Category Archives: The Carlyle, Site Visit

The Carlyle Site Visit Reflection – Jessica Balatucan

What did you like/dislike about our site visit to The Carlyle?

What I liked during the visit to the Carlyle Hotel was having a tour to each room and getting to see the back of the house because I was interested to see how it looks and operates.  I also really liked the view and the story of how the directors got to where they were. What i disliked was that there wasnt enough time to see and veiw the rooms that they had planed to show us.
What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?

The most significant information that I learned while visiting the Carlyle Hotel was that even though you dont end up where you strive or hope to be, you can still be succesful and content. I believe that this is important because most people stress that they need to be excactly what they want to be otherwise they wont be succesful. Their story was also very inspiring and made me want strive and work hard for my dreams.


The Carlyle Visit- Gabriel Negron

What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?

Learning about the backgrounds of the different department managers definitely had a significant impact during our visit to the Carlyle. Hearing how many of them were like me unable to really decide which route to take but finding a passion in customer service and traveling it helped to reassure that I was doing something that would keep me interested.

How did you feel about going to The Carlyle?  

I was incredibly excited to visit the Carlyle, I wanted to experience firsthand the first class service they are so known for. Seeing the different suites and how they can cater to different kinds of guests was very intriguing as well as seeing some of the older tradition such as the elevator attendant Frank who told us he was an employee for 30 years. This told me just how much he enjoyed working at The Carlyle no matter the title and how the company treats their employees with care.

The Carlyle Visit- Sthefany Gomez

What did you like/ dislike about our visit to The Carlyle?

Walking to the Carlyle Hotel I could already feel the luxury of the neighborhood. The grand lobby with nothing but professionals in sight was a truly delightful experience. With the art pasted on the wall I could already tell that I would love every minute of the visit. Which I was not wrong about. Sitting and listening to everyone’s story inspired me to move forward in my career in Hospitality. Moving up and down the stairs, going into suits, and the dining area sure painted a picture of how a hotel with such a hard working teams can be the best and stay the best for countless years.

One thing that influenced your desire to work in this industry?

A hotel that thrives on teamwork, looks after every worker, give opportunities for professional growth, and whoms ideals are to make sure every guest is satisfied is my perfect type of hotel to work in.That is exactly what the Carlyle is focused on, which is what influenced me make my decision to work in this industry. As Justine talked about all the opportunities the company provided and how well the executive branch cooperated with every worker a spark ignited in me saying “This is what you want”. Experiences is what is needed and as much as I want to jump right into the stop, the speakers made it clear that failure will come along with success

The Carlyle, Site Visit (Janice Guo)

The field trip to the Carlyle Hotel was an incredibly enjoyable learning experience.

Did you feel prepared for what you experienced during the site visit?

I was not prepared for the complete experience that was provided when at the Carlyle. First doing my research, I knew the hotel was a luxury hotel and it catered to the elite class using the classic approach. What I was not expecting was exactly how old fashioned and true they kept their “classic” style. The dimly lit lobby, the cabaret restaurant, the mail slots behind the front desk, and even the beautiful paintings on the wall; all gave the old, timeless and welcoming ambience when I stepped into the hotel. I was not prepared for the immense amount of detail the hotel put into their style.

What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?

The most significant information I learned while at the hotel was from what most of the speakers told us. Many of them were lost, just like me, until they decided to take a step into the hospitality field. Where one manager decided to go to school for hospitality somewhere in Europe, another started work at a restaurant. From there, both slowly climbed the ladder of the hospitality field and achieved the position that they are now. This inspired me, proving people successful now were also lost at some point during the past.

The Carlyle Hotel Reflection- Matthew Tobjy

What did you like/dislike about our visit to The Carlyle?

One aspect that I really enjoyed about this hotel was the various types of suites and they had. I liked how each suite and room is decorated differently and not the same. Each room has its own personality and vibe to it. This shows the luxurious nature of the hotel and the amount of care that goes into running this hotel for the specific clientele that they receive.

What one thing influenced your desire to work/or not to work in this industry?

One thing that influenced my desire to work in this industry was the amount of attention to detail each employee has. It was very nice to see how each employee was dedicated to their job and making sure everything is pristine in order to live up to the class of the hotel. They are very detailed in their work and as someone who is very meticulous about details it was nice to see this in a professional industry and environment.

Site Visit of The Carlyle Hotel- Ananllely Segura

As i entered The Hotel the first thing i saw was this little restaurant which seemed very old fashioned/ 50’s themed, it had a classic yet simple cabaret feel to it, i feel that maybe the rugs and dark lighting is what gave it its character. Although the Hotel’s lobby was narrow and quite small from what ive seen it seemed to add perfectly to the welcome home type of feel. My favorite part of the hotel had to be the rooms, each room felt like i was walking into someones home each decorated and set up in its own unique way. I loved the old fashioned home away from home feel to it.

The most significant information i learned throughout the trip would have to be that although the hotel is very old fashioned many celebrities still stay there and enjoy its uniqueness. Also the fact that people actually live there validates how welcoming the hotel is. The employees were all great at communicating with eachother as well as with the guests/residents.

The Carlyle, Site Visit – Kiara Camacho

What did you like/dislike about our site visit to The Carlyle? 

When I first walked into the Carlyle, I noticed the cabaret themed cafe, and I was in complete in love with how vintage and classy the place looked. I was definitely  mesmerized as we kept visiting each room, being that each room is designed differently. I also loved how they still have mail slots behind front desk, and thats something you don’t just see in any hotel anymore.

What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?

I would say that the one thing that stuck to me was learning about the managers we met, they influenced me to continue to work hard, and not lose focus because in order to succeed you need to go through a lot of experience. Another significant thing I learned was that the communication skills the workers had, were very admirable and you can tell they loved their job and enjoyed catering to you.

The Carlyle Site Visit Reflection – Cynthia Alicea

What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?

I learned that the guest are always right. To always be friendly to everyone you meet no matter if its a guest or other staff member. While walking through the Carlyle I observed the way the staff members interacted with each other and with the several guest we encountered. It really showed me how the employees and management take pride in their customer service.

How did you feel about going to The Carlyle?  

I was very excited to go to the Carlyle. I have only walked outside of the building. I have always wanted to stay there. I was also excited to learn more about the different management positions and hear from their side what it took for them to get to the position they are at now. I didn’t expect many of them to have started at entry level positions. That gave me hope that there is room to move up entering this field.

The Carlyle Site Visit Reflection (Thursday Class)

I hope you found as much value in the Site Visit of the Carlyle as I did. Please share with you classmates what you learned by answering two of the following selection of questions.

How much did you know about the luxury hotel market before the site visit?
In what way do you believe you need to prepare for a career in the luxury hotel market?
How did you feel about going to The Carlyle?
What did you like/dislike about our site visit to The Carlyle?
What was the most significant information you learned while on the site visit?
Did you feel prepared for what you experienced during the site visit?
If you had a chance to meet the speakers again what would you tell them about yourself?
What one thing influenced your desire to work/or not to work in this industry?
What did you learn?

To answer the two questions of your choice, 1) create a blog post, 2) include the questions you are answering, 3) write a reflection that is about 50-75 words and 4) choose the category “The Carlyle, Site Visit”. The reflection is due before our next class session. It would be useful to also respond to your classmate’s posts.