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Bog bodies.

Bog bodies found in Europe and Ireland and nearby regions. Body preservation of violent deaths of well-preserved people in the bogs create theories as to why they died.

Here’s the link below.

9 Ways To Bounce Back The Day After A Crappy Night’s Sleep

1. Eat right away.


Sleep deprivation can mess with your hunger signals in a number of ways: 
It can make you feel hungrier all day, and it can make it harder to keep cravings in check if you indulge in a little bit of junk food.
Stay away from the candy and start your day with a healthy breakfast to keep the good vibes going all day. 
Eating something with protein will help keep you energized throughout the day, says registered dietician Megan Faletra.


2. Go out in the sun.


Bright light helps wake you up, says Cathy Goldstein, M.D., a neurologist at Michigan Medicine’s Sleep Disorders Center.
So try to get outside and turn on as many lights as you can — don’t cower in your room under your phone’s glow even if you feel groggy.


3. Get moving.


Exercise might be the last thing you want to do when you’re short on rest, but even just a few stretches or jumping jacks can help get you going, says Courtney Bancroft, Psy.D., a licensed clinical health psychologist specializing in insomnia and sleep wellness. 
One caveat: Some trainers say they don’t like it when their clients train on a poor night’s sleep, so your best bet here is light exercise — nothing too strenuous, please!


4. Do some deep breathing.


Breathing exercises can wake you up in a way similar to exercise, says Bancroft. 
Try sticking your tongue out and panting for 30 seconds, breathing in deeply, and repeating. 
Or try alternate nostril breathing: Cover your right nostril with your thumb and breath in through your left nostril for four to eight seconds; cover the left with your pinkie and exhale out of your right for the same amount of time. Then breathe in on the right side, covering the left. Keep alternating for one minute.


5. Get chilly.


Heat can make you feel even sleepier. 
Bancroft recommends taking a cold shower, turning down your thermostat, or even just running your hands under cool water to keep alert.


6. Try not to nap.


Stay awake all day after a bad night, and you’ll be able to fall asleep easier the next time, Bancroft says. “This keeps the sleep drive — one of the major systems that affects our ability to fall asleep — ’hungry,’ so to speak, for sleep,” she explains. If you can’t resist napping, avoid going more than 45 minutes, or you may be vulnerable to sleep inertia, “persistent grogginess after awakening,” says Dr. Goldstein. It’s also best to nap before 2:00 or 3:00 P.M. so your circadian rhythm can reset and you don’t experience yet another night of tossing and turning.


7. Drink tons of water.


Dehydration can make you even more tired, so Faletra recommends drinking two to three liters of water over the course of the day.


8. Avoid your devices once it gets dark.


Since grogginess can make you less productive, you might be tempted to work later than usual. 
But the light coming from your screen could keep you up late too, so force yourself to stop two hours before bedtime, says Dr. Goldstein.


9. Drink coffee. (Bet you thought we weren’t going to say that!)


Coffee really does help keep you going, says Dr. Goldstein, since it reduces adenosine, a neurotransmitter your brain releases when you’re sleep-deprived. 
Just try not to have a cup after 2:00 P.M., since misuse of coffee can make sleeplessness a self-perpetuating cycle.
Really, the most important thing is that next night — it’s what will keep one bad day from becoming a pattern of sleeplessness.


Here is the link, for those that have an interest in CST.! Hackathon looks like a good opportunity, to see how big companies work.


How do you guys feel about Climate change?

Climate change is something people in our daily lives just hear but not really care about. We must keep in mind that this is the world we live in and it is changing for the worst in some ways. Things like fossil fuels are causing an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and as a result depletes the ozone layer and an increase of the suns ultra violet radiation towards the earth. This is unhealthy for us and it will only get worst for us if we keep living how we live now while having no regard to what are we doing to our planet.

How Climate Change is affecting us

Climate change can affected us a lot. Not only does the Earth get warmer, it can have an effect on how our agriculture is and possibly more intense weather conditions.  Our food and even the water we drink can be affected from climate change. If the temperature is more hotter, it’ll lead to more hotter days and bigger heat waves. When exposed to really hot weather conditions, it can have an affect on our health. Heatstroke is a popular death from extreme heat. Dehydration can also effect us.


Hello everyone, it Palden and I’m from English 1101, today I’m here because I need to interview a student from math and chemistry. It won’t take too much time I only have 10 quick question. I know that you guys don’t have to much but it’s really important to part of my homework. If like to do interview please contact me in my email( )

To Students Of Math 1275 And Chemistry 1101

Hi my name is David Levi. I’m in English 1101. I need to interview someone from the Math or Chemistry class for my class assignment. The interview consists of only a few general questions about your school experience and you’d be helping me greatly for my assignment. If you’re interested, please contact me through my e-mail, david,, thank you.

What are some psychological tricks, useful in daily life?

You can change your eating behavior by redesigning your environment.
Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating, describes how our environment influences how we eat:
“If you use a big spoon, you’ll eat more. If you serve yourself on a big plate, you’ll eat more. If you move the small bowl of chocolates on your desk six feet away you’ll eat half as much. If you eat chicken wings and remove the bones from the table, you’ll forget how much you ate and you’ll eat more.”
Well, you can use your environment to help you eat less without starving yourself.
You do this by eating your food in smaller plates/ bowls.
When you use a large plate, you have to add a lot of food on it to make it look full. If your brain thinks you’re eating less, the more likely it’ll be to want a second serving. (Thanks survival mode).
However, if you put that same amount of food on a small plate, your mind will tell you that you are eating a large portion and you’ll stop adding food. That visual cue will trick your brain into thinking it’s had enough to eat.
Either way, you are eating the same amount of food.
This is known as the Delboeuf Illusion.
Delboeuf was a 19th-century Belgian philosopher, and he discovered if you surround two identical circles with different amounts of “white space,” people think they’re looking at two different circles.
The more “white space” around the circle, the smaller the circle appears.
This is why the black circle on the left in the image above looks smaller than the one on the right.
And it’s why the bowl of cereal on the left below looks less full than the one on the right. And that’s why the small plate feels fuller and more filling.
Downsizing your plates will reduce the number of calories you are eating and allow you to feel satisfied at the same time.
A study shows that eating from a 10-inch plate instead of a 12–inch one cuts your calories by a whooping 22%! That means this small change could result in an estimated 10 pounds in weight loss over the course of one year!
Another study followed 200 homes in Syracuse over 4 months, and found that people randomly assigned to use smaller plates lost three pounds more than those given larger plates.
“It is easier to change your food environment than to change your mind.” – Brian Wansink
Hope you found this helpful!