Unit 2 / Chapter 4 – Blog Response

According to the article “Sleepy Teens,” what are the reasons that teens are often tired? Can you relate to the points in this article and what do you think should be done in response to this issue?

22 thoughts on “Unit 2 / Chapter 4 – Blog Response

  1. Julianna Wu

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens,” the author states the challenges of adolescents being able to have a healthy sleeping habit. I agree with the author statement that teens need around 8-9 hours of sleep. This work in school, human society was the main practice to the current generation and not realistic to animals and insects lifestyle. When I was fourteen, I woke up at seven in the morning and I had to finish all the work at two in the morning the next day. I corrected my habits and made life easier.

    1. ambar1299

      According to the article the reason why teens can’t sleep is because teens work long hours outside of school and have computers and television in their bedrooms contributes to a serious lack of sleep. students complaints about how late they stay up, how little they sleep and how early they must be in class. To fix this issue I think school need to change the hours school start if school start a 8:00am they need to change it to 9:30am so student can get to class on time if the school office change the time all student will do all the homeworks and have time to sleep more less depressed and no sleeping in the class room better grades and happy life.

  2. Mohammed Kabir

    According the reading “Sleepy Teens” the author states that American high school students complain about how late they stay up, how little they sleep-and how early they must be in class. The reason teens are often too tired is because, according to a sleep expert Mary Carskadon, teenagers might work long hours outside of school and have computers and televisions in their bedrooms contributes to a serious lack of sleep. She also says, the problem is due to biology. As the bodies of teenagers develop, their brains also change. I can relate to these point because almost the same things happen to me, I get distracted by the technologies around me and get lazy to go to sleep. In responses to this issue, I think teenagers should have a maintained sleeping schedule that will give them enough hours of sleep (at least nine hours). I agree with the author stating these point of why teens have lack of sleep and tired. This issue in real life is common for many teenagers, I have seen students in high school coming late or being absent because they either working long hours and getting tired or staying up late.

  3. Mamun Rana

    In the article ” Sleepy Teens,” the author discusses why most American teenagers are depressed because they do not get enough sleep and the experts say that teenagers will be happier and do better in school if they get more sleep. I agree with the author statement that most of the teenagers are depressed because they don’t get enough sleep and there are many reasons that teenagers have trouble sleeping at night because many teenagers work long hours outside of school. In Minneapolis, the middle school begins at 9:30 a.m which gave students more opportunities to get sleep enough and the teenagers are so happy and doing better in class, feeling less depressed and were getting better grades. So, its a great idea to begins school at 9:30 a.m and teenagers could sleep more and will do better in school if they get more sleep and could get success in their life. When I was in 9th grade my school started at 8:00 a.m and many students were late because of early school and not getting enough sleep. So, later ours Principal changed the school time to begins at 8:30 a.m which gave the students to sleep little more. After, couple of months later, many students getting improved and doing well in class, getting better grades and feeling less depressed.

  4. Josias Portalatin

    In “Sleepy Teens” the author states that they are more teenager students that no go to sleep early. The reason that teenages are always tired is because they get a lot coffeine on they body and they not sleep good. I can related this in a real life situation in the way that when I was in high school they were a lot of student that work and they tell me that they not get a lot time to sleep. I think that student should not be working buring they student because they would not get enouft time of sleep.

  5. helen14

    According to the article ” Sleepy Teens,” the author talks about students does not have enough time to sleep because of their body development, and this also caused their brains to change. I agree with the author’s statement that many teens have difficulties sleeping. They stay up at night to play video games and stay outside so late. Furthermore, this caused them to have less hours of sleep and complains about having class early. So many teens should have at least 8-9 hours of school. I have a friend’s friend, he passed away because he have less time sleeping. Every night he read Chinese novel and play league of legend. This caused his body to get more weaker and weaker and end his life like that. This may be a good warning for many young teens to know how to take care of themselves.

  6. Jakia Sultana

    In the article “sleepy Teens”, the author proposes they high school students do not get enough sleep because of their bodies develop and brain changes. I agree with the author because I had pass through that situation. Often teens very tired because they work long hours outsides of school. They watch TV shows or play video games until late night. All these problems causes teens to have “decaf” for their class. Also researcher said students need at least 8-9 hours sleep. In my life, one day my teacher chase me outside of class because I fall asleep during the class. I think high school should start around 9 so that students will be fresh in the class.

  7. Herbens Bernard

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens” the author introduce many reasons why teenagers are often tired. Many Teenagers work long hours outside of school and have computers and televisions in their bedroom , also a body development contributes to a serious lack of sleep . When I was a teenager I used to spend long hours on my phone at night. I used to think if I could put the phone away, I would be able to sleep . I quickly realize that the phone was not the man reason, but I was not feeling sleepy before late night. Which made me fall asleep in class. So I agree with this statement of the author “It is not a case of children of children wanting to be up late ……It is a change in his chemistry.” I think Parents and school officials have a role to play to help tackling this issue . Parents have to make sure that student spend less time on after schools job, School officials should think on moving schools starting time.

  8. Talha sadiq

    In the article “Sleepy Teens” the author talking about teenagers did not get enough tome to sleep and they take depression. Students did a experiment in sleep laboratory to find out why students are doing bad in their school. The outcome shows that students do much better in school if they get enough sleep. Americans students need coffee to stay up in their school. I agree with the author because students really coffee to awake up in the classroom because nowadays teenagers wont sleep early in the night, they always be on smartphones. I think we need to stop let teenager to use their phone at night , so they sleep early and be awake during the class lecture .

  9. christytan

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens,” the author states most of the teenagers do not have enough time to sleep and not able to sleep because they work long hours outside of school and spend too much time on computers and televisions and also their body and brain are changing. I agree with the author because I believe most of the teenagers have the same situation. Most of the high school and college students have a part time or full time job after school, after they got home they still have to do their homework, after homework they would spend another few hours on their phone, computer or video games. These causes why students are late, absent or sleep on their their during the first two hours of class. School should move the starting time to 9 or 9.30. I tried to go to sleep at 10pm but I couldn’t. I laid on bed for an hour and so, I think I fell asleep after two hours.

  10. Hamza

    In the article ‘Sleepy Teens’ the authors talks about how teens are tired, the article states that the reasons why teens are tired are because computers, televisions and depression but the sleep expert said that it is also due to biology as teenagers bodies and minds are changing as they grow. I agree with the article and I can relate as I can’t go sleep before 2am my body doesn’t feel tired until that time this affected me as I would fall asleep in class or while travelling to school. Depression can have a really big impact on teenagers, depression could affect teenagers allowing them not to fall asleep at night. In response to this issue should be moving the school starting time to a bit later so teens are able to get a couple hours more sleep.


    In “Sleepy Teens”, the author tells us the importance of sleep well. Also it show us how important is for a high school teenager get enough sleep and the consequences for a student not to do so. One of the solutions presented to this lack is change the schedule of the High schools. I agree with that idea because sometimes can be difficult for teenagers change their times of sleep when their bodies and brains are developing. For example, I read two weeks ago an article about one company that works on four days forty-four and the employers have three days off. The manager reported to his boos less lateness’s by employees and a large increase in the productions. Which meas that sometimes some adjustment can give much better results. However, the fact that teenagers have TV, computers and cellphones in their bedrooms should be controlled by their parents.

  12. Sabina Yeasmin

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens,” the author states the reasons why teens are tired. According to sleep expert Mary Carskadon the fact that many teenagers work long hours outside of school and have computers and televisions in their bedrooms contributes to serious lack of sleep. Teenagers need at least eight hours of sleep a night, but the average teen gets a lot less then that. This is why when they go to school and set in a classroom their brain still in the middle of the night. They feel tired and they get bad grades on their report card. To solve this problem I think the parents have to take care of their kids more. They have to send their kids bed at 8:30 and make sure gets eight hours sleep.

  13. JingFeng

    In the article “Sleepy Teens”, the author states that teenagers are feel tired and can’t complete the morning classes because of the computers and televisions. I agree with this because most of the teenagers are too addicted to the technology which is computer, phones and televisions, teenagers will spend several hours on it. And also students are working at night, so they don’t have enough time to sleep. These are the main reasons that cause the problem, I was usually sleep around 1pm. To solve this problem, I think school should change the classes start time to 9am.

  14. weichen

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens,” the author says there are many students who dont have enough time to sleep they brain can’t concentrate. Also the students they stay up because they can’t fall asleep and the school class start in the morning. I agree with the author many students they don’t have enouigh sleep because the teenagers bodies develop and they look in the televisions or play computer after the school these marks teens have trouble sleeping at night. Similarly I have an experience if I sleep least than 8 hours I will fall asleep in class and my brain can’t concentrate. So I think students should sleep more than 8 hours or school can change the schedule of morning class.

  15. Xingcheng(Jason)

    According to “Sleepy Teens,” the author discusses many students does not get enough time to sleep then cause their brain is still not awake while they’re sitting in the classroom. When the class time goes late, then this situation has improved. In my opinions, I compeletly agree with it. Nowadays, more and more students are begin to sleep late. when they know they need to wake up in the morning then will feel more depressed. it cause them hard to fall asleep. For example, when i get home after work and get my homework done, it almost 2AM. And my class start at 8 in the morning, so i will be stay up.

  16. Kevin Paguay

    According to the article “sleepy teens” the author explains how difficult is to wake up so early to get to school as a high schooler. Many students have to stay up late due to the amount of homework they get from there teachers. Which causes to have less sleep hours and get caffeine coffee just to be awake in class. I agree with the article has to say because I too have he same problem. Waking up at 6:30am just to get ready for first period is really a pain in the neck. I hope schools can change there time for the next future generations, so they won’t have to face this type of problem ever again.

  17. Nojm

    According to the article, “Sleepy Teens”, author shows that there are a few reasons for teens getting often tired, such as they have to wake up so early and many students work for long time. Also, many students don’t get enough sleep, so that makes them do nothing in class and fall sleep. I agree with the author’s opinion because it will help students if they start the school a bit later. Therefore, students will get more hours to sleep and feel fresh when they come to the class. In general, sleep is very important. If you get enough sleep, you will do everything happily. Sleep is like the first food of our body. It connects to myself because when I go to my math class at 8am, I feel like I am sleepy. It’s because I don’t get enough sleep.

  18. Mohamed

    According to the article “Sleepy Teens” the authour proposes that all the teenagers are having problem with their early classes. As it’s given in the text the teens need an average of sleep between 8-9 hours every night. According to Carskadon’s study, around 30% of students slept less that 6 hours on school nights. Mary Carskadon said that the teenagers are having this problems due to two reasons. First, working long hours outside school and having electronic devices in their bedroom which contributes them. Secondly, because of body developing. She said that as bodies of teensgers develop their brain also changes and these changes give them troubles sleeping at night. I think that letting teenagers wake up later will have a positive effect as it’s shown the study in Ediana and Minneapolis. From this experiment they have reported that later starting time have reduced the absences. In addition, students aren’t sleeping at their desks anymore.

  19. Jicong Ou(Justin)

    According to the article ” Sleepy Teens,” the author states students does not have enough time to sleep because of their body development which can possibly caused their brains to have some types of illusion. Some of the reason that teens often get tired due to the tremendous amount of online gaming and watching television shows at night time would eventually stimulate their tiredness which people can get energetic.

  20. Kevin

    In article “Sleepy Teens” the author introduce many reasons why teenagers are often tired. Many Teenagers
    lack of sleeping because of long hours and have their laptop and tv with them in their bedroom. I agree with this statement because i do also feel the same with this problem for the same reason the author said in the article.


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