Hitchings | D054 | Fall 2023

Author: M. Genevieve Hitchings (Page 1 of 12)

Week 15 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 12/18
  • Meeting Info: Room P114

Final Class Celebration!

  • In Class Final Presentations.
  • The  final presentations will happen digitally. But I would like to have them printed in Black and White as well. Please make sure all your final work, as PDFs (Project 1 and Project 2&3) are saved in a folder with your name into the class dropbox folder by 2:00 PM Monday 12/18: >>All-FINALS



Class Info

  • Date: Monday 12/11
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


  • In Class Critique. Make sure you save PDFs of Project 2 & 3 in the class Dropbox folder titled: >>Assignment7-DesignDevelopment
  • >>Final Grading Rubric checklist
  • Phase 3 Design and Development >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7
    1. For your Diagram: Design your focal point. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Organize your story sequentially (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal).
    3. Continue to research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.

Activities and Lab Time

  • In-class critique
  • Time to work


  1. Project 2&3 Final Design with all edits DUE
    Save all your final projects (Project 1 and Project 2&3) as PDFs into into the class dropbox titled  in a folder with your name in the class Dropbox folder titled >>AllFinals
  2. Read: Müller, Boris. “Bringing Design to Science” Medium, October 22, 2017. (Medium

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 12/04
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


  • Project 2 & 3 >>Activities/Projects/Project2&3
  • Phase 3 Design and Development >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7
    1. For your Diagram: Design your focal point. This should be clear, beautiful and stylized. You can use photography, or an illustration (digital or hand-drawn). Work should be original
    2. For your FlowChart/Timeline (sequential story) Organize your story sequentially (this should be outlined in your Project Proposal).
    3. Continue to research examples to reference as inspiration. Save them as URL links in your project proposal.

Activities and Lab Time

  • Presentation – In class presentations. We will print what you would like feedback on. 
  • Time to work 


  1. Phase 3 Design and Development >>Activities/Project2&3/Assignment7
  2. Save your doc or PDF with your name into the class Dropbox folder titled: >>Assignment7-DesignDevelopment
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