Category: Unit 2 (Page 2 of 2)

Unit 2, Day 2: Wed. March 16th




  1. Read “American Never Wanted the Tired, Poor Huddled Masses” by Caitlin Dickerson and write  response on to the questions below!  
  2. Create a KWL Chart about Your BEAT! What do you already know about your beat? What would you like to know more about? Make sure to think about what we discussed about crafting research questions when writing the W column! 
    1. KNOW: Make a list of everything you already know about your BEAT
    2. WANT TO LEARN: Write down a series of questions related to your topic that you want to find the answers to (Think research questions). 
    3. LEARNED (Go onto Google. Search your topic. Write down what you have learned about your topic from your preliminary research. Cite where necessary. Follow up with: (1) a list of questions you still need to research; and (2) a list of sources you can consult, including people you can reach out to and possibly interview.)


  KNOW    |   WANT TO LEARN     |      LEARNED


“American Never Wanted the Tired, Poor Huddled Masses” by Caitlin Dickerson 

What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?

Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?

What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?

How do you know that this is an example of a feature article? Be specific! 

What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?

What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style?  What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.

What did you learn from reading this feature article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience? Did the author tell any stories? 

Unit 2, Day 1: Mon. March 14th

Homework Due Wed. March 16th. 

  1. Choose a Topic for Project 2. Tell us your topic below!
  2. Write a brief free write on your topic! DO NOT research the topic, just write what comes to mind. what do you know about the topic? What would you like to learn about the topic? What interested you about the topic?
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