Hitchings | D054 | Fall 2023

Category: Student Posts

Discussion: Introductions

Hello dear INFORMATION DESIGN students!

I would like to also take a moment to welcome you and introduce myself. I am a communication designer with a focus on information design and illustration. I am principal designer of >>ARTORIUM, a graphic design studio committed to communicating the essentials of complex information quickly, clearly, and appealingly. My recent work has primarily been as a contract artist for scientists at several research organizations.

I can’t wait to meet you all this semester and I look forward to learning about you here on this first blog post.


Prof. Hitchings

Add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. Please include your academic interests as it relates to Communication Design.

  1. What is you area of concentration? And why you chose your major?
  2. What has been your favorite class to date?
  3. What has been your favorite assignment? Please bring with you to our next class.
  4. Where do you feel your strengths lie within Communication Design?
  5. What would you like to get better at?
  6. Why are you taking Information Design?
  7. What do you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time? Or anything else you want to share!

Please add your introduction by Monday 9/4. It should be between 250-300 words. We do not meet next week, so this will give everyone plenty of time to read.

Before our next class Monday 9/11, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

For extra credit, reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.

Student Posts

Students can create posts to respond to assignments, submit work, and share ideas. Students must create an account on the OpenLab and join this course before they are able to write posts.


Students should give their posts the category “Student Work”; all posts in this category will appear under “Student Work”, with the most recent post first. Faculty can create additional categories for students to use, e.g. “Assignment 1 Posts” to help organize student work.


Students are encouraged to comment on each other’s posts to facilitate discussion and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Scroll down to see the example comment associated with this post.