Category: Unit 1 (Page 2 of 2)

Unit 1, Day 2: Wed. Feb. 16th

READ and ANNOTATE  ‘Navigating Genres’ by Kerry Dirk. Write a response to the questions below. Make sure to thoughtfully respond to the questions. Do not just write a few words in response, write a meaningful answer that is based in the text. Use evidence and examples from the text to support your thinking.


When annotating the text think about

  • An interesting fact or detail
  • Questions
  • A section you like or dislike
  • Key comprehension details (anything that might answer one of your questions, tell you something you find interesting)
  • Key words, phrases, main idea

Underline, highlight, circle or add a sticky note in at least 3-4 places!


  1. What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you like it? Explain!
  2. What is one thing you annotated in the text? Why did you annotate it?
  3. What are some genres that you feel you know well? How did you learn them? What are their common rhetorical features?
  4. How much freedom do you enjoy when writing? Does it help to have a form to follow, or do you find it to be limiting?

Unit 1, Day 1: Mon. Feb. 14th

READDon’t Eat Before Reading This” by Anthony Bourdain. Write a response to the questions below. Make sure to thoughtfully respond to the questions. Do not just write a few words in response, write a meaningful answer that is based in the text. Use evidence and examples from the text to support your thinking.

RESPOND  to at least one of your classmates! Read through the comments that your classmates post! Choose one to respond to! Write a thoughtful response. Some ideas of how to start (you don’t have to use these! just ideas!):

  • Something you wrote that I really liked was….
  • I liked [. __ ]  because
  • I wanted to know more about [ __ ] because …
  • What you wrote made me think about …..


  1. What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you like it? Explain!
  2. Who do you think might be the intended audience of this piece? What is the purpose of the piece? What is the Genre?
  3. What is the tone of the piece (formal, informal, humorous, serious, academic, etc.) Why do you think the author chose this tone?
  4. What Discourse Community does the author describe?  What discourse community is he a member of? Explain!
  5. What do you learn about Bourdain’s discourse community?
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