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Weird Fact about Orchas

I hope everyone finds this as interesting as I did. If you like the deep sea as much as I so then you’d be interested to know a fun fact about whales; Orcha’s in specific.

As you all know Females go through menopause (A decline in reproducing hormones roughly between the ages of 40 and fifty). But did you guys know that Orchas along with Pilot whales and Humans are the only three known species to experience it?

Unline most animals whom are able to reproduce their whole lives; Orchas cannot. They start reproducing around the age of 15; and even though they can live up to 100+; they naturally stop reproducing in their 30’s and/or 40″s, but the question was why?

During a conducted research it was found that Orchas go through menopause because they become in conflict after producing alongside their daughter Orchas. The difference is that the younger mother Orchas have a higher chance of their calves living than dying, unlike an older Orcha’s calve whom suffers a 1.7 chance of dying. In other words ” they lose out in reproductive competition with their own daughters,” explained the University of Exeter’s Darren Croft.

I Found this to be very interesting because it was new to me and I never expected animals to go through this.
Read more:


advice from my friends I am the type of person who worries a lot, and stays worried most of the time. What can I do?

Advice from Linda:
You can’t just stop worrying. Worrying has been a huge positive in my life.
There is lots of evidence that worriers are better prepared for life’s challenges and so tend to do better in the long run. I wouldn’t give it up at all.
But, it is possible to live better with worry. Mediation and mindfulness (tons of articles and books on how), even for just 10 minutes a day, makes a huge difference. There you learn to worry without fear for one thing.
Estimates I’ve seen of personality types suggests there might be about 10% of the population that does what we do. That seven hundred million people on the planet presently. You’re in good company.
From Jeny
Keep on telling this to yourself. I read this quote somewhere and kept it saved on my phone to remind myself – ‘Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but, takes you nowhere.’
Divert your mind
Detach yourself from the chain of thoughts that worry you. Go out. Do something. Keep yourself busy.
Talk it out
This works for a lot of people. Talk to somebody who really understands you. If they are unavailable, get online. There are many anxiety forums where people are there to listen.
Take a break from your schedule
Get a holiday with your family, your friends or just tour a new city alone. You will return rejuvenated.
Write a journal
I experienced that writing your worries gives better clarity, reduces the convolution in your head and decreases the frequency of worrisome thoughts.
Watch something motivating
A good Ted talk, inspiring movie, or video sometimes gives us the confidence and courage to do something, moving past our worries.
All in all, don’t take life that seriously. Remember that you have only one life to live. It’s almost no use wasting it over a lot of things we worry about. Breathe. It will get better.

The Pomodoro Technique And 3 More Research-Backed Study Tips

I hope everyone is doing well as they prepare for finals! I wanted to share this article about research-backed study tips. I have used the Pomodoro Technique for a while and it seems to suit me well — I’m a firm believer in the importance of taking intentional breaks to rest your brain. It also helps me stay on-task if I know I’m going to have a short rest coming up in ~20/25 minutes.

There are several apps you can use on your computer or phone that help with this. I like one called Peace (which also takes advantage of binaural beats to stimulate different brain waves to maximize cognition, though it isn’t free which is too bad) and another called Toggl Timer (which is free), among others if you just search for “Pomodoro” in the app store.

What are some of y’all’s favorite/best study tips?

Your feedback is very much appreciated!

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Project on the ‘Age of Humans’ to explore human effect on environment Summary

The article Project on the ‘Age of Humans’ to explore human effect on environment by Andrew Bauld is about a project led by Assistant Professor Sarah Fredericks and her team. The goal of this project is to bring a new definition to be human in the Anthropocene (defined as a period marked by unprecedented human interaction with the planet that includes mass agricultural practices, nuclear weapons and climate change). In order to conduct the project, they will focus on three themes: the different and diverse contributions of humans to the Anthropocene, the implicit religiosity of Anthropocene narratives and indigenous understanding of environmental change. With support, financial help and encouragements from Uchicago Urban officials, researchers, and some scientists, Fredericks and her team are aiming to reach a larger audience. Prepared, organized and motivated, she hopes to bring chances in future research.

sleep difficulities


Sleep difficulties are a common problem for millions of adults. Even if you can get to sleep, you might have trouble staying asleep. Does this sound familiar? You drift off to dreamland, but find yourself wide awake at 3 a.m., or maybe you wake up every few hours throughout the night. Adequate sleep is supposed to leave you feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. But if your sleep is interrupted, you’re likely to feel fatigued and sleepy the next day. So what gives? There are several factors that mayinterfere with getting your zzz’s including the following:
1. Too much caffeine:
You probably already know caffeine is a stimulant and can affect your ability to fall asleep. But it can also lead to poor quality sleep including waking up in the middle of the night. Caffeine has a three to five-hour half-life, which means it takes your body that many hours to get rid of half the caffeine you consumed. The bottom line is you may feel the effects of caffeine several hours after you consume it. Keep in mind, energy drinks, cola, chocolate and certain teas also contain caffeine. Your best bet is to avoid caffeine about six hours before bed.
2. Stress:
Stress and lack of sleep seem to go hand in hand. If you’re stressed, it can be hard to sleep well and may lead to middle of the night insomnia. When you don’t get enough sleep, that can also lead to more stress and it becomes a vicious cycle. According to the American Psychological Association, adults who get less than eight hours of sleep each night report higher levels of stress symptoms than those who sleep longer. Although it can be easier said than done, it’s important to unwind and unplugbefore bed.
3. Sleep environment:
Your sleep environment can contribute to poor sleep. For example, loud noises can jolt you from a sound sleep or light peeking through the shades can wake you. Fortunately, there are ways to make your bedroom more sleep-friendly. Invest in a quality mattress and comfy bedding and consider keeping your bedroom cool, which most people find helps sleep. Make sure your curtains are heavy enough to block out sunlight and use a white noise machine or earplugs to block sounds from outside.
4. An aching back:
Back pain can disrupt sleep and leave you struggling to find a comfortable position. If you have chronic back pain, it’s important to treat the underlying cause. Also, your sleep position can make a big difference in your comfort level. The right position for you may depend on whether your upper or lower back ache. To take the pressure off your back, the Mayo Clinic recommends sleeping on your side with your knees slightly pulled up towards your chest with a pillow between your knees.
5. Hormones:
Your hormones play a role in several functions including sleep. When there is an imbalance or afluctuation, shifting hormones can contribute to sleep disturbances. A woman’s menstrual cycle,pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause often cause hormonal changes that may affect their quality of sleep. For example, decreased estrogen can lead to hot flashes, which wake you up at 2 a.m. You can’t always control your hormones, but you can make your environment conducive for sleep, unwind before bed and stick to the same sleep schedule. If those strategies don’t help, talk with your doctor. Hormonal replacement therapy or additional treatment may be an option.
6. Alcohol:
If you enjoy a cocktail before bedtime, you know alcohol may help you get to sleep. But the bad news is it actually can interfere with your quality of sleep. As the alcohol metabolizes and the effects wear off, it prevents deep sleep, which causes restless sleep throughout the night. Consider limiting alcohol a few hours before you hit the sack.
7. Eating too late:
A light midnight snack may be fine, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime may leave you tossing and turning during the night. Eating large portions before you turn in for the night can lead to indigestionand acid reflux. If you want a snack before bed, keep it light and stay away from spicy and greasyfoods.

United Airline Controversy

Last month, there was a controversial incident on board of a United Airline airplane. A passenger was violently dragged off the airplane because he was not willing to give up his seat to the airline employees. He has a reasonable excuse, he is a doctor and his has a appointment with his patient the next day. The airline was sued by the victim. The rumor was the settlement will be around $100 millions. Please share some of you experience with airline companies.

Stress + College

As many of you know, finals week is very tough to get through. Me being an Architect student, you can imagine how difficult it is to prepare for presentations, designs, and exams. I believe I am stress, but in reality I am not. Why?, because there is always a way to make it successfully. Stress is sort of an excuse that creates this “negative” feeling, allowing you to ignore your options and look for the “easy” way out. What colleges differs from high school is that you’re now focusing on your career. If you’re absolutely satisfied with your choosing of major, it is quite important to remain positive of how these classes will benefit you on the long run. Without noticing, all of that stress will disappear and you’ll continue a positive journey to a well deserved summer.