INTRO, Day 1: Monday, Jan. 31st

In Class


  • WRITE: an introductory post on OpenLab 
    • Use the questions / prompts on the OpenLab as a guide. Introduce yourself to us! 
    • Check back in on the class website and see what other people are saying, and to receive full credit reply to a couple of people. It’s nice to know we’re not alone!

INTRO, Day 2: Wednesday, Feb. 2nd

In Class

  • PowerPoint
  • Discuss our Introductory Post
  • Take a quick Technology Survey!
  • Listen to “(Un)learning My Name” by Mohamed Hassan and discuss
  • Read “Zayn Malik and the Songs that Bring Us to Prayer” by Hanif Willis-Abdurraqi and discuss
  • Write a brief response to the two in-class texts! 


INTRO, Day 3: Monday, Febr. 7th

In Class


INTRO, Day 4: Wednesday, Feb. 9th

In Class


  • Read “Understanding Discourse Communities” by Dan Melzer and write a response to the questions about the reading on OpenLab. Be prepared to discuss the reading in class. 
  • Respond to at LEAST ONE Classmate!