Botanical Gardens

This is my favorite photo that I took at the gardens.  I love it, for one, because I was able to catch the spiderweb.  When I saw this beautiful, huge spiderweb, I was thrilled.  I took several pictures of it but on the camera screen at the gardens it didn’t look like I was successful.  When I saw them on the computer, I was thrilled!!  This was the best one, and I love the way the sun is coming through the web. (It is easiest to see if you click on the image, it will come up full size, it is difficult to see at this size.)

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Favorite Photograph

This is my favorite picture. I really like the yellow color from the flowers. It makes them jump out from the background. The shadows and the blurred create a deep sensation of space.

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Filed under Learning Log 3 - Botanic Garden

Learning Log 3: Pretty Flowers

Out of the 35 million 400-ish pictures I took, this one is by far my favorite.
I even pulled some Photoshop voodoo and added some saturation to it, then proceeded to make it my Wallpaper Of The Week. Maybe even the month, in this case.
Aside from the contrast between the vibrant oranges and greens versus the more understated neutrals, it just makes me think of a greenhouse in some fairy tale castle. I think it’s the column and the vines that seem to wrap around it.
Also, I just have a fondness for macro shots. There’s something about them that just looks so pro to me. Same thing with bokeh.

After applying some Photoshop hex magic, I ended up with this:

Which looks even prettier, in my opinion.

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Filed under Learning Log 3 - Botanic Garden

Learning log 3 (Botanic Garden) – Regina Torres

My favorite picture from this shooting is probably this one because I really liked the bokeh effect it created for the background, and also because of the contrast of colors from the “flower”(is it really a flower?) and the rusty bar right next to it, and also because the flower/plant sort of looks like a person to me and therefore it adds emotion to it.

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Learning Log 3

From the trip to the botanic garden, this is my best picture. Its a beautiful flower.
All the focus is on the flower, its shows its curves and colors very good. The background is blurry and there’s no attention to it as much as to the flower, its the main focus.


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Texture & Soft Lighting







I really like the texture and soft lighting on this sunflower.  I like the way the petals appear to be in motion.

The most significant thing that I learned in the lighting class is that only the background has to be illuminated for back-light photos.  I had always thought that the light had to be directly coming at the subject from behind and directly aimed at the camera.  I never knew that you could only illuminate the background to get silhouetted shots.

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Sunflower Shoot – Kassandra Urena

This was one of my favorite pictures from the sunflower shoot because of the use of radical cropping. Also, the lighting emphasized the texture of the petals.

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Learning Log 2- Successful Picture


The successful picture is a leaf that is part of a sunflower is the leaf. This leaf is emphasized by its texture, the background is out of focus which makes it unimportant thus the leaf is the purpose of the photograph and this picture is very positive which takes up the whole scene.

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This is my best picture because it is an amazing silhouette photo. This photo was taken with backlight on a white background. You can briefly see some greens and yellows in this photo.

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This is my favorite picture that we took today in class. This photo is emphasized texture  a lot. It is great colors combination. The background is not in focus that  gives amazing look. Light comes from  side.


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