

One of the main takeaways that I found throughout the semester was the amount of questioning that  I must ask myself when it comes down to creating a lighting design as well  as a stage design.  The reason for this is because when degerming what lighting fixture I wanted to use their was many questions that would follow such as why this fixture specifically? Why a 50 degree instead of a 70 degree? to name a few but also figuring out what type of colors I want to use , or even what sort of gobos I had in mind. The same goes for the stage design aspect as I had to question what sort of flats I would like to use or even how it would assembled.

Another takeaway that I wanted to come out of by the end of this culmination project was to get a better grasp of what I wanted to focus on once I graduate from school. As throughout my senior year I wanted to know more about what exactly a lighting designer as well as a scenic designer do. As this project was to train my skills I know that after graduating I would like to focus more as a lighting designer and in general the lighting industry for now. That doesn’t mean ill close the door on stage design as in the future I would like to take the time to learn train my skills even further  in that aspect of theater as well.