The Chair.


This image stood out the most to me because the of its extremely high contrast between the dark chair and the light background. the shapes the chair make looks very cartoon like and not serious making it feel comical.

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Lorraine Hernandez LL2 Using Composition


I really enjoyed this photograph because of its use of high contrast. Although there is some light beyond the window its is completely dark inside. It has a strong use of vertical lines as well as some horizontal.  Also, it can be considered a medium shot because there is some background but you can’t entirely see the background or tell where exactly you are. This photo also uses the rule of thirds with the focus being way from the center.

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The Lams of Ludlow Street


The Lams of Ludlow Street

Thomas Holton, The Lams of Ludlow Street, is an incredible visual journey of a Chinese family living in Chinatown. Through the photographs, I felt like I was part of their lives and that I may have lived their lives because I am part of an immigrant family as well. The photographs really spoke to me because I can relate to that suffocating feeling of living together, in close quarters, with parents and siblings. I chose the image of the father and his sons. In the image, it’s chaos all around, there’s a tub, a kitchen table, rags hanging from above, a sink and sheets and pillows in the corner. Out from the center of the image, is the father leaning on the tub staring at you. His stare is intense even I had to look away because what lays beyond those eyes are a mystery but something I’ve seen in my father’s eyes. It feels like he’s saying that this is the best he could do and it’s not where he imagined his life. His little boys are staring away from their father, perhaps at the television, completely oblivious. The overall photograph has a sadness and finality to it.

I believe that, Mr. Holton, deliberately kept the camera at eye level, so that as a viewer,  you have no choice but to stare at the father. Horizontal lines are created by the objects in the apartment moving the viewer’s eyes left to right. The out of focus boys are creating a frame within a frame, drawing the viewer’s eyes directly to the father. Even though this color photograph doesn’t appear to have much contrast , there’s is a light above the father’s head that’s highlighting him and once again drawing your eyes directly to him. There’s is no doubt that within the chaos of the apartment, the father appears to be a strong pillar of steadiness and as a viewer, you have no choice but to stare at the father.


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LL2Using Composition Leslie Picon



I like this image because of the curve,Close up, and high contrast. It makes the image details stand out a lot. And mostly the chair is focused which is shallow depth of field. This image is also a medium shot which helps make the details more visible. Such as the scratches in the chair.

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Even A Chair Can Be A Model



The following photograph was taken as a class assignment. Working in a group of 3, we manage to capture over 20 photograph of a simple chair. Out of all the 20’s photo we took, this image capture my full attention. What I like the most about this photograph is the it amount of space that is surrounded around the chair. Other than having the chair being placed in the center as a focus point, we have left it toward the side as the focus point in order to demonstrate the Rule of Thirds. Also this photograph was taken at a eye level feel because we are able to meet the same level as the chair.

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This is a good example of Symmetrical, Strong horizontal line, Vertical line and Eye-level.  Also, a high contrast.  The bottom of line very dark.

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In Class Shoot of Chair.


I chose this picture because I like the shapes in it, the extreme close up, along with the lines on the floor, are creating abstract forms, which appeals to me. This image has got strong vertical lines with some curves. It also has a shallow depth of field, so that the front part of the chair is in focus, and the back is soft. The feeling I get looking at at this is a sense of organization.

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Lesson 2


This photograph is well captured in my opinion because when capturing this image i focused on the screw that allowed the outer part of this photo to become blurry which can be related to the term shallow depth of field. This is also an extreme close-up because you cant really tell what the object is. I can also conclude that theres a curved line in this photo on the edge of this object. Overall this was the best photograph me and my group captured that really interest me.

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I took this photograph in the staircase. As a group we had a really hard time representing symmetry. We didn’t want to incorporate the chair into a white wall like everyone else would. We placed the chair in between both doors of the exit of the staircase. The photograph consists of a low contrast as well as a strong amount of symmetry. Taking this photograph had my anxiety increased due to the extreme amount of compressed space and the amount of repetitive tiles make it feel almost like a cliché movie-like mental hospital. The wide depth of field, I feel, adds a lot more to the environment’s heavy and overwhelming feeling: trapped. Everything is white, repetitive and closed up. I personally love this shot. The focus on the chair is really powerful due to the structure of the surroundings. The feeling in this image is really intense and has the amount of anxiety increased due to the small amount of space. The amount of crop there is also allows this intense mood to come across to the viewer. The tile wall really allows the focus to be on the chair because it is almost like lines coming into the center of the picture to be pointed at.


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Leg Frame


This image happened to be my favorite out of my group. I really love the strong curves in the image as well as the shallow depth of field exhibited between the frame legs and the carpet. I also appreciate the extreme closeup of the shot as well as the highlights on the curves. The fact that the picture only shows a portion of the object creates curiosity for the observer, in terms of what kind of object it is, in my opinion.

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