annotated bibliography

Arnelle Martinson

Unit 2 assignment

English 1101



                                                    Annotated Bibliography


Source#1:Stang, Chris. “Tanoreen – New York.” The Infatuation, The Infatuation, 29 Sept. 2010,


          This restaurant review is based on a restaurant named “Tanoreen” which serves Mediterranean cuisine. The infatuation is a venue, which can be found online and this particular review is towards an audience that may be seeking to try delicious Mediterranean food for an affordable price. The tone of this restaurant review is very formal and direct. The reviewer lacks details in the review for the restaurant because this review fails to describe the types of food on the restaurant’s menu and the review lacks describing the customer service. I feel that it is very vague. The reviewer only tells us that this restaurant has good authentic Mediterranean food, but it does not give a good description evidence for the audience to be convinced to try this restaurant.


Source#2: Kopelman, Ben. “Di Fara Pizza – New York.” The Infatuation, The Infatuation, 14 Apr. 2014,


         This restaurant review is about Difara’s Pizza being the best pizza in New York City. Difara’s Pizza is a restaurant that serves well cooked pizza and it is made by one man named DeMarco Domenico, it is also located in Brooklyn, New York. The restaurant review is on  the Infatuation website that gives access to an audience that is looking for a new place to try pizza that is well-prepared and not cheap. The tone of this review is very funny yet blunt it is also straightforward. The review can be very rude as well because the reviewer uses curse words to describe this restaurant. Because of the curse words that are being used it fails to convince the audience that this pizza store is worth going to. 


Source #3: Zagat,


           The main point of this restaurant review is to give readers insight about a restaurant named “Marea” that serves wonderful Italian seafood cuisine. This restaurant review can be found on the “Zagot” website which is available to people who want to try food from different cultures. The tone of this review is energetic and casual. The review is also short simple and straight to the point. The reviewer puts enough detail that would make the audience want to try this restaurant because it gives a good description of the different types of food on the menu and it tells about the customer service that is provided. The author appeal shows the use of logic because it provides good reasoning and answers to the questions that we as readers may have for this restaurant.


Source# 4 :M., Marissa, et al. “Marissa M.’s Review of Caribbean Soul Rooftop Restaurant & Lounge.” Yelp, 23 June 2018, 


         The main point of this restaurant review is to tell others who are interested in trying Caribbean cuisine while having a good time and listening to live music in a restaurant in Queens. This venue is on  the Yelp website where it is available to all people interested in trying new cultural foods. The reviewers tone of this passage is very funny and casual. The review uses a logical appeal by showing data analysis to describe this restaurant. Also the reviewer is well detailed about the customer service ,food and the environment. I found this review very convincing towards others because of the detailed description and the well put together analysis.


Source#5: “Restaurant Reviews.” Restaurant Reviews | Duke University School of Law


        This  restaurant review is about a campus restaurant that serves great quality food. The venue for this restaurant is on a website called Duke law and the audience is towards Duke law students. The tone is very casual. There are not many details in this review. The review does not even describe the food or cuisine served. This will not be convincing to the audience because this review last substantial information such as address customer service food and environment.


Source #6:III, Douglas Hanks. “The Lone Critic.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 20 June 2001, 


         This restaurant review is based on a Thai food restaurant named Ananndales’s and A&J. this restaurant review is available to all people who are looking for a great restaurant to try. The tone of this review is very fun and casual. The author uses logic to appeal to the audience because the author uses good detailed data analysis. The author also goes in depth about the food on the menu and which one is best to try. The author also explains the wonderful customer service that they have at this restaurant. I believe that this review is very convincing to others willing to try delicious Thai food.


Annotated bibliography – spoken word poetry

Jada Mathurin

Professor jewel



            Spoken Word Poetry : An Annotated Bibliography 

Angelou Maya. “Alone” 1975.

    The poem Alone by Maya Angelou, is written as the narrator thinks about life and its meaning. The poems speaker is lying in bed thinking and searching for answers when she realizes she has the answers.She concludes that people need each other because no one can really and truly face life alone. The theme of people needing people resonates through many of Maya Angelou’s work. Having to live through discrimination and the civil rights movement and beyond .During the early 20th centry has showed her many lifes failures and successes. The number of times Maya Angelou says the words and emphasizes  ‘ Alone ,all alone /nobody,but nobody/ can make it out here alone’ shows the importance and main idea of the poem. This literacy narrative appears in the movie ‘Poetic Justice’ where it shows the theory pathos where she is convincing the audience that hard times are coming and these are the times that people need to help one another to help them through their suffering 

Angelou Maya. “Phenomenal Woman”

This poem “ Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou is written to describe how women are seen in society and how she actually is. The poem clearly illustrates that no matter how a woman is , she is still noticed in a crowd femininity is a blessing in disguise. How women can stand bold and beautiful to the world in this new century. I would say the rhetorical appeal would be Logos the author wants the audience to understand that being a woman is a blessing , as that is God’s gift to nature to protect balance and nurture. The strength a woman holds can in no way be measured and how balances life and the situation that come in front of her , no matter what. She tried to persuade her audience to believe that having confidence to face the world, no matter the scenario may be the most challenging task. In this poem Maya vividly reminds the reader of the strength a beautiful woman has also radiates,energy,wisdom and belief. 

H.E.R. “Lord is coming”

    This poem “ Lord is coming” by H.E.R starts off as a spoken-word screed disapproving   materialism,racism and talks about how immarnet families are being separated. As the choir dresses in all balck humming the tune she talks Police brutality drug abuse and depression and how it all goes unnoticed until someone is suicidal. The poet wants her audience to know We don’t learn from our Idols if we keep repeating the same cycle. We have the same rights as white people but do we really get the same treatment it’s a fact that they separate us from the truth but during these are the devil’s times the Lord is coming to save us free. The rhetorical theory this poem is Logos because she has details and facts to support her claim. 

Jeanty Alex Pierre. Book ‘H.E.R’ published in 2012

    In this book the author does not claim to be a great poet but a great observer of her. In each poem he explains the strength a woman has and the beauty. I feel like this connects well with pathos the author wants the reader to know the feelings of being loved . This is a beautiful expression of heartfelt emotion using short and gratifying sentiments.

Shakur Tupac. “I cry” – 

The poem “I cry” by Tupac Shakur is written to explain that people were not really there to feel what tupac felt. He had to endure all his pain and sorrow by himself. I also feel like he talks about how the world was a very dangerous place for people of color to live due to police brutality, even though it does not clearly specify it. Tupac wants his audience to know that even though it is noticeable that he is sad and in tears , no one seems to understand what he is truly feeling. The rhetorical analysis for this poem is pathos because tupac expresses that people don’t really care about his emotions and would father focus on themselves and not the hardships that others have to endure.   

Keys Alicia . P.O.W

    The poem P.O.W ( prisoner of words) written by alicia keys is describing how it feels to feel alone and feeling like you can’t say anything you want to say because you’re afraid no one would listen or even take your thoughts into consideration.  She’s trapped by so many emotions and words that she doesn’t know what to do. The poet wants the audience to know People who stuffer with their emotions and feeling trapped in their minds actually want someone to help but are afraid that  no one will understand them. Alicia says “ I should stop to speak but I stop and stay silent and now I’ve Made my own hard bed inside this prison of words unsaid” she expresses the difficulty she faces to be understood and to express herself. Her lack of expression has also led to her being sad, miserable and suffering. She states that her lack of words has somehow become her own doing which leads to her misery. For many, it also leads to guilt because they try not to hurt other people’s feeling but then they really aren’t trying to take individual feelings into consideration. I believe the rhetorical appeal is pathos the poet uses the metaphors  ‘prison’ ‘gun’ ‘solitary confinement to persuade the audience to feel empathy and for them to connect with her. 





Gore, Al. “To Skeptics on Global Warming . . .” The New York Times, Accessed 30 October, 2019.

In “To Skeptics on Global Warming . . .,”Al Gore supports his argument that global warming is a real and serious matter by presenting the most commonly deployed questions by global warming deniers coupled with the scientific responses in order to provide a ‘final’ response for naysayers. His tone is one that is meant to address the supposed concerns that deniers have continued to use in their political arguments in order to inform the public at large that global climate change is real and in his opinion, “the single most serious manifestation of a larger problem: the collision course between industrial civilization and the ecological system that supports life” on earth. In presenting his argument in this manner it becomes clear, as his op-ed appears in The New York Times, that his targeted audience is the American public. These are the individuals who he wants to make aware of the fact that politicians are denying the real and perilous impact climate change has on the livelihood of the American people. Gore presents the Bush Administration’s stance, by providing a directive given to policymakers advising them that ”a better approach is to raise the many uncertainties,” around global warming. The purpose in Gore’s argument in presenting this information to his audience is to then provide the commonly used questions with definitive responses backed by research and scientific findings. One such question elicits the response that, “it is irresponsible to assume that after moving in tandem with carbon dioxide for 160,000 years, temperatures will not be affected by those dramatic increases,” illustrating the direct connection between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature change. In using scientific findings, Gore provides logical reasoning as one method to convince his audience of the urgency of the issue. To add to the sense of urgency in his claim, Gore refers to global trends that have seen “unprecedented population growth and new technologies for burning fuels, clearing forests and manufacturing chemicals [that] have given humankind the ability to alter the composition of the atmosphere.” In doing so, he solidifies his argument that climate change is affected by modern industrialization in a way that it is a clear domino effect. Gore wants skeptics, including the Bush Administration to know that global warming is a scientifically proven reality in order to encourage the public to urge lawmakers to “act now or it will be much worse than predicted.” This statement further emphasizes the impact humanity’s abuse of the environment has for all species and generations to come. 

Kaufman, Kenn. “Opinion: As a birder, I see the effects of climate change every day. Now, Audubon has quantified the threat.” Los Angeles Times, Accessed 10 October 2019.

Kaufman presents his argument through the venue of the Los Angeles Times in order to reach a readership from both sides of the political spectrum. The rise in global temperature is particularly notable for birdwatchers due to the direct impact warmer temperatures have on the habitable ranges for specific bird species. Kaufman uses current research from the National Audubon Society where “scientists analyzed the current geographic ranges of 604 North American bird species, and modeled how those ranges would change at different levels of warming” to strengthen his argument. In presenting the argument in this manner, the author appeals to the logical correlation between increased global temperatures and the emotional investment birdwatchers have as a group of individuals regardless of varying political views with a shared passion – birds. Birds, as a focal point, appeal to hobbyists and conservationists alike. Kaufman ensures that the targeted audience is convinced, noting that with the increase in temperature swaths of bird species will no longer exist. This statement implies the correlative and fatal impact of global temperature rise, which is the destruction of entire ecosystems. In presenting these findings in this manner, Kaufman’s tone evokes urgency and concern within the reader and thus further convincing the reader of his claim. 

Lee, Bryan. “E-Commerce’s Efficiencies May Help Reduce Pollution.” The Wall Street Journal, Accessed 31 October 2019.

Lee claimed that the growth in e-commerce led by publicized internet use can save huge amount of energy and pollution. He supports the claim where “The U.S. experienced economic growth of about 4% annually in 1997 and 1998” and “During those same two years, the nation’s energy consumption — the principal source of air pollution and gases linked to global warming — hardly grew at all.” Information-technology companies’ growth allowed the economic gains without making pollution. Also, Lee made argument that rise in e-commerce allows energy saving delivery. This argument is supported by “The delivery truck uses just 10% of the energy equivalent of the consumer’s car trip.” Instead of going to physical bookstore or stores, delivery to where it is needed is a chance to reduce energy consumption up to 90%. Energy savings from the decrease in retail space is other significant claim by Lee. He cited analysis to support his claim by stating “By 2007, e-commerce could eliminate the need for 1.5 billion square feet of  retail space, or 5% of the U.S. total,” and “The resulting energy savings would replace the output of 21 average-size power plants, preventing the release of 35 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.” Therefore, online retailers such as Amazon can save retail space and energy.

Maier, Stephanie. “Op-Ed: Investors are getting closer to a climate change tipping point.” CNBC, Accessed 27 October 2019.

As an investor, Stephanie Maier presents her argument in a manner that is accessible to other business-minded individuals. By presenting her argument in this manner, Maier utilizes the discourse commonly heard in the business world presenting her audience with facts and projections to garner their interest and ensure their attention by highlighting that there is an expected “$23 trillion in global losses . . . with a 4°C rise in global temperatures.” In addition, Maier appeals to her audience by noting the current trend that can be seen in the investment world with “ investor shareholder engagement [becoming] mainstream [and in turn] opening up a new front in the drive to decarbonize the global economy.” This provides a sense of momentum and heightened awareness that is needed by her audience to ensure that they are relevant and involved in the fiduciary health of their companies to ensure that their investments are successful and productive in the global markets. Maier is worried that climate change has a significant effect on global economy but she mentioned in hopeful voice that we avoid economic crisis caused from global warming if owners of big companies and head of nations have responsibility from ownership.  

Payne, Daniel. “Don’t go vegan to save the planet. You can help by being a better meat-eater.” USA TODAY, Accessed 27 October 2019.

Daniel Payne’s argument supports more environmentally and humane ways to eat meat, “consumers now have the option of buying better, cleaner, more humanely raised and less environmentally destructive meat,” in order to persuade meat-eaters to choose their meat with their wallets. It is clear that his intended audience are not individuals who are already vegetarian or vegan but rather individuals who consume meat regularly because Payne’s tone is one from the standpoint of a meat eater. He provides facts regarding the health benefits of eating animals as a part of human evolution to ensure that his stance is not confused with that of promoting veganism by stating “Human beings are part of a long meat-eating evolutionary chain stretching back millions of years; our bodies and our physiology have been shaped countless millennia of a meat-rich omnivorous diet.” In doing so, he ensures that his targeted audience does not become skeptical of his opinion as he is not trying to make them stop their eating habits. Instead, his argument is for meat eaters to change their spending habits as he uses facts that meat from animals that have lived healthy, happy lives produce better quality meat for consumption. In addition, Payne is able to illustrate the secondary results of eating ethically treated animals which is the environmental impact, saying “Healthier meat also makes for a healthier local environment, which can over time lead to a healthier climate. At a time of growing concern about pending catastrophic climate change, this benefit can’t be overlooked.” This connection is made clearer for the audience to ensure that his audience is convinced and committed to select the more expensive but overall morally and ethically better meat choice.

Schoonover, Rod. “The White House Blocked My Report on Climate Change and National Security.” The New York Times, Accessed 16 October 2019.

Dr. Schoonover, who worked as an intelligence analyst for the federal government, and focused on the impact of environmental and climate change on national security in the U.S., presents an ethical appeal to the reader for his decision to resign from his position. Considering the political climate in which Dr. Schoonover is presenting his argument and the venue in which it is presented, the target audience he is addressing is not individuals on the far political right but rather moderates to more left centered individuals. In order to appeal to this audience, which has a range of opinions and stances with regards to climate change, he highlights his educational background to establish his position as an authority in the realm of scientific inquiry. Dr. Schoonover expresses his admiration as a senior analyst for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the State Department by highlighting that it was “home.” He also expresses reverence for the position he once held as it is “the oldest civilian intelligence agency in the government . . .well known for its history of analytic sharpness and courageous dissent.” To ensure that his audience does not suspect his increasing frustrated tone to be connected to a dissident political view, he highlights the “apolitical nature of [his] work.” Dr. Schoonover then  uses his position, as a well-versed and dedicated scientist, to fortify his stance with regard to the negative impact climate change has on our national security. Throughout the piece, Dr. Schoonover combines this admiration for the work and the position he once held with concern and frustration with the current administration’s stance which “blocked the submission of [his] bureau’s written testimony on the national security implications of climate change to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.” He elicits sympathy from his readers as he recounts how he was repeatedly not received by the administration because his findings illustrated the negative effects climate change has on national security. In presenting his stance in this manner, Dr. Schoonover makes it clear that his act of resignation is directly due to the outright denial of the facts that his work presented to the current administration due to the fact that “the scientific foundation of the analysis did not comport with the administration’s position on climate change.” It evokes fear in the readers as they realize that despite the best intentions and unbiased manner in which Dr. Schoonover attempted to present his findings to the Trump Administration, there was an outright denial and distrust of the scientifically analysed reports.


Amberly Wegele

Amberly Wegele

Prof. Jewell

ENG 1101

26 October 2019

Country Music 

  1. Jolene – Dolly Parton 

In this piece, Dolly sings about a woman who is capable of taking her “man” from her and begs her not to take him. She compares herself to Jolene and exclaims how she herself could never find anyone else to love, whereas Jolene, who is more beautiful than herself, could find anyone at any time and begs her to do so. Dolly claims a bank worker who flirted with her husband Carl Dean inspired her to write Jolene and wrote the song while her husband began spending time with the bank worker. The song gave of a lighthearted tone while the lyrics were laced with a melancholic tone. Dolly uses pathos as she pleads and repeats Jolene’s name throughout the song. She says, “there’s nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name Jolene… You could have your choice of men but I could never love again he’s the only one for me Jolene ” (Parton, Dolly. “Jolene.” Jolene, 1974. Spotify, As she sings this, she triggers a feeling of sadness in her listeners as she mentions that she cries because her husband calls out another woman’s name in his sleep. Listeners also feel pity as she compares her love life with Jolene’s as she says that Jolene could get any man she wants because of her beautiful looks, meanwhile she can’t and isn’t beautiful enough to capture another man’s love. Dolly begs Jolene to leave her “man” alone and by doing so she gets her listeners to side with her while she makes them feel bad about her situationshe’s being cheated on with a woman way more beautiful than her and she’s going to lose her one and only love, her listeners can feel bad and even relate as they enjoy the sad lyrics mixed with the upbeat instrumentals.

  1. Before He Cheats – Chris Tompkins and Josh Kear (performed by Carrie Underwood)

The song is about a woman catching her partner cheating on her and getting revenge. She sings about how he’s cheating and sings about keying his truck, making him think again before cheating. The song’s tone is aggressive as Carrie sings, “I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats” (Underwood, Carrie. “Before He Cheats.” Some Hearts, 2006. Spotify The song contains pathos as the singer rages on about her cheating boyfriend. She wants her audience to know that cheating has consequences as she says, “I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, I slashed a hole in all four tires, maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats” (Underwood, Carrie. “Before He Cheats.” Some Hearts, 2006. Spotify This shows the anger the singer portrays as she vandalizes the cheater’s car and then implies that he should think twice before cheating ever again. She wants everyone to know that cheating will lead to terrible consequences. 

  1. Ready, Set, Don’t Go – Billy Ray Cyrus

This song sends out parental feelings as Billy sings about his daughter moving and leaving him. He’s a father who raised his daughter with love and she’s moving away, any parent would be sad and heartbroken. Billy wrote this with Casey Beathard and sang this to his daughter who was moving away, he wrote it to touch other parents’ hearts and to let children and his daughter know how much they mean to their parents. He uses pathos to convey his message as he says, “She says things are fallen into place Feels like they’re fallen apart I painted this big old smile on my face To hide my broken heart” (Cyrus, Billy Ray. “Ready, Set, Don’t Go.” Home At Last, 2007. Spotify Billy sets the tone of sadness and longing as he implies that his heart is broken but he puts on a smile for his daughter who’s moving away because it’s what’s best for her. This can trigger sadness in the listeners, especially his daughter. Parents who listen will be able to relate and think about how it’s for the best that they move away and the children will be able to understand their parents will miss them.

  1. Achy Breaky Heart – Don Von Tress (performed by Billy Ray Cryus)

This song was about a man singing about a breakup and begging her to not make it official. Billy sings about how she could let everyone know they were over, but once she tells him and his heart that they’re over, he’ll be broken into pieces. Billy uses pathos as he sings, You can tell the world you never was my girl, You can burn my clothes up when I’m goneif you tell my heart, My achy breaky heart, He might blow up and kill this man” (Tress, Don Von. “Achy Breaky Heart.” Some Gave All 1992. Spotify ). This shows his use of pathos as he mentions that once his heart knows it’s over, then his heart will break and he’ll be broken up. He wants to relate to his audience that have experienced breakups and heartbreaks and have them know that they’re not alone and to have others know how a breakup might affect the other person.

  1. 9 To 5 – Dolly Parton

In Dolly’s song “9 To 5”, Dolly sings about inequality in the workplace that women face. She makes the song and lyrics upbeat to have it attract listeners while also making the lyrics inform those who listen as she says “Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen…It’s a rich man’s game… And you spend your life puttin’ money in his wallet(Parton, Dolly. “9 To 5.” 9 To 5 And Odd Jobs, 1980. Spotify ). Showing how she goes from upbeat lyrics to serious relatable lyrics to draw listeners in. She sings about how she works hard, from 9 to 5, trying her best, with potential to surpass the males in her job, but in the end the men dismiss her or take her ideas. She uses pathos as she says, “They just use your mind… never give you credit… They let you dream just to watch ’em shatter, You’re just a step on the boss-man’s ladder…” (Parton, Dolly. “9 To 5.” 9 To 5 And Odd Jobs, 1980. Spotify ). This shows how she’s broadcasting the issues women face in the workplace, using phrases that women can strongly relate to, forming an emotional bond with the listeners to the song. This song is a way of relating to struggling women in the workplace and letting people know that women struggle no matter how hard they work. 

  1. Take Me Home, Country Roads – Bill Danoff, Taffy Nivert, John Denver (performed by John Denver)

The song is about someone being home sick and reminiscing his old home. He sings about how great it is and how he wants to go back. The tone is very reminiscent and soothing. As John sings, “take me home To the place I belong, West Virginia… All my memories gather round her…” ( Denver, John. “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” Poems, Prayers, and Promises 1971 Spotify . This demonstrates the writer and singer’s use of pathos as they combine their feelings with West Virginia and call it a home with memories. Many people relate to this because many move out of their childhood homes and feel sad when they look back at their memories because of the sentimental value their old home. The song triggers memories of the listeners’ old homes and makes them reminisce just as the song writer and singer wants.  


Crime Bibliography


Aboubacar Kone 




-Steve Vogel. ”Police described the school itself as one of the most horrific crime scenes that many had ever encountered and officials said the first arriving responders would be given counseling”



Accessed 31 October 2019.


The mass school shootings going on in today’s world were cruel and traumatizing. People who experienced it and are scarred .Drastic measures should be taken in protecting the school , teachers ,and students. Steven Vogel used the viewpoints of the victims , officers, and president Obama to make the readers feel sympathy. The author uses pathos to show the audience how the tragedy in a small town can affect the entire world and how kids and parents had to go through a tragedy .School shootings are a tragedy here in the U.S and many counter measures were created after to prevent these such things .


-Charles M. Blow. ”Trayvon is black. Zimmerman is not.”


Accessed 01 November 2019.


A story to remember by all Americans. The murder of Trayvon Martin a discriminated young man was pursued by a neighborhood watch . George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch who had suspicions of Trayvon he called 911 and told him to not pursue Trayvon . He pursued and confronted him it started getting physical and Zimmerman fired shots when all Trayvon had was a pack of Skittles .He was murdered in cold blood . Charles M. Blow states “Trayvon is black .Zimmerman is not “ which shows this encounter was racially biased which can be the case of some murders involving the law. Charles Blow uses pathos to persuade the audience this murder was based off Racial profiling and abuse of power .


-Jod Nordheimer . ”Theodore Bundy among the most notorious killers in recent times, was  electrocuted today, and about 200 people gathered outside the entrance of the Florida State Prison cheered when they heard the news.”


Accessed 01 November 2019


Ted Bundy sexually assaulted and killed several women in 5 different places. Washington,Oregon,Colorado,Utah,and Florida throughout 1974 to 1978.He confessed to over 25 murders. He usually Sexually abused them first then mutilated them . People believed he committed  more murders he was later arrested and sentenced to death on the electrocution chair .The author uses logos to give the audience reasoning that Ted Bundy was a cold and immoral person.


-Gabe Paoletti “Harvey Glatman took his victims out to the desert to strangle them, but not before taking some disturbing photos of them first.” 


Accessed 01 November 2019 


Harvey Glatman was given the name The Glamour Girl Slayer. When Glatman was in Highschool he tied up a classmate and raped her . He continued to sexually harass women , he was arrested often. He used his job as a television repairman to get into houses and molest more females .He was eventually arrested and put in a gas chamber in September 1959. The author uses to logos to give the audience reasoning to show that Harvey Glatman was a deranged criminal . 


-Katie Serena “The massacre had been carefully planned and executed by notorious mobster Al Capone, to eliminate a rival gang boss, George “Bugs” Moran.”


Al Capone was a famous gangster who was feared throughout the Prohibition Era . Al Capone had the police in his pocket forcing his way into an enemy warehouse. They believed they were getting arrested but then Al Capone and his men emptied out a 20 round box magazine and a 50 round drum. A rival member named Frank Gusenberg was taken to the hospital and was asked who shot him and didn’t snitch . The audience gets the view that Al Capone was a feared and cruel criminal. He used his money and power to become on top .


-James Baron. “The families assembled at ground zero again, the place where nearly 3,000 people died on that bright September morning.”


18 years ago terrorists hijacked airplanes and crashed into the twin towers at 8:46 am which hit one tower and followed with another and also hit the pentagon. A tragic day of which of all of America will forever remember the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001.This tragic landmark was later changed into the freedom towers where all the heroes and victims names were carved . The author uses pathos to make the audience sympathize with the event 9/11.


Cover Letter

The cover letter is usually posted to the recruiter along with the resume, which is used to inform the recruiter about his motivation to apply for the position. When you’re applying for a job, a cover letter lets you show a personal side and demonstrate why hiring you is a smart decision.

Julianne Ruth. “Brain Injury Survivor: The Story of an Actress”. Kickresume network. 11 oct.2017

This cover letter mainly describes the author’s work experience and injury experience. At the beginning of the article, the author tells that she is the fashion show model of the Polish Fashion Week. She has represented many famous people. And produced a TV series with the director Allen Bauer. Then she had suffered serious injuries in 2014. In the process of recovery, she re-learned to walk and speak. By reciting her lines, she found herself harder and more resilient than before. Finally, the author said that she has a charisma and dedication. The tone of this letter is cheerful. Julianne Ruth said “I’m sure you will find that my charisma and dedication will be an asset to your company” It used simile,simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses). Author said her charisma and dedication is helpful for company,It seem like an asset. For a company, asset means money what is most lacking as a company. The use of this simile is attractive to the reader’s needs, and the reader hopes that the company will consider more from her merits whether to give her a good position.

Andrea Kesay. “Motivation letter: Community Enivronmental legal officers for Coastal region”. Kickresume network. 17 June.2016

This cover letter mainly talks about how the author contributes to the improvement of the environment and hopes to obtain the position of environmental law officer. At the beginning of the article, the author talks about the contradiction between human resources development and the beautiful environment. Excessive development must cause damage to the environment. Because of the study, the author, participated in the Japanese team to protect the environment, and contributed to Japan’s low-carbon life navigation in 2050. He want to get the position of Environmental Law Officer, because he understand the difference between development and implementation of environmental laws in Kenya. He writes this formal letter to the government for prove that he has enough work experience and he has the ability to implement the law to protect the environment. The author hopes that the Kenyan government understands that he has such strength. Andrea Kesay said “I would like to be part of the team that finds remedies for the communities to be able to live in harmony with the environment so that we can eliminate future conflict. I believe right governance and good policies, which are implemented well, are one of the key ingredients for sustainability.” It expressed the author’s eagerness to participate in environmental protection and praised the Kenyan government’s policy is correct. It takes care of the reader’s feelings and shows that he can play a very good role in environmental protection in Kenya.

Sandy Mclarker. “I want to get a Peer Study Team Leader position”. Kickresume network. 1 Aug. 2017

This cover letter focuses on how the author demonstrates his strengths by introducing his or her own learning experience. First of all, the author tells that he studied very seriously at the University of Toronto and won important awards. He then introduced himself to participate in the work in the process of learning. At work, he worked seriously, so the position was improved. Then, he said that he was living independently through speeches. He is a foreign student, so he encountered many difficulties in college in the first year. But he loves learning and patiently overcomes all the difficulties. The tone of this letter is funny. The author happily introduced himself to help others and has a lot of time to do the job. In addition, the author also said that he can not only be responsible for this job, but he can also handle more complicated situations. Author said “It might sound nerdy, but there is nothing more rewarding to me than helping other people succeed. I have always had a real love for learning, and I feel most fulfilled when I get to share my love with others. This passion has guided me to leadership roles throughout my life. ” Here is the author who is a person likes to help others.This quality is what the leader needs most. Since the job he applied for is a leader, this part of the content can give readers more appeal.

Julius Malema. “Financial Analyst Position”. Kickresume network. 31 Oct.1999

This cover letter mainly talks about the author’s ability to help organizations improve their functions in the financial sector, as well as many achievements and internships during college. Finally, his travels around the world gave him a lot of insights. The author officially talks about his experience of traveling around the world. He learns the management methods of different economic situations in different countries in the process of traveling around the world. The purpose is to reflect his rich knowledge and tell the company that he can cope with various difficulties. At the same time, he said that he has the qualifications and abilities required by the company. Julius Malema said: “my hope is to work for an organization like Hylant, with ideals.” The author compares himself to a large organization. In order to let recruiters know that their ability level is relatively high.

Mary Parker. “Commercial Operation Specialist”. Kickresume network. 2nd Oct. 1997

This cover letter is mainly about the author who has 5 years of experience in commercial work and works for many big brands. He also has a variety of data analysis capabilities, he likes to study mathematics and solve problems. He funnyly introduced himself to working in a big brand company. He always gets the attention of the boss because of his intelligence. The author speaks about these experiences in order to show that he can do so well in his work at a big company. So hiring him to the company will definitely bring huge profits to the company. He said “I’ve built my career in a variety of roles and industries, mostly in international companies such as PANDORA, IKEA, JABRA & VELUX, where I’m used to wearing many hats.”In here the author uses a simile to compare a famous brand to a hat. Highlighted his strength. He told recruiters that he can make famous brands like a small thing. The recruiter may think that he is a person who must be hired, so the author has achieved his goal.

Restaurant Review Annotated Bibliography

Wells, Pete. “At Tsismis, Filipino American Drinking Food Worth Talking About.” At Tsismis Filipino American Drinking Food Worth Talking About, vol. 3, no. 10, 22 Oct. 2019,

In this article, the author argues that this restaurant embraces all cultures by posting different languages of welcome on their walls and front doors. The restaurant focuses more on Filipino meals. Based on the author’s description, the food is well made and presented most of the time. A background information of the owner was given to show how experienced he was and how he made his restaurant popular in new york. the owner of the restaurant traveled to different countries, got different ideas then formulated and processed it into his menu and his style of cooking. In the body paragraph, the author gave some bad critic. the drinks were overdone sometimes and the food was also overcooked but this bad service doesn’t happen regularly but overall the author gave good critics which overshadowed the bad ones. He later concluded that this restaurant is worth talking about in new york city.

Wells, Pete. “At Tsismis, Filipino American Drinking Food Worth Talking About.” At Tsismis Filipino American Drinking Food Worth Talking About, vol. 3, no. 10, 22 Oct. 2019,

N, merry. “Three Short Restaurant Review.” Fredericksblogger, 25 Aug. 2010,

bavarian chef, The author gave good complement to the restaurant but kept saying it was expensive. he criticized by saying the place lacks coziness and the acoustics were lousy but focused more on the food. the food wasn,t special and he will only go there just for some drinks.

green turtle sports bar and grill, for this restaurant the author argued and made her critics on the bad services offered at the restaurant and how the place was too overcrowded. the food wasn,t bad but it was a Saturday night so they couldn’t,t stay for a long period of time. there was no organization and professionalism in the restaurant.

The melting pot, this restaurant had good decoration but the author argued that the food was very expensive and wasn,t worth the price. they were asked to cook for themselves because it was the tradition of the restaurant. they gave them the ingredients and heat which was very unprofessional to the author.

N, merry. “Three Short Restaurant Review.” Fredericksblogger, 25 Aug. 2010,
Cuozzo, Steve. “Veggie-Forward Le Jardinier Isn’t as Healthy as It Looks.” New York Post,
The author argues that they are a few vegetarian dishes and zero vegan dishes on the menu. images are displayed to show the public that they serve healthy vegan food but in reality is something else. the author manage to talk to the chef. the chef disagreed and tried to convinced the author that a meal should be about a balanced diet but not trying to be healthy. this restaurant hype greens but doesn’t include a large portion in the meals or menus. they just display meals full of greens on advertisement just to attract customers.
Cuozzo, Steve. “Veggie-Forward Le Jardinier Isn’t as Healthy as It Looks.” New York Post, New York Post, 19 June 2019,
Ames, Bobbie. “New York DELIcious.” Good Life Family Magazine, 28 Dec. 2015,
In this restaurant review, the author talked about how eating deli food has changed her mindset towards her local deli shops. It was her first time getting a whole meal from the deli shop. she normally goes to the deli shop to get snacks but doesn’t,t really pay attention to their menu. she went there with her children and they were amazed by the taste of the food. They loved the food so much and recommended the deli place to their friends and family. They were no bad critics or comments in this restaurant review.
Ames, Bobbie. “New York DELIcious.” Good Life Family Magazine, 28 Dec. 2015,


Motivational speeches

Luis Angel Vasquez                                                                                                            10/26/19 

English 1101


“Ancient History Sourcebook: Arrian: Speech of Alexander the Great, from The Campaigns of Alexander.” Internet History Sourcebooks, 

This speech by Alexander the Great was used to motivate his troops when he sought to conquer India. At this point in his campaign many had lost the motivation or will to continue. “I observe, gentlemen, that when I would lead you on a new venture you no longer follow me with your old spirit. I have asked you to meet me that we may come to a decision together: are we, upon my advice, to go forward, or, upon yours, to turn back?” he poses a question to his soldiers to insinuate that they have a choice and that he will hear them out if they hear him. He then list’s all the lands that he and his army have conquered together to show them the fruits of their labor and that if they were to stop there would be many warlike people left who would have to be conquered sooner or later going as far as to use his ancestors failed campaigns in which they stopped their conquest. He states “I could not have blamed you for being the first to lose heart if I, your commander, had not shared in your exhausting marches and your perilous campaigns; it would have been natural enough if you had done all the work merely for others to reap the reward. But it is not so. You and I, gentlemen, have shared the labor and shared the danger, and the rewards are for us all. The conquered territory belongs to you; from your ranks the governors of it are chosen”. This is powerful in motivating his forces to keep going because they have been through the trenches and had gruesome battles but Alexander has been they’re with them in each of those battles as a king and as a fellow soldier he also exploits their greed reminding them of the riches, power and glory given to them. He claims if we do not continue then all we have worked for will have been for naught so we must continue.

Theodore Roosevelt – The Man with the Muck-Rake, Eidenmuller, Michael E. 

The Man with the Muck-rake reveals to the public eye the necessity of exposing the filth left behind by monopolies. Though he does not advocate attacking or exposing the filth while adding muck that was never there to begin with. “The liar is no whit better than the thief, and if his mendacity takes the form of slander he may be worse than most thieves. It puts a premium upon knavery untruthfully to attack an honest man, or even with hysterical exaggeration to assail a bad man with untruth.” Theodore is in support of the muckrakers yet with this statement he shuns the journalist who seek reform yet use lies instead of facts,

stating they are no better than the thieves they seek to stop. Roosevelt wants muckrakers to pursue reform yet he believes that reform should be sought after with truth and states muckrakers who try to use slander to advance their pursuit are even worse than thieves and the businessmen they seek to take down. 

Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address with Transcript. Motivation Mentalist, 8 Sept. 2015,

Jim Carrey, comedian, actor and writer spoke at Maharishi university in 2014. His commencement speech while humorous and entertaining told a larger story of self doubt, fear and conformity afflicting the minds and hearts of many if not all people. He first brings up how interconnected we all are to one another how we are all apart of a bigger picture and that our bodies are no more than a container for us to experience creation though, stating our bodies are not what define us. He goes on to say we all have no limits and that the skill to separate reality and fiction has kept us safe and practical. He claims we disguise our paths and decisions in life as practical when in reality they are made out of fear, he uses his father as an example saying his father could have made a great comedian yet made the conservative choice to be an accountant yet was let go from that job. His father getting fired taught him a valuable lesson, “you may fail at what you hate, so you might as well take a chance on what you love”. The doors open when you make the choice to take that risk it is not your job to figure out how it’s going to happen but you have to make the choice. He claims “life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you”. Jim carrey claims faith, risks and choices are the vehicles that you should use to overcome fear and to make the decisions that lead to fulfillment.

Person. Remarks of Bill Gates, Harvard Commencement 2007. Harvard Gazette, Harvard Gazette, 7 Mar. 2017, 

Bill Gates founder of Microsoft and Harvard dropout would give a speech at the college 30 years after he dropped out. He gave this speech to help motivate students to help discover new things and to help others using their education to bring less inequity to the world and to act. He uses emotion to further his point saying he left Harvard more intelligent yet was so oblivious and unaware of the inequity in the world and the disease in the world. This goes to show that yes you may have graduated college with a degree in a certain major yet college does not teach you about the inequality in the world as it left himself and many other students unaware. A difference can be made, especially with the new generation as he points out the access to advanced tools, software, and advanced sciences using logic to say that change is possible, even more so than now no matter what skeptics would like to have you believe. He motivates the graduating class and staff of Harvard to improve the lives of people around the world stating they are the cream of the crop intellectually and showing how he has tried to help with disease in nations across the world. Complexity is apart of the problem of inequity though he reassures them that they can find ways to maneuver around these complex problems and wants them to address the world’s problems and to be a solution to a much bigger problem than themselves.   

The Gettysburg Address,

The battle at Gettysburg, one of the biggest battles of the civil war saw Abraham Lincoln deliver a powerful speech that assured the soldiers that if they were to die there or not they helped fight for the freedom promised by america. 1776 is brought up by Lincoln when he mentions the founding of the United States a Country founded on the principles of liberty and the proposition that all men are created equal, he uses this to remind his men of their cause and to help encourage the nationalists who believe America’s founding documents are sacred and want to fight to prove it. He talks on the death of many soldiers that will inevitably happen during the battle to emotionally connect to his soldiers yet reminds them that they will not die in vain and that they will be remembered for their fight to change this nation. The speech will be forgotten he states but the battle that you men have fought valiantly in will be remembered he says, satiating the greed of some men who will be fighting for greed and not reform. “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.” He reaches out and put this weight on the shoulders of soldiers telling them that if they were to fail here today it would be a show of whether america would last as a nation united or would fall into nothing. 

We Shall Fight on the Beaches. The International Churchill Society, 13 Apr. 2017,

Winston Churchill, one of the greatest orators in the last 100 years and prime minister of Great Britain from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He delivered a great many speeches that would help rally British citizens and help them fight back, such as his famous “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech at the House of Commons on June 4th, 1940 after the famous battle of Dunkirk. This retreat to Britain would be seen as a huge loss in the eyes of both French and British citizens and troops. He acknowledges the loss of 30,000+ men in his speech to impact his audience and to remind them that many soldiers did die and could not be saved. He goes on to state that they did not and will not die in vain by stating that the Royal Air Force inflicted heavy losses to the German air force of at least 4 to 1 and The navy brought home 335,000+ men using only 1,000 ships. He does reassure that this retreat cannot be counted as a victory due to losses in materials and men but even with these major losses he urges the people to not lose confidence in the British government, as prime minister he promises that the British parliament is doing all in their power to defend the British isles. Lastly he tells the people that no matter the adversity faced “we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,”. With this statement he claims that action will be taken to stop this threat no matter the cost, He wants the people to rise up to the challenge and defend their nation and to never back down. 

Works Cited 

“Ancient History Sourcebook: Arrian: Speech of Alexander the Great, from The Campaigns of Alexander.” Internet History Sourcebooks,

Eidenmuller, Michael E. Theodore Roosevelt – The Man with the Muck-Rake,

Motivationmentalist. “Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address with Transcript.” Motivation Mentalist, 8 Sept. 2015,

Person. “Remarks of Bill Gates, Harvard Commencement 2007.” Harvard Gazette, Harvard Gazette, 7 Mar. 2017,

The Gettysburg Address,

“We Shall Fight on the Beaches.” The International Churchill Society, 13 Apr. 2017,



Love Poem

Hemingway, Ernest – Empty Spaces

People all over the world have their own way of expressing their love, be it text, phone call, love letters, face to face confession, love poems. The one that really captivates me the most is love poems. Writing a poem to the one you love is a sweet thing to do, and can show that you really care about that person enough to put words together to convey how you feel. A love poem that speaks out to me is by Hemingway, Ernest “Empty Spaces”, that he wrote for the woman he loves. Hemingway writes about “the empty spaces in your heart”, when people you care about leave you, it’s not the end of the world, your heart will just be empty until the right person comes along. Hemingway most likely wrote his love poems in his home and he wrote all his love poems to the women he loves. Hemingway had four wives and wrote all of them love letters/poems to express his love. The rhetorical appeals that the author uses is pathos. I say pathos because when it comes to love, it’s based on your emotions. Especially when he says “They’ll make you think it’s wrong, like having empty spaces, means that you can never be strong”. Hemingway means that there’s enough space to grow and people who care about you will come along and fill that hole. Hemingway wants his audience which is his wife to see that the people who leave you just aren’t meant to be in your life, but he won’t and is the right person to make you feel whole again. Just like every guy, he wants the woman he has feelings for to be happy and not empty around them.


Worth, Patience – Who Said Love Was Fire

Everyone has their own definition of love, whether it be an intense feeling of deep affection, pleasure, feel a romantic or sexual attachment to someone, love is fire, etc. According to Worth, Patience “Who Said Love Was Fire?”, She believes that love is ash. This might be confusing to most, but she does explain what she means by this. Patience believes “that love is ash. It is the thing which remains when the fire is spent.”, which are the moments that two people in love have/had with each other. These moments don’t suddenly disappear, they stay in your hearts forever. This poem was written more than 20 years ago and what Patience is saying makes sense to this day. Love can be fire, but what happens when that fire burns out? When that happens, do you go your separate ways and never speak to each other? No, you take those ashes, those important memories of each other and try to strengthen the bond you two have and relit the fire that you once had. This venue is a love poem which was probably written in Patience’s own home. The tone is very calm and casual. The rhetorical appeal that Patience uses is pathos because she explains how love isn’t fire which connects to everyone because we believe it is, she goes to explain how love is indeed ashes which keeps us thinking have our heart jump a beat wondering if she is correct. Patience wants her audience to see that we all have our own definitions of love, but when it comes down to it, love is the ashes that remain after the fire is burnt out and after it’s burnt out there’s always the chance that the fire can be relit.


Cummings, E.E. – I Carry Your Heart With Me

When talking about love, there’s always those who believe that we carry the hearts of those we love with us, and that is true for E.E. Cummings. According to E.E. Cummings poem “I Carry Your Heart With Me”, he explains how much one can love a person. That person can be your whole world, the deep profound love of that person, the kind of love that can keep the stars apart. Cummings says, “No fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true).” This shows how much one can love their significant other, this kind of love can transcend the soul and mind. Cummings shows his deep love for his beloved. Wherever he goes he is always with his love and nothing can separate them. She is his whole universe and he can never live his life without her. Cummings even goes to say that she is the source of his living and is afraid of losing her. This poem is more than 20 years old and readers can still feel the strong love and connection he felt for his beloved. I believed that the venue of Cummings love poem is to his wife in his own home. The tone of the poem is very intense for he shows how much he loves his significant other. The rhetorical appeals Cummings uses is pathos because of the intensity of how he writes his poem, he writes about love and how it is eternal and gives him strength, how his love for his beloved cannot be measured. Cummings wants his audience to feel how he feels, that intense feeling of love, not he alone can feel that way, others too can feel the way he feels.


Shakespeare, William – Sonnet 116

Love isn’t something that is easily broken, love is the strongest force, strongest feeling a person can have. Yes it can bend, be beaten down, but love always prevails. William Shakespeare writes about his own definition of love in his “Sonnet 116.” Shakespeare says, “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove.” Shakespeare is saying that love isn’t so weak as to changes when circumstances change, or bends when the lover is unfaithful, it’s stronger than that. Love isn’t something that can be calculated, it’s immeasurable, and love always prevails. The venue for his love poem can be either in his theatre where most of his plays takes place or his own home. The tone is very firm in explaining the meaning of what true love is, something that isn’t weak and so easily broken. The rhetorical appeal is pathos because it shows how love is in its most ideal from. Love is strong and can survive any crisis. Love isn’t something that can be measured and isn’t understandable, but we all know what love is and that it’s there when we find that special someone. Shakespeare wants his audience to see that  love isn’t so timid to be swayed by the changes in two people, or because someone was unfaithful, love is always there and can survive anything thrown at it.


Barrett  Browning, Elizabeth – How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways

There are countless ways that people love, show their love. We each have different ways of showing our love, and those ways are based on the intensity of how much you love that person. There are loves that are small and casual and their are those that are so intense that they can reach the stars. Elizebeth Barrett is one of those who has that intense love. Elizebeth says in her love poem “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways”, “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.” Barrett wants to show how much she loves her significant other, the depth of that love which can transcend her soul. The venue for her love poem was probably her own home and she probably wrote it in remembrance of her late husband. The tone she uses in her poem is very intense which you can see by the amount of repetition she uses in her poem when she repeats “I love thee” six times followed by how much she loves her husband. The rhetorical appeal Barrett uses is pathos because her audience can feel how much she loves her husband, her extreme love for her husband. Barrett says, “If God chooses, I shall but love thee after death.” This shows that she loved her husband in life and now that he’s dead, she still loves him and will continue to do so when she too dies. Barrett wants her audience to see how much she loves her husband, her love is strong enough to transcend the love and she will continue to love him even after death.


Tagore, Rabindranath – Unending Love

Love is the strongest force in the universe and conquers all. Some believe that love can easily be broken, weak. Others believe that love is unending and beautiful. One who believes love is unending is Tagore, Rabindranath, where in his poem “Unending Love” he says “I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times… in Life after life, in age after age, forever.” Tagore is telling his beloved that he loves her in many ways and his love for her won’t wither and die away. No his love for his beloved will last forever, he has loved her in his previous life and will do so in his next and many more. The venue he Tagore wrote unending love is probably in his own home to his beloved, probably in the place where he has the most memories of her and their love. The tone of Tagore uses is intense, you can feel it when you read how he loved his beloved so much he believes that she’s his soul mate, his love in the previous life and the next. The rhetorical appeal Tagore uses is pathos as he conveys how much he loves his significant other, “We have played alongside millions of lovers , shared in the same shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell – Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.” Tagore wants his audience which is his beloved to see that they have loved the same love as millions of people, shared the same type of experiences of love, and will keep loving her forever.


Dickinson, Emily – That I Did Always Love

Have you ever loved someone? Have you ever been loved? Do you know the feeling of love and know how it affects a person? Some people have one love, some have many. Of all the poems I’ve read Emily Dickinson has the most intense poem I’ve read so far. According to Dickinson’s poem “That I Did Always Love”, “That I did always love, I bring thee proof that till I loved, I never lived – Enough.” Dickinson wants her significant other to see that she has always loved and is writing this poem to show that before she loved she has never truly lived. The venue was probably in her own home where she wrote to her beloved that  her experience with love is what brought meaning to her life. The tone she uses is intense as you can see when she says “that till I loved, I never lived – Enough.” This shows that she loved her beloved so much that her love for him brought her to life. The rhetorical appeal Dickinson uses is pathos, which the audience can see when Dickinson says “That love is life — and life hath immortality.” Dickinson is saying that love is life and is forever, it doesn’t die. Dickinson wants her audience which is her significant other to see how much she loves him, he makes her alive and their love is forever.


Chaucer, Geoffrey – Rondel Of Merciless Beauty

Love is a strong and beautiful thing, some love lasts forever, but not all love is eternal. Sometimes when you love someone, you might love them with all your heart, but your significant other might have one foot in, one foot out, then that person leaves and breaks your heart. This is the case for Geoffrey Chaucer, however, his heart doesn’t break, he writes his beloved a poem to show how much he loves her beauty. In his poem “Rondel Of Merciless Beauty”, he says “Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; their beauty shakes me who was once serene; straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.” Chaucer wants his significant other to know that he loved the way her beautiful eyes once looked at him, so calm and peaceful. The venue is probably in his own home where he wrote this poem after his beloved left him. The tone is casual as he explains her merciless beauty. The rhetorical appeal Chaucer uses is pathos as you can see when he says “Only your word will heal the injury to my heart, while yet the wound is clean.” Chaucer is hurt that she left him and only she can heal him and make him feel better if she talks to him and takes him back. Chaucer wants his audience which is his significant other to see that she is the beauty is his life and it hurt him when she left, that he wants her to come back to him and heal the wound she left in his heart.

Hip hop

Introduction-Hip hop is one of my favorite genres of music. It’s been around for many years impacting society in many ways. There are all kinds of beats, rhythm , and lyrics. From jazz to pop to hip hop, the types of music people listen to and can have an impact on them. Hip hop has been promoting social and political awareness for the people of today.

Central idea- Rap music educated people from several different perspectives and raises many social issues. Rap helps people speak freely about their opinion or view on either political or social issues. And by speaking freely,  it causes teenagers today to become concerned and aware of the things these artist talk about. This is important because it helps bring positive change in society. Hip hop is just a naturally way for people to express themselves or to relate to.


Source#1-J.Cole (“Be free”)


Annotated-When I listen to hip hop I can feel the energy the artist bring. Either it can be sad, happy, sad and etc. For me hip hop music just calms me down and it’s just gets you in a vibe. I have 6 different artist that I like to listen to and each one of these artist has a song that I strongly like.One of my favorite hip hop artist is J Cole.Cole is an American rapper, mixtape producer and music producer.He is known as one of the very few artist to never miss platinum standard of recording industry association of America. The reason why I like JCole is because the way he tells stories in his songs you can just feel his energy. One good song I like from him is called “Be free”. He talks about the death of micheal brown who had got shot by a white police officer. So he wrote the songs about how he feels and people like me feel where he’s coming from and feel the way he feel.”All we wanna do is take the chains off,All we wanna do is be free” this verse from jcole persuades the audience that we we just wanna be free from cops killing us.And this is why I like his music because he just tell great stories with his lyrics. J.Cole influences his audience to follow their dream to become a better rapper or just to become successful in life and you can achieve anything.


Source #2 – Dave East (“Don’t shoot”)


Annotated-  Dave East  is never afraid to speak his mind especially on social and political issues. The thing I like about Dave East is that he says what feels and don’t care how people feel about a situation. Dave uses social media exactly for what it was intended for which is to connect with his fans and just being an influence to others. In his song “ Don’t shoot” he adjust his voice to tell an envolving story of police interactions from child to teenager to an adult. His encounters become increasingly more alarming and violent, until his last one marks the end of his life. “This attitude is programmed/ Imagine getting harassed for you whole life/ All day and the whole night/ They say prison is the new slave ship”. When he says this he basically mean that the  police  want us african Americans in jail and they doing anything they can to do just that which is mest up.



Source#3 – Joyner Locas (“I’m not a racist”)


Annotated- Joyner Lucas is one talented artist. To me his one of many people I look up to when it comes to creativity. His audience is influenced about him because he raps to inform you on certain topics. And in his music videos he tells creative stories that goes with his lyrics which sends his message towards us. Joyner Lucas made a song called “I’m not a racist”. In this song he talks about racism, police brutality, and politics. In his song he basically shows a African American and a Caucasian person talking to each other but with lyrics. He says “ we were all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us ,and wealth classified us. In this part of the song he just basically stating what’s going on in the world based on these titles.


Source#4 –  Tupac (“changes”)


Annotated-  Tupac was one of the greats to ever rap in the industry. In his rap he talked a lot about society. No artist has had that effect on so many people as Tupac did. He gave the inner city kids a voice. He helped pushed rap popularity to the global scale. He influenced a society full of teenagers, adults, and children. He made his fans feel alive and important because he cared about each and everyone of them. I feel that Tupac was a brilliant artist who used his platform to inform his audience about the world we live in. In his song “changes” he talks about society and police brutality. In his songs he says” Come on come on I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself Is life worth living should I blast myself? I’m tired of being poor and even worse I’m black My stomach hurts so I’m looking  for purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro Pull the trigger kill a ni**a he’s a hero”. This is powerful statement because this something that goes on in today’s society which is sad


Source#5- Meek mill (“what’s free”)


Annotated- Meek Mill has more than earned his spot as the most important artist. His contributions to the culture are not measured by the quantity of music releases but, by his humanitarian work regarding criminal justice reform and underrepresented youth. Meek mill influence us as his audience to stand up for ourselfs. I find him brave. The reason why I say this because he is one of the few many that doesn’t care what nobody thinks involving political things. He says how he feels and uses his platform to say so. He uses his platform continuing his fight for social justice, using his platform to advocate on behalf or marginalized groups and against police brutality. Meek mill lyrics in his songs has powerful messages behind them. One  of his songs called” what’s free?”One line in his song was”What’s free?Free is when nobody else could tell us what to be

Free is when the TV ain’t controllin”He want us to see the meaning behind “free” and he describes the meaning of freedom and what what it really means to be free in his understanding of the word “free” for us to understand in today’s society.



Source#6- Kendrick lamar (“Alright”)


Annotated- Kendrick Lamar is one of the most admired artist in the hip hop industry. Kendrick not only wants to make gray songs for his audience but he want us to learn from him through his music. In his songs he talks about what goes on in the world either being police brutality, racial profiling, slavery, and other important events going on in the world. His audience love him because he is a one of a kind type of artist who not only talks facts but we can all learn from him. He had made a song called “ Alright” talking about what goes on around in his neighborhood and in the world. It is one my favorite songs from him. Kendrick said “ we hurt people that love us/ love people that hurt us”. This makes me think about how I should treat people and how they should treat me. He taught me that I can succeed by working hard.


Conclusion- Hip hop music can touch on many topics such as politics and just about anything. Rap music has helped a lot of teens in many ways. It helped us find our ways out of difficult situations, using the lyrics to relate to our lives and finding a meaning in them. Those words help us understand the world and help us understand ourselves. It’s something for us to fall back on.