Hey everyone– remember to sign up for this site– invites forthcoming. You’ll all need to do this so you can post here, which we’ll need to do going forward. What follows is a list of dates for most of the rest of the semester. This isn’t detailed, just designed to give you some ideas of what’s to come and when things will be due.
Thursday, March 26, a Zoom meeting with Thursday Group. 3 pm. Details to follow.
After this point, we will all be one group. For right now, I was thinking all Zoom meetings would be about 45 minutes, at 3 pm (Mondays and Thursdays, come to whichever works for you) — they’re drop-in meetings, and optional, so you don’t have to stay the whole time or even come at all. Let me know if 3 pm isn’t a good time for you anymore. Also I’ll be holding these meetings even when we don’t have PD just if you need extra support.
Monday, March 30: Optional Zoom meeting. Everybody welcome.
By Thursday, April 2, EVERYONE post drafts of Lit narrative assignments. I will be posting assignments and more examples ASAP but I have to get to work and get on that computer first). Optional Zoom meeting.
Mon Monday April 20:
- Make sure you have sent your colleagues feedback on their lit narrative assignment on the OL website. (This will complete what would’ve been meeting 5) by April 20
- will post the info describing 1101 units 2 and 3. I will post homework, which will be a short reading, and reflection. Please note: your drafts of units 2 and 3 will be due Monday May 5
By Thurs April 23:
- Optional Zoom meeting
- Short Reading and reflection due by April 23 on OpenLab.
- For next time, comment on two of your peers’ reflections.
Mon April 27:
- Optional Zoom meeting
- By this date, make sure you have commented on two of your peers’ reflections. (This will complete meeting 6)
- I will post the activities for the week– something to watch and listen to.
- Drafts of Units 2 and 3 will be April 4 (the following week)
Thurs April 30: Optional Zoom meeting.
By Monday May 4:
- Optional Zoom meeting
- Make sure you’ve posted your comments on your peers’ lit narratives on the OpenLab (This will complete meeting 7)
More details to follow about our last meeting, but likely something will be “deliverable” by May 18.