dark background and for the light background I put it at 100. For my aperture I had it at F10 and my shutter speed at 60. I enjoyed the assignment because the prop I used worked well with the shots and feel I wanted to give the shoot.
Light Painting
Had a great time doing this and we had to use lots of imagination because the picture that we took we want it to mean somethingThe red one anger side and the blue good one.
In this picture he is punching is a soul out lol.
This one is easy to understand "friend in media and on one in real life.
Learning Log 5 – Light Drawing
For the midterm I will be following around my Best Friend. Aka Mochi
1. Leaving House
2. Bus Stop
3. In Bus
4. Shopping at the mall
5. Talking and Blushing
6. Eating and Drinking
7. Walking
8. Heading to Work
9. Working
10. Saying goodbye at work.
learning log 5
All photos were taken with a 10 second shutter and a 100 ISO to have the darkest back-round possible. We realized you have to go slow with the lights so they can come out clear and crisp.
This photo was taken by writing boss backwards.
This photo was taken by having the subject stay still, and then take two lights at the same time and make a squiggly lines around her.
This photo was taken by having no flash go off but just have the background led light make a black shadow figure. Again, we wrote the text “Tim” backwards for it show correctly,
Learning Log week 5
Learning Log #5
Today in class we shot light drawing pictures. To achieve these photographs, we set our camera’s settings into these: ISO 100, F13, and shutter speed to 13 seconds or more. The first photo was a double exposure. We triggered the speed light twice to achieve the “two persons” look. In the second picture, no flash was triggered to produce a silhouette. Also a light rod was used to create a background. Overall, this photo shoot was quite fun and enjoyable.
light painting
The photoshoot went really well when we communicated, the gels were fun to use. It was important to redo shots. If one shot the color was too dark the next try you would have to adjust, shoot that gel with an extra flash. Also trying to get a subject perfectly still has its moments where the end result will look really attractive. But even those slight moving moments can make “happy little accidents”.