Jennifer Lara E-Profile (edited)

Currently a freshman at City Tech. My academic goals is to learn more about hospitality and going into depth information about culinary courses, in other words taking it a bigger step. Participated in the C-CAP program, where they offer high school students the opportunity to do hands-on work, such as job training, job shadows, spring/summer internships, including the opportunity to get a scholarship. Throughout C-CAP, I earned the opportunity to participate in two internships, one savory, one pastry, and achieve a scholarship. As of career goals, I hope to one day open a small bakery, and with time, build up my restaurant. With my previous jobs, I have gained personal strengths such as, knowing how to exceed a challenge, as well as time management. A personal interest of mine is being a soccer team member, being in a sport can relate to my professional attributes by collaborating with others within the team. When you are working with a large group, you must collaborate with others to become a better, bigger and stronger team.

Jubedel Andon 36 hours on the Brooklyn water front



36 Hours on the Brooklyn        Water Front


The Perfect American Summer Day awaits

This all-in-one is the ideal place to head to

Get the true meaning of a summer vacation















Image via: Google Images

The Brooklyn Water Front is an ever-growing

Cultural hotspot that is attracting people from all

Over the globe. Before an old, gray, broken docks are now vivid,

Stunning, ports. The Brooklyn water front caters to all and welcomes

Families with open arms.

Please follow link above to follow our 36 hour tour.

Figure 1Picture provided by:google (NYC Citi-Bike)


5 p.m. – Grab a bike and Go!

You’ve traveled from a far, now let’s stretch those legs.

Our first stop is our bike route. Leisurely ride, care-free and

Take in the beauty as the sun sets over the buildings.

Don’t be fooled by this, New York is just waking up!

Our NYC Citi-bike rentals

Make it easy and fun for the whole family to just grab a bike and go

Bike on over to our next location, The Wheelhouse bar

8 p.m. – The Wheelhouse

Figure 2picture provided (wheelhouse sign)

Boy you must be parched from all that biking.

No Fear the Wheelhouse is here

The Wheelhouse offers an amazing variety

Of lobster and tuna rolls, their drinks are made fresh and

They taste amazing. Once you’ve finished your Thai lobster roll

Rent a golf club at the bar and play some putt-putt.

Let’s head over to the harbor you’re not going to want to miss this.

10 p.m. – The Harbor

Figure 3 picture provided by:

Oh hey! You made it, great, let’s get started.

As you can see the Brooklyn Harbor is a scenery that can’t be beat.

It is lit up with lights that bring a sense of warmth and relaxation.

Don’t be to shocked to see so many women dressed in gowns

A lot of couples get married

And girls who are doing what is known as a Quinceanera

Come to immortalize their new chapter of life here.

Make new memories here, you’ll never forget them


10 a.m. – Whole foods

Figure 4provided by: google images

Truly the Rolls Royce of supermarkets. This is where

You can get it all, a wide variety of cheese,

Meats and the freshest produce. Their customer service

Is out of this world and with their recent

Price reduction it would be silly to not get your groceries from here.

Noon – Red Hook Community center

Figure 5Provided by: Google images

Bring the kids down and have a great time at our free pools,

We have trained lifeguards

On constant watch. We offer free

Classes where we can teach your young ones to swim in no time

Also, ALL NYC public schools hand out free lunch

To any child that through our doors

So, come on in the waters fine!

2 p.m.- Brick Oven Pizza

Figure 6provided by:

After a nice swim come on over and get one of the most

Famous pizza you will ever eat.

If you’ve heard anything about NYC it’s probably about this pizza

Their ancient brick oven technique

Has been perfected to make this the most amazing

Slice of cheese pizza. But come quick the line can have you hearing echoes.

4 p.m.- New York City Train Museum

Figure 7image taken from:

If you’re still able to walk after eating all that pizza

Come on down to the NYC train museum.

The only time you’ll be happy

Going into a NYC train.

We learn about the past and how we have

Progressed with our means of transportation.

6 p.m.- Jane’s Carrousel

Figure 8provided by:

Let’s take a seat.

Mount your noble stead and take off

In Jane’s famous carrousel. The ticket cards are souvenirs

To show to your grandchildren! Being on the edge of the water you

Get a panoramic view of the water front.

It’s a sight you can’t put into words. Ok now Hold on! (trumpet sounds)

8 p.m.-Roller Rink

Figure 9picture from:

Wow ok all this spinning and moving, lets slow things down

For a minute. Put on you skates and

Get boogie with it!! Let loose

And show off your best moves, best moves get a high five!

So, what are you waiting for? Get in here!

10 p.m. – The Piers

Figure 10provided by:

OK you can put the barf bag down now,

I’m not going to send you spinning off again. Let’s just walk

Our newly done space shows off the beauty in nature. Want to kick the ball?

We have more than enough space in our soccer fields to go around.

We also have volleyball and basketball, even a mini playground.

So, go have fun were sadly coming to an end


10 a.m. – Red Hood Park

Figure 11image from:

We wouldn’t send you off without send you to Red Hook Park.

This is just a small sample of what NYC has to

Offer in our diversity. On Sunday

Come over and watch members of our community and other communities

Join together to play a friendly game of soccer.

There’s delicious Spanish food trucks all around

Ranging in countries. Have the perfect last meal to end the trip.

If you ever decide to visit, we’ll be waiting with open arms

Jess’s e-profile

Hello all!

My name is Jessica. I’m always happy or smiling, I try to have a positive outlook even when times are rough. One thing about me is that I’m a hard worker and I will always go above and beyond to make sure the guest leaves feeling that their needs and wants were met. Ultimately my career goal is to work at JFK or any airport, where ever the wind takes me.

Hello all!

My name is Jessica. I was once a student at SUNY Delhi but transferred to City Tech because I wasn’t doing so well academically. School was something that was always hard for me, sitting down for long periods of times drives me crazy *so you can imagine how nuts I go in these two and a half hour lectures*. My mentality was “Hey, D’s get degrees” so I would do the bare minimum, I’m trying to change that. For my first semester at City Tech I’m aiming for A’s & B’s. No more slacking or procrastination. I’m trying to prove to myself that I’m better then once was. All my work experience has mostly been dealing with food. When I first started college I went in thinking that I wanted to be a chef and boyyy did that change quick. I worked in my first restaurant for a week at Bar Boulud in Lincoln Square and immediately quit. I couldn’t handle being spoken to by the chefs like some idiot. The day after I quit I called my advisor at school and switched my major to hotel and resort management. I have yet to actually work in either setting but in the end of it all I want to be able to work in an airport. Not sure as to what position but anything that can help me travel the world at a cheaper price will be great! As for personal strengths I’m not to sure what they are, I believe that I’m still in the awkward stage of life where I try to find myself. One thing for sure though is that my work ethic is great *or at least I think so* I’d love to channel that same energy into my schoolwork. In my place of work I’m usually known to go above and beyond for not only the guest but also my coworkers. I try to make the best out of the situation and never let what happens in my personal life affect how I perform at work.

36 Hours in…Vancouver

From the article I’ve read, Vancouver is a city definitely worth visiting and exploring. It is always evolving and has become a huge playground for artistic creativity. Whether it’s referring to food and fine dining, museums, its beautiful skyline over the coastline or the plethora of food markets. It seems to me like a breathtaking city and leaves a lot to the imagination. Like New York, Vancouver is a melting pot of different people, cultures and ethnicities and the the city caters to everyone. Being a food lover, there seems to be many different fusions and restaurants I would visit. And from what the article stated, it seems like a days out on the town won’t cost you a lot. It’s a great tourist spot if you are into learning and experiencing new things. I like the idea of just renting a bike to touch on different parts of the city to simply explore and be absolutely fulfilled.

Celia Perez

Native American and Puerto Rican.
Associates Degree in Human Services from BMCC.
With this degree, I am able to synergize my skills towards my customers.
Majoring in Hospitality and Management at City Tech.
16 years of Customer Service experience.
Always believed that customer satisfaciton is always the best satisfaction.
I am mostly introverted in life. But whenever it comes to working, I am extremely professional, accurate and helpful to those around me.
There are times where my weakness of recognition deter me from my goals.

Ronaldo Cuzco E-Profile Edit

Hello, I’m a freshman in the department of hospitality Management. Some of my personal strengths is to stay on task, work well as a team, quick learner, and able to adapt to new work environments. For insistence I’ve worked at a dining restaurant as a busser, a server at fast food restaurants, and an assistant cook at a pizzeria. My academic goal is to get my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, and join clubs to boost my resume. My career goal is to work in a well know hotel and move up the rank in job positions like from the front desk up to general manager by using my personal strengths to get there. I enjoy helping others, I use to tutor students in math in my high school, I also volunteer at a religious group every Friday from 7:20pm- 9:30 pm and I’m bilingual. Over all I have had a lot of interactions with people and with all these experiences I believe it will help me and lead me to a bright successful future in the hotel management career.