Fight For Your Rights

Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

The end of the semester!!

I am going to miss you guys! And, as I said, I am very very proud of you for making it through this difficult time and writing some amazing stuff while you’re at it.

Okay, so final portfolios are due on Dec 16th by 6 pm. CATEGORY: FINAL PORTFOLIO!  Please look at the assignment sheet under “Major assignments.”   The list of what to include is below:

Please post on Open Lab. You can submit as a (very long) blog post, or a Word Doc (you can attach!) or as a PDF. DO NOT USE OTHER FILE TYPES. PLEASE! These often do not come through and I’m left unable to open your portfolio or give you a grade.

  • UNIT ONE (revised). Please write a 2-3 sentence introduction describing everything you’ve changed– or things you might like to change!
  • UNIT TWO (you may revise this unit OR Unit Three). Write a 2-3 sentence intro describing what you would change or would like to change, whether or not you revised. This should include:
    • Intro
    • All Four Source Entries
    • Conclusion.
  • UNIT THREE (you may revise this or Unit Two). 2-3 sentence intro, whether or not you have revised. This should include:
    • Unit Three project (you may need to include links to your webpage, podcast, video, etc)
    • Artist’s Statement.


HERE is the slideshow about portfolios we watched in class.  If you’re confused about the portfolio, or if you missed Wednesday’s class, take a look!

HERE is the slideshow about revision– I suggest you look at it!

Also, if you would like to make up some homework credit, and get some help with revision, please do the assignment from last week below (it won’t count as late):

READ: “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray.

In this essay, Donald Murray names several different elements writers can focus on when revising their work (here, I’m talking about the words he’s italicized). This is a lot to think about in your revision, so I’d like you to choose one of these element write about how you can apply it to improve your own work. Be specific.  You may also want to discuss why you’ve chosen to focus on this element over the others! Write a blog post and post on Open Lab.

For Friday, Dec 4 and Weds, Dec 9!

Hi you guys!  It’s getting to be the end of the semester (believe it or not!)  I’ve decided to make a big change:

For the final portfolio, instead of revising units one and two, you must revise Unit One and either Unit Two or Unit Three.  In other words, you must revise two units, and one of those units must be Unit One.

In other words, your final portfolio will contain:

Final Reflection, Unit One,Unit Two, Unit Three


Please note: If unit three was not turned in on time, you may not revise unit 3.

Now the homework:

By noon Friday Dec 4:

READ: “The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray.  

In this essay, Donald Murray names several different elements writers can focus on when revising their work (here, I’m talking about the words he’s italicized). This is a lot to think about in your revision, so I’d like you to choose one of these element write about how you can apply it to improve your own work. Be specific.  You may also want to discuss why you’ve chosen to focus on this element over the others! Write a blog post and post on Open Lab.

Keep an eye on this space!  I’ll be writing a slide show about what I’ll be looking for with revision and posting it here.  

By noon on Weds Dec 9 (our last class!):

REVIEW: Final Revision and Portfolio Assignment (see: Major assignments)

WRITE: A draft (at least 400 words) of your final reflection.  You can use the exercise we did in class as a starting point.  Other starting points?  The questions on the assignment sheet or your: letter to your future self from the first week!)

One more thing: Next Monday, Dec 7, I will be holding office hours during class time.  I’ll send out a sign up sheet.  If you want to meet with me, but can’t make that time, feel free to call!



Part One: Look at your time capsule from week one—your goals for the semester!


Part Two: In a blog post (but right now during class) Write a little note to your beginning-of-the semester self.

  • What have you learned this semester?
  • Did you achieve your goals? Did you achieve different goals?
  • What surprises have you encountered along the way?
  • Were your goals too small/ too big/ right on the money? (You certainly don’t have to answer all of these questions, by the way– these are just ideas to get you started.)


Part Three: You’re going to revise what you wrote in part two into a PIE paragraph—that is, a paragraph with Points, Information/ Illustrations and Explanations.

Unit Three Due by noon Wednesday, Nov 25!!

Hey everyone– Unit three (and the artist statement)  is due by noon this Wednesday.  For details on the unit see the assignment sheet HERE . Remember, if you are having trouble with the assignment, you need to talk to me BEFORE the assignment is due.

If you are posting a video, it will be easiest to upload to YouTube and then add the link here.  Anything else, you can add as an attachment or add into the body of the text!

I will be grading these over Thanksgiving weekend.

In Monday’s class, we will be discussing writing an artist’s statement

Here is an optional exercise that I strongly suggest you do!  It will help you write a rough draft of your artist statement:



Yes, this is the homework for WEDNESDAY– meaning I am giving you a week– but remember, this is a LOT of work!  I’m giving you a week so you get something done.  Your main task is to work on Unit 3.  By Noon Weds, Nov 18, please post as much of Unit 3 as you have done.  We will spend most of class talking about projects.  Simply presenting ANYTHING counts toward your final essay grade (that is, you have two options: post a rough draft and get full credit, don’t post a rough draft and get zero credit.)

I would also like everyone to write a brief blog post (approx 150 words) about the mentor text you found in class on Weds.

  • Who is the audience of that mentor text? Would they also be interested in your project for Unit 3 (they should be!)
  • Look at the intro of that mentor text– or if it’s something like a website, etc.. look at how the designers got the viewers interested– how do the writers “hook” the readers?  Can you learn anything about how to hook your readers from this text?)
  • How are they using formatting or visuals?  Are they using pictures? Headings? Subtitles? Etc… Will this help you in your own formatting?

NOTE: you do not have to copy your mentor text exactly, but remember– if you are writing a TED talk, looking at a TED talk you like will probably help you learn how to put one together.  If you are writing for TIME magazine, you should look at TIME magazine articles to see what they look like!

I am finishing up comments on Unit Two– I may have told you I need to meet with you on Monday– if so, or if you want to meet with me on Mon for any reason, please sign up for office hours here: Please be on time!  If you’re late, you might miss your appointment.

Many people need to review P-I-E paragraphs. HERE is the link to the PIE slideshow.  Please review it!  Remember, every paragraph should only have one main point.  Really long paragraphs with multiple points are very confusing to readers!


Due by noon, Friday Nov 6: Proposal for Unit 3!

Hi everyone!  so, for Friday, you need a proposal for Unit 3.  If you missed Wednesday’s class, the first thing you should do is read the description of Unit 3 (under “major assignments”) and then you should do the questionnaire here:

For everyone that was in class, you can skip right to the assignment, which is this:

WRITE:  You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post to website. This proposal should tell us: 

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 
  • The audience you are trying to reach
  • The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
  • What you know about this genre, or how you plan to learn about the genre (watch TED talks, read speeches, read how-tos, etc)
  • A plan — how do you intend to get started?  Spend a little time on this.  Write out your first three steps.  What are you going to do?  
  • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project? 

Some things to consider: this is a writing assignment.  There can (and probably should) be other elements like images or sound– if those fit, but you definitely need to have writing! If you do a video, you will need to write a script or an outline.

Remember– when you choose what type of piece (what genre) you are going to write: a TED Talk, a song, an article for a teen magazine, an informative brochure, etc…, the most important thing to consider is this: WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE AND WHY WOULD THEY READ OR LISTEN TO OR WATCH THIS GENRE? Pick something that’s going to reach your intended audience!

START:  Start working on the project!

Due by noon Weds, Nov 11:

READ and DEJ: “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman:–annoying-ways.pdf

Post your DEJ on the website with post (below) 

WRITE:  Just as a little spoiler, you should know that the things that annoy Kyle Stedman are not really particular to him. In general, these are things worth avoiding in your writing, though some conventions may vary, as Stedman himself points out, from genre to genre.  Please write a two-part response after reading Stedman’s article

  1. (approx 150 words) What did you learn from reading this? Anything new? What questions or comments do you have on how to use sources?
  2. (150-200 words) Write a paragraph for your intended audience for unit 3 using one of your “quotables” from Unit 2 in that paragraph. Keep Stedman’s guidelines in mind while writing this paragraph. Be kind to your audience! Try not to lose them by the side of the road!  —What I’m saying here is– write a new paragraph for the audience you’re trying to reach in this new unit, using the guidelines Stedman describes.  Use one of the quotes from your research.   Category: Unit 3

WORK and POST: keep working on your unit three project.  In a separate post (Category: Unit 3) post some evidence of your work on your project– just whatever you have done so far.  I will be checking these and we will be discussing how the projects are going in class.  I realize you might just have a little bit so far, but you need to post SOMETHING– because you need to start!



Unit Two Due by Noon on Oct 30! (and Happy Halloween! and Vote!)

Hi everyone– just a friendly reminder that Unit 2 is Due on Friday.  To see what this unit entails, please remember to check the assignment sheet under Major Assignments HERE. 

HERE is the padlet with the great titles you wrote today, in case you want to use one!

Some of you may need to brush up on your PIE (Point/ Information/ Explanation) paragraphs. If your source entries are all one GIANT paragraph long– I’m talking to you.  This probably means you need to split that giant paragraph into a few smaller paragraphs, each with a distinct point!  HERE is the slideshow we watched in class where we talked about how to write paragraphs.

Friday, Oct 30: Annotated Bibliography Unit Due: (use category  UNIT 2 FINAL DRAFT)

So, you’ve written all the parts.  Now it’s time to put them together into one document!  Your final draft will contain:

  • A Title (NOT just “Unit 2”. Something that draws your readers in!)
  • Intro
  • THREE  Source Entries
  • Conclusion!

Consider your presentation. Think about what we talked about when we discussed “Clean Up Your Mess.”  What annoys you when you read online?  Don’t do that?  What do you like when you read online?  Try to do that!  I realize this is an odd assignment– the audience for an annotated bibliography is often a small team that is sharing research, or even our future selves.  But still, we can make the Reflective Annotated Bib look good!

It can  help to use headings, if they fit (it’s more helpful to have a descriptive heading, like “Expanding my mind with the Multiverse” rather than something generic like “section two.”)  This isn’t a requirement, just an option.  Likewise, feel free to add an image or two if you feel it would spice things up! This is also totally optional.



Homework for Weds and Friday (repost)

Noon Wednesday, Oct 28th: Conclusion (see instructions below). For this, you will click two categories!  “Source Entry RD and Conclusion RD.”


Here are the directions for writing the conclusion from the “Annotated Bibliography Road Map:”

Conclusion ( at least 400 words):

You will summarize what you found in your research– you might also want to write about what the most important or interesting thing you found is.

You will tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.)

You will explain why what you learned is important

You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!) 

Friday, Oct 30: Annotated Bibliography Unit Due: (use category Annotated Bib Final)

So, you’ve written all the parts.  Now it’s time to put them together!  Your final draft will contain:

  • Intro
  • THREE  Source Entries
  • Conclusion!

Consider your presentation. Think about what we talked about when we discussed “Clean Up Your Mess.”  What annoys you when you read online?  Don’t do that?  What do you like when you read online?  Try to do that!  I realize this is an odd assignment– the audience for an annotated bibliography is often a small team that is sharing research, or even our future selves.  But still, we can make the Reflective Annotated Bib look good!

It can  help to use headings, if they fit (it’s more helpful to have a descriptive heading, like “Expanding my mind with the Multiverse” rather than something generic like “section two.”)  This isn’t a requirement, just an option.  Likewise, feel free to add an image or two if you feel it would spice things up! This is also totally optional.


For Friday, Oct 23 (and schedule for the rest of this unit.) Final drafts due Oct 30

Due by noon  Friday, Oct 23: 2 more source entries. Use category: Source Entry RD

For more details on writing the source entries see the info on Source Entries in the “annotated bibliography road map” (under Unit 2: Bibliography in Major assignments– just scroll down!  You can also scroll down further on this page to find that info on the Homework for Friday, Oct 16th.

Noon Monday, Oct 26th: optional class.  

In this class, we’ll be doing peer review– so if you come, bring in whatever you’d like to get some extra feedback on!  I will also be available for short (10-15 min) conferences, but keep in mind that you’ll need to wait your turn– and I will expect you to do some work with your peers while you wait!

Noon Wednesday, Oct 28th: Conclusion (see instructions below). For this, you will click two categories!  “Source Entry RD and Conclusion RD.”


Here are the directions for writing the conclusion from the “Annotated Bibliography Road Map:”

Conclusion ( at least 400 words):

You will summarize what you found in your research– you might also want to write about what the most important or interesting thing you found is.

You will tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.)

You will explain why what you learned is important

You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!) 

Friday, Oct 30: Annotated Bibliography Unit Due: (use category Annotated Bib Final)

So, you’ve written all the parts.  Now it’s time to put them together!  Your final draft will contain:

  • Intro
  • THREE  Source Entries
  • Conclusion!

Think about what we talked about when we discussed “Clean Up Your Mess.”  What annoys you when you read online?  Don’t do that?  What do you like when you read online?  Try to do that!  I realize this is an odd assignment– the audience for an annotated bibliography is often a small team that is sharing research, or even our future selves.  But still, we can make the Reflective Annotated Bib look good!

It can  help to use headings, if they fit (it’s more helpful to have a descriptive heading, like “Expanding my mind with the Multiverse” rather than something generic like “section two.”)  This isn’t a requirement, just an option.  Likewise, feel free to add an image or two if you feel it would spice things up! This is also totally optional.



For Wednesday (repost)

Due by noon Wednesday, Oct 21:

RESEARCH: Continue your research!  Remember you will need 3 more sources (4 total)! 2 more source entries will be due by Friday, Oct 23.


WRITE: I’ve started a padlet HERE about document design and reading online.  You will go to the padlet and respond to the following questions:

  1. What are your pet peeves about reading online (or even off)– I’m not talking about the meaning of the words here, I’m talking about the layout and design. What makes a website “messy?”
  2. How will it help you as a writer and a communicator to think about clean design in your own writing? What are a few simple things you can do right now to clean up your presentation for Unit Two? 

Make sure you put your name somewhere on your post!

If you came to class on Monday (and were there the whole time) you don’t have to do this next part.  The rest of you, please watch the video below about genre and write a blog post (approx 200 words) answering the following questions after watching:

  1. What is a written genre that could help you achieve your goals– how might you go about learning to write in that genre?
  2. For this unit, who (a person or a community) would you like to hear from on your topic?  Where might you look to hear from this person or community?

For Friday, Oct 16

Due by noon, Friday Oct 16:

RESEARCH: continue your research! 

READ: Graff & Birkenstein, “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Art of Quoting”

WRITE: One “Source Entry” Draft. THIS SOURCE ENTRY SHOULD BE A SOURCE RELATED TO YOUR ESSAY QUESTION, NOT ABOUT THE GRAFF ARTICLE.   Post on website. Make sure you have at least one “quote sandwich” in there. Use Graff & Birkenstein to help you set it up: remember to introduce, explain and analyze your quote! Post as category: SOURCE ENTRY RD. 

It’s important that you do this on time, because I will be commenting on these over the weekend.  This will help you make sure you are on the right track!!  You will have two more source entries due next Friday, so if you don’t get my feedback you will be very confused.   

See annotated bibliography handout and video below for guidance in writing a source entry. (Note: do not label each section of the source entry.  Just write them out as regular paragraphs!  Each source entry should be at least 400 words.  “Quotables” do not count toward word count!

How do I write an entry?

Part 1:

The first part of your entry will be the “bibliographic entry.” This entry gives the publication information, author, date, title and so forth. There are many websites (like that can help you do this.  Here is one example:

Fitzgerald, Jill. “Research on Revision in Writing” Review of Educational Research. 57.4 (Winter 1987): 481-506.

Part 2: 

In the second part of your entry, you will write a summary. This will be useful to you later, because it will give you the rundown of what you’ve read (just in case you forgot.)

It should convey what the author states in the article and not your opinions. Here is a good time to write what you think the main point is, but also what you think the most important points are (these aren’t always the same.) It’s also a good time to make note of what data, facts and evidence the author uses to support their claims, and how they use this evidence to arrive at their conclusions. This will probably be a paragraph long.

Part 3:

In the third part of your entry, you will write a reflection. This part is perhaps the most important part, so don’t skimp here!  This is where you respond to the text you’ve read.  Do you agree or disagree?  WHY? BE SPECIFIC! And quote the text! What questions do you have? What don’t you understand? What other information do you need to look up to better understand this article? If you could say something to this author, what would you say? What does this document tell you about your research question?

Also consider rhetorical factors here like the genre and the author’s credentials. How do you feel the author’s writing style, awareness of audience and purpose (reason for writing), and choice of genre affect the meaning and credibility of the document?

Part three will probably be 1-2 paragraphs.

Part 4:

Quotables. This last part doesn’t count toward your word count, but it will help you in Unit 3.  Here, you will make note of at least one direct quote from the author made that you feel really exemplifies the document’s claims or interpretations. Or, you might want to choose a sentence that you really agree with (or really DIS-agree with) that you want to refer back to later. You don’t need to repeat something you’ve quoted earlier– this is just a place to take note of quotations you feel you may want to use later.

Put it in quotes– and don’t forget the page number (if applicable).

On Monday’s optional class, we will discuss what is expected in the Source Entries for those who feel lost or confused.  We will also brainstorm ideas for further research and discuss what I mean by “four different genres.” 

Due by noon Wednesday, Oct 21:

RESEARCH: Continue your research!  Remember you will need 3 more sources (4 total)! 2 more source entries will be due by Friday, Oct 23.


WRITE: I’ve started a padlet HERE about document design and reading online.  You will go to the padlet and respond to the following questions: 

  1. What are your pet peeves about reading online (or even off)– I’m not talking about the meaning of the words here, I’m talking about the layout and design. What makes a website “messy?”
  2. How will it help you as a writer and a communicator to think about clean design in your own writing? What are a few simple things you can do right now to clean up your presentation for Unit Two? 

Make sure you put your name somewhere on your post!

For Wednesday, Oct 14 (re-post!)

Note: this is the same assignment posted below, but it’s important, so I wanted to bring it to the top! Due by Noon on Wednesday, Oct 14 :

Please note: even though classes on Wednesday  follow a Monday schedule, we will have a required class at the regular time on Weds! 

WRITE: Write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question (remember to get it approved by me first!) You must cover all of the questions in bold. Answer in paragraph form. :

  • Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter)
  • What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?)
  • What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find? (Will you throw it out? Will you write about it anyway? Will you challenge your own assumptions?)
  • What genres do you think might give you good information? (What is it about those genres that make them good potential sources?) Please make sure you have read the Kerry Dirk article for Friday, Oct 9 to answer this properly! 

Spend some time on this– because this will serve as the first draft of the introduction for your annotated bibliography! Keep a copy for your final draft! 

Please use the category: Bibliography Intro RD (this will automatically categorize in Unit 2 as well, but it will make these easier to find when it’s time for you to put your whole report together.)

Homework for Friday, Oct 9 and Weds, Oct 14!

Hi everyone!  Just some updates!

First of all, no class (optional or otherwise, on Monday, Oct 12) due to the holiday.

Second of all, HERE is the link for the PIE paragraph slideshow.  I wanted to post this again, because I mentioned it in a few of your essay comments.  Remember, it’s important to have a point, information (illustration) and explanation (analysis) in every paragraph!

Now, onto the homework!

By Noon Friday, Oct 9:

READ: “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk–navigating-genres.pdf

WRITE (as you read!) : a Double Entry Journal (at least 4 quotes and responses to the Genre article) Post this on Open Lab.  You can post it with your blog post (below!)

WRITE: a blog post (approx 250 words) about the following:

  • What is a genre you feel you know well?
  • What are the rhetorical features of that genre?
  • How did you learn the rules of that genre (did you teach yourself? how? did someone else teach you?)

Also: the homework for Wednesday will serve as the rough draft of your introduction to your Research Project! This means you will need a research question, which needs to be approved by me before Wednesday.  You can use one of the research questions I suggested in an email to you based on your survey answers– but please only use it if you’re interested.  If not, email me again.  If I approved your topic on Monday, we’re Gucci.  (haha. Sorry. I’m a dork.)

If I have not approved your research question, you need to get your question approved by me ASAP!

By Noon on Wednesday, Oct 14:

Please note: even though classes on Wednesday, follow a Monday schedule, we will have a required class at the regular time on Weds! 

WRITE: Write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question (remember to get it approved by me first!) You must cover all of the questions in bold. Answer in paragraph form. :

  • Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter) 
  • What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?)
  • What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find? (Will you throw it out? Will you write about it anyway? Will you challenge your own assumptions?) 
  • What genres do you think might give you good information? (What is it about those genres that make them good potential sources?) Please make sure you have read the Kerry Dirk article for Friday, Oct 9 to answer this properly! 

Spend some time on this– because this will serve as the first draft of the introduction for your annotated bibliography! Keep a copy for your final draft! 

Please use the category: Bibliography Intro RD (this will automatically categorize in Unit 2 as well, but it will make these easier to find when it’s time for you to put your whole report together.)

For Weds, Oct 7

Hey everyone PLEASE remember to do the homework for Wednesday– it’s going to be very important for coming up with a topic for your Unit Two project.

  1. You will need to have some idea of a topic you’d like to research.  This can be something fairly broad like “skateboarding,” or it can be a more specific question like “what changes are being made for those who were previously imprisoned on marijuana offenses in states where it is now legalized?”
  2. Fill out the following form on Google Forms (this is going to make or break you in this unit!  Totally required!) LINK HERE 
  3. Read “Research Starts With a Thesis Statement” ThesisStatement. We will discuss on Weds

Please note: If you came to Monday’s class, you already completed steps one and 2 and do not need to do them again!

Homework for Friday, Oct 2.


 WRITE: Blog Post, (at least 300 words) What is something you were interested in when you were a kid? Are you still interested in that topic? How did asking questions help you learn more about that topic?

If so, how has your curiosity changed and grown over the years? And, keeping the article you read for today in mind, what role did the educational system play in your curiosity (good or bad)? 

If you are not interested in this topic anymore, what do you think happened to that interest? Do you remember the specific time you LOST interest?  What did you become interested in instead (and why?) 

THINK: Start thinking about a topic you are interested in, something you might want to know more about.  This can be something heavy, like police brutality, or it can be something that seems on the surface more light-hearted, like ballet.  The only criteria is that you are actually curious about it.  

This may seem like strange advice, but it can be helpful to go for a walk and think about topics you’d like to write about. Come home and jot down a few notes. to do the homework for Oct 7,  you will be expected to have some idea of a topic you’d like to research, even if it’s a bit vague. 

WRITE:  (optional): if you have any questions about the Annotated Bibliography Assignment or your topic, write them on this padlet:

We will brainstorm more and narrow your topics down more next week.

NOTE: On MONDAY, OCT 5, (Optional Class) in-class, we  will be doing an exercise which is most of your homework for Weds, Oct 7.  It will be another KWL+ exercise, but more focused on your own topics of interest and research.  We will also work together to come up with some ideas for topics. This will be a useful class!

That said, it will help if you have some broad idea of what you want to write about, even if it’s pretty general, like: global warming or skateboarding!




Homework for Wednesday, Sept 30 (NO CLASS SEPT 28)

Hi everyone!  Just a friendly reminder– there will be no optional class on Mon, September 28 due to Yom Kippur.

Also: WE ARE NOW MOVING ON TO UNIT TWO!  From now on, use the category: Unit 2!


READ: “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin.

 WRITE:  Blog Post (at least 300 words) POST ON OPEN LAB (Category: Unit 2) 

In “A Talk to Teachers,” James Baldwin writes:  

I would try to make [the student] know that just as American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger – and that it belongs to him. I would teach him that he doesn’t have to be bound by the expediencies of any given administration, any given policy, any given morality; that he has the right and the necessity to examine everything. 

First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying (not just in this quote, but in his entire speech?) What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics?   

This assignment will help you come up with a topic for your next essay (which we’ll start to discuss on Weds) so it’s VERY IMPORTANT.  Also, James Baldwin is maybe the greatest American writer, so don’t skip this reading!! 

James Baldwin and Martin Luther King



Essays are due on Friday! And links to today’s lecture and chat

Hey everyone!  Here is a link to today’s slideshow: PIE Paragraph Slideshow

And also, here is a link to another “padlet” (that’s the name of the cute little chatroom). Here, you can ask questions, if you want, about the essay due on Friday.  I will answer them!

Remember that your essays are due on Friday by noon.  Details for posting are below!

Homework for the Week of Sept 21-Sept 25. Essay 1 Due!

For Monday, Sept 21st, you should have turned in your rough draft.  Rough Draft assignment is the blog post below this one.

Due by noon Weds, Sept 23

READ: DePeter, Ron. “How to Write Meaningful Peer Response Praise” DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!  We will discuss this in Weds class, but more importantly, it will have a big impact on how you respond to your partner’s essay.

READ: assigned peers’ essays including their Reviewer’s Memo at the end of the draft. 

Partners: Daziah and Hasani.  Zainab and Mian.  Yadira and Carmen. Esther and Jenny.  And because we have an uneven number of drafts,  Michelle– read Amatul, Amatul read Ninmah, and Ninmah read Michelle!

If you did not write a rough draft, you can still do this assignment– do the reading and comment on someone who does not have a comment yet.  (using the instructions below)

WRITE: Comment on your partners’ draft, using the following instructions: Remembering what DePage says about positive peer response, do these two things to respond to your peers’ Drafts:

  1. Make notes as you go – things you really liked, places where you wanted to ask questions either about what they’re saying or what else you would like to know. Then, write a comment (make sure you post it as a comment on their draft) with a letter to them that tells them your thoughts on the essay.  Here are some prompts for the kinds of comments you can leave:
  • I liked (   ) because …
  • I got this from reading your work:
  • I found this part interesting (  ) because…
  • I got confused here (  ) because…
  • I wanted to know more about (  )because…  This one is especially important!  Many of your essays are pretty short.  It will help the writer to know where you, the reader, want to know more!

Please DO NOT: try to rewrite the essay for the writer.  This is their project, not yours!  Don’t correct grammar (often grammar corrections are wrong!) Please do not be overly critical. It’s also not super helpful to be vague (“I liked it”). Remember, your job is to help the writer write a better essay– not to make them feel good– and CERTAINLY not to make them feel bad!

2. At the very end, leave an overall comment where you include at least one key quote that stands out to you. Respond to the quote explaining why you chose it. It will be very important to pick an appropriate quotation to respond to — one that expands on your comment so that the writer can get a good idea what your comment meant.

PS: Make sure you post this as a COMMENT on your partner’s post.  There is a comment button right under the title of each blog post.  If you are having a hard time watching it, watch THIS 30 second video.

Due by Noon Friday, Sept 25 : Essay One Due.

Post to Open Lab!!  You will post this in the same way you post Homework (as a blog post or an attachment– click Unit 1.  Please give your essay a title.  Along with this title, please write “FINAL” in the Subject heading.  

Homework for Monday, Sept 21- ROUGH DRAFT ESSAY ONE


Due on Wednesday, Sept 23- Peer review (I will post details about this on Monday)

Due on Friday, Sept 25: FINAL DRAFT ESSAY ONE 

Make sure you review the essay assignment, under MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS HERE

WRITE: A Shitty First Draft of  your Education Narrative (Unit One)  

  • The Draft should be at least 800 words. 

WRITE: A short Reviewer’s Memo that you add at the end of the Draft. 

The short Reviewer’s Memo that you add at the end of your draft is simply a message (100-200 words) you write to your peer reviewers that addresses these three things: 

  1. This is what I intended to do: Here’s why I wrote it. What I hoped it would do. What I want people to take away from the piece.
  2. This is how I feel about the project so far: how I think it’s going, what problems I’m having, what I think is working, and what I think I need help with, what I’m proud of, etc.
  3. Here are other questions/issues I would like the reviewers to look at such as: what do you think is working? What is confusing? Does each paragraph address a single idea, or does it wander all over the place? Have I mentioned or used something from the readings? If this were your essay, what would you do next?

Note: I have given you an extension on this, so you will still have homework due on Weds and Friday! FINAL DRAFT OF ESSAY ONE IS DUE ON FRIDAY!!

IMPORTANT! I will send an email about this as well, but I want to remind you guys of a few things: one is that attendance in class means being in class the entire class, not just showing up for the first 20 minutes and then leaving.  If you are not in class for the majority of the hour, you are absent.  If you’re having connectivity issues, please let me know. Also, if you have not done any of, or most of the homework for the course, you are currently not passing the course and should contact me immediately if you intend to pass. 

Homework for the week, Sept 14- 20


If you were in Monday’s class, please make sure you do #1 and #5.  If you were not in Monday’s class, make sure you do 1 through 5!!

If you have not done the homework for last Friday, you can do it for partial credit!

1.COMMENT: Please comment on at least two of your peers’ posts about Education narratives from last Friday.

(We will go through the following in class on Monday– so if you were in Monday’s class, you don’t have to do 2-4 again.:)

2. READ: “Tardy” by Lynda Barry.

3. THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene (for example, when Marlys walks into the office and gets her tardy slip.) 

4. WATCH and WRITE: Please watch and do the activity outlined in the following video (link below) by Lynda Barry (she’s the person who drew the comic “Tardy!”). LINK:

You will need: 

  • Two pieces of paper
  • Something to write with 
  • A few words (“When Miss Speck told me I was going nowhere in life”) describing a scene from your life that changed your views on education.  Write this description at the top of one piece of paper. This will be the “X” page (meaning, you draw an X right through the page. 
  • Ignore the screen that says “pause play.”

You will do the following exercise– just follow along. To clarify: you answer the questions Lynda Barry asks anywhere on the X page. Answer in note form. The “X” is to remind you that the rules of the paper are off– you don’t have to write in the lines.  

After you’ve answered these questions, you’ll write the scene out in paragraph form, like you’re writing an essay or a story. 

5. Type up and POST your paragraph to the website. (Those of you who were in class on Monday will still have to do this step!) The point of this paragraph is to write a scene about a turning point in your educational experience using Concrete, Significant Detail.

Keep in mind that this, like every exercise we do, is meant to help you toward your essay writing.  I hope that you find a scene you’ll be able to use in your essay– and if not, I hope you learn something about writing scenes. 



Due By Noon Friday 11 (Discussion Post):

READ: “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” Nothing formal here, but you will probably want to take some notes as you read!  I do not need to see these. You absolutely need to read this though!

WRITE: DISCUSSION POST: So far in this unit, we have read (and heard) three examples from the genre of the “education narrative.” (Mother Tongue/ Save Myself/ Articulate) Your first major  essay assignment in this class will be to write in this genre yourself.  So in this discussion forum, I’d like us to have a conversation about what the features of this genre are. Please discuss some of the following:

  • What, from what you’ve seen so far, are the “ingredients” (also known as “conventions”) of an education narrative?
  • What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative? Use examples from the readings– especially “Saved Myself By Writing,” since that is the homework for today.
  • What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own?
  • If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing.

Unless you are one of the very first people to respond to this prompt, I will expect that you are joining the conversation. By this I mean you’re not just running into the room and shouting out your own thoughts, but you’re listening to what others have said (aka reading others’ posts) and responding to those. This is meant to be a conversation, not a speech! Everyone should write at least 250 words — whether only in one post or spread out in various comments.


Note: because the college is closed on Monday, there will be no Monday meeting

We will meet on Wednesday from 2-3 pm. I will re-send the Zoom link.


READ: “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan:

While you are reading, fill out a “double entry journal” (DEJ):  DEJ – Double Entry Journal example  How do you do this?  It’s pretty simple. 

  1. In the left hand column of the DEJ, write down four quotes that stick out to you for any reason as you’re reading— you can find them interesting, maddening, funny, whatever.  Don’t forget the page number, if applicable. 
  2. When you’re done reading, fill out the right hand column.  That is, you respond to the quotes you chose.  Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Be specific! It’s okay to be as opinionated as you like.

You can either use the form provided above or you can just draw a line down a piece of paper and write by hand.  When you’re done, take a picture and post it to the website.  Or you can just enter it into the Double-Entry Journal I have attached .

WATCH: Jamila Lyiscott “3 Ways to Speak English” (believe me, you’ll like this one!)  


Here is the transcript– you may want to read along as you listen:

WRITE: As a blog post  (at least 300 words) CATEGORY: UNIT ONE!  in which you write about your experience with various “Englishes.” In other words, how has your experience been similar to Lyiscott’s and/ or Tan’s?  Please be specific and use at least one quote from Tan or Lyiscott in your response.  We will be discussing both Amy Tan and Jamila Lysicott on Wednesday!  


READ: “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” Nothing formal here, but you will probably want to take some notes as you read!  I do not need to see these.

WRITE:  Comment on discussion post (see top of home page or Top of Unit One Discussion Page) 

Homework for week of Aug 31- Sept 4

PLEASE NOTE: We will use the same zoom info as before, since everyone eventually could get on.  You can view this information on our class Blackboard, which you are automatically signed in to.  If you have problems with the passcode, you can get in by just clicking on the link to the Zoom.  I think it will cause more confusion if I make a whole new link.



Homework Due by noon, Weds Sept 2: 

TAKE SURVEY: Please take the online technology survey (below), if you haven’t already!  This will help me know what kind of access everyone in the course has to technology so I can plan accordingly.  Thanks! 

READ:  Read the course syllabus on Google Docs  HERE. On the google doc, please make at least one comment on the syllabus– this can be a question about anything you’re confused about, or anything else (polite) that you would like to say.  If you’re confused about how to comment on a google doc, you can watch THIS video. If you don’t have a google account, you’ll have to sign up for one, but it only takes a second.

MAKE:  A message to your end-of-the-semester self and post this to the Openlab as a “new post.”  (category: Intro) In this time capsule, I want you to send a message to your end-of-the semester self about your goals, your hopes for the year, and maybe some pitfalls you feel you might be up against.  Please also think about how writing will help you achieve your future goals– not just for the end of the semester, but beyond.  

One catch: it can’t be just writing– there have to be some images or sounds in there!  Whatever you think will help us get to know you and your experiences better. You can even make a video. Or record an audio file and link to it. Or draw something and upload the image. Whatever you want. Remember: we’re all about composing in the 21st century, so feel free to do what you think would be interesting for us to see/hear/learn about. 

Due by noon, Friday Sept 4

GET TO KNOW: Look at your colleagues’ time capsules and start a conversation!  Make at least two comments.  Kind comments only!

READ: “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn. 

In this article, Bunn says that his students suggests that the advice they would give to future students is that they  “write yourself notes and summaries both during and after reading.” So I’d like you to do that. Please take out a piece of paper and a pen (or pencil) and have it beside you as you read.  Just write down whatever stands out to you from the text– jot down a few key words.  Doodle! Write a summary. Write a question. There are no right or wrong answers here.–how-to-read.pdf

WRITE:  On the website, write a post of at least 300 words discussing the following questions. You can also post the picture of your notes from the reading in this same post: 

  • In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” He’s talking to you.  What do you think he means by this? What are some of the things you write already?  (Hint: “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.) Think of all of the ways you already use words in your everyday life.  That’s authorship! How will that existing expertise help you in your college reading and writing career?
  • Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific!

Hi! And welcome! Homework for Friday, Aug 28!

Due by noon Friday, August 28!   

Being an online student can be intimidating, confusing, and just plain difficult!

So for these first few days, you get to vent about it! No kidding. Share your concerns with each other. Maybe give each other some advice or just a good old bit of support. Believe me — online instructors have many of the same worries you do, even if we’ve been teaching online for a while. I also promise not to hijack the conversations, either! 🙂

Here’s what you’ll do (the schedule is at the bottom):

  • WRITE: a new post.  There are some instructions about how to do that HERE
    • Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to. 
    • Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being an online student… whatever you want to. No censoring… except keep it kind of clean, please ;-). And
    • Add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it — why does it mean something to you?
  • Check back in and see what other people are saying, and reply  to a couple of people. It’s nice to know we’re not alone!

Remember: homework for next week will be posted on Monday. 

There will be an optional meeting next Monday from 2-3 pm if you have questions.  If you are enrolled in this course and did not show up on Day One, or if you left the class early on Weds, you should stop in!

Student Survey

Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework.  Feel free to share any additional information in the last question box. All responses are private.

Student Survey

  • Credits: This survey is based on a survey created by Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado.

End of semester

Rough-Draft Revision(Unit 1)

I changed a paragraph I started off with what happened in my English class then went to explain what occurred in my Spanish class changing the organization of my paragraphs. I also fixed the grammar I made it sound more like I was talking not like I was speaking a fancy type of English.

Science Magazine Features Page Revision

I added a quote for Neil DeGrasse and explained it I also changed how the definition I give for the multiverse. Another thing I changed was explained who Sarah Scoles is and illustrated the quote she said and explained it in my own words.

Final Reflection:

Well we have reached the end of semester, YAY!!! This semester has been really difficult being that this was my first year of college and I didn’t have a normal experience like students who finished high school had. Nevertheless, it helped me grow both as a scholar and writer this term. Well to start of I had to cope with studying online it was something very difficult if I’m being totally honest sometimes it was hard to pay attention even though it can be like that when we go to regular school. However, this time teacher’s wouldn’t know if we are there or paying attention. Another thing is teacher’s aren’t really at your disposal to help you right there and then. When I was at school personally I could easily go up to them and ask but remotely is something that can’t be done so comfortably. However, it also taught me other ways to learn the material we are being taught , activities we can do so the lesson won’t be so boring. Also  no slacking off  and handing everything on time which made me have to be very punctual. When it comes to writing  I learned the different ways to write, using articles that were given to us from authors  we had similar problems when it comes to quoting and making drafts etc

I can use what I have used this term and transfer that knowledge to my other writing situations. One example is in my law class I’ll have a lot of writing to do that with the help of the articles that where presented to me it really helped me with how I should write for our readers, how to organized, words I should use, tone and so much more. An example is the article, Annoying Ways People Use Sources by Kyle Stedman , Kyle Stedman said “The easiest way to effectively massage in quotations is by purposefully returning to each one in your draft to see if you set the stage for your readers—often, by signaling that a quote is about to come, stating who the quote came from, and showing how your readers should interpret it. In the above example, that could be done by introducing the quotation with something like this (new text bolded).” This was one quote that sticked with me how I should always introduced  my quote, tell my reader who said the  quote and then interpret it. Which is what I do every time from now on and with my previous drafts.

I also said in a previous post “One example is a paragraph beginning with a quote or closed with a quote this can be said as having no guidance to whoever is reading your writing. The writer doesn’t elaborate what they meant with that specific quote and why they choose it for their topic.” I don’t want my reader to be confused with what they have read and more importantly with what they have read of mines. I want them to understand why I chose the quote I did and placed it in my writing, also elaborating to clarify my reader of any doubts they can possibly have.

Unit 3 – Teen Magazine

Family Separation At the Border 

      Separation at the border has been a hash action taken towards undocumented families. Having these parents and children go through massive emotional pain. By not having one another by their side through what must seem a scary process of being detained at the border. This is why we as high schoolers are at the age to make a difference. Help spread awareness throughout our community by using every type of platform we have to. Which can lead to making a change for these undocumented families at the border.

        No children should go through these detained processes without their parents. Their minors don’t know what’s happening. Having them pulled apart from their loved ones. Also being held in tents with strange people that they don’t even know. Having no sort of communication with their parents. Neither their parents have any type of information on their children’s whereabouts. Which only creates pain for these families.

        As shown from these pictures we can realize that there needs to be justice made for these undocumented families. There’s no need to separate undocumented families. There’s no type of benefit that the United States government gets out of this action. This only caused emotional problems for both parents and children. When these families travel a risky path to get to the U.S. from their home countries. Just to have an opportunity to give their kids a better future.

Artist Statement:

       What is the current situation for undocumented families crossing the United States with children? I have always been interested in this topic since I first saw a video in the media of how undocumented children would have to represent themselves at court for entering illegally. This caught my attention immediately because first children are minors that shouldn’t be facing any type of illegal issues alone. Most importantly when they have their parents that they could be with and face situations like these together instead of apart. However, I didn’t actually ever really have the opportunity to actually go more in-depth with this situation and research more about it. This is where my inspiration came from because I have always had that in my mind. Until I was able to actually write about something I wanted and what seemed important to me. 

      However, picking the genre was a little hard at first. Mostly because there are multiple various genres to choose from. Although I was able to make a choice by putting myself in my audience mentally. Meaning I had to think as a high schooler and think what type of genre would they most likely pay more attention to. Then I concluded by making a video or a teen magazine. Both actually were good genres to make but I finally chose a teen magazine. I thought it would catch my audience’s attention by reading and viewing images of what I’m writing. Which is my purpose as a writer towards my high school audience. Where I choose this audience because I felt like there at the age enough to understand the injustice being made towards these undocumented families when separating them. Also, they have the power to spread more awareness of these undocumented families’ situation. Finally, my purpose in my writing piece was to show and explain what actually happens to these undocumented families at the border. To be able to help our community to come together and make a change for these undocumented families.

       This is why I included three images. Although at first, I was only going to put one and write a long paragraph. However, I thought why don’t I show what I’m writing instead of just plan writing. I started to think from my audience’s point of view and see a page with only one picture and a whole lot of words, which would seem a little boring and not interesting to read. This is why the images I included in my teen magazine are to grab my audience’s attention. Like the saying says “ a picture is worth 1000 words”. Finally, the pictures I included also fit perfectly in my writing because it backs up all the information I researched and wrote about.

      Lastly, going back to my work I am glad to have been able to write what was most important. Mainly not to sound repetitive from Unit 2. Although it was hard to have gathered all of the information from unit 2 and be able to do my teen magazine for unit 3. Mostly because it’s a lot of information and in my perspective, everything seemed important. Which was hard not to include certain things.    

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