Unit 4 / Chapter 12 – Blog Response

According to “Road Rage,” on the road is one place that people can express their anger in ways that can be very dangerous and even fatal. Where else in public life do people often express their anger and frustration and do you think it is as dangerous as expressing it on the road as a driver?

20 thoughts on “Unit 4 / Chapter 12 – Blog Response

  1. Mohammed Kabir

    In the article “Road Rage,” the author discusses about expressing anger is more dangerous than feeling angry on the road in a aggravated way it can cause injury or harm to other drivers on the road. I’ve seen many times in a crowded train where someone is forcefully trying to get in and someone from the crowd becomes frustrated or angry because they are being pushed. I agree with the author mentioning road rage is not a societal problem, but rather a personal tragedy affecting limited number of individuals. Anger is one of the universal emotions, everyone expresses anger a little differently. However, I personally don’t get angry at almost anything, I try to keep my cool.

    1. ambar1299

      In the article “Road Rage” the author discusses about that on the road people can express their anger in ways that could leave in to a tragedy or even fatal. The author mention that it is difficult to determine whether or not aggressive driving is increasing because there is no legal definition of road rage. The author explain that in a 2002 Canadian study 88 percent of drivers surveyed admitted to aggressive driving such as speeding or going through yellow lights in the previous year an increase of 3 percent over the year before. In my opinion i think is very dangerous to express your feelings while your driving because in just 2 second you could lost your life not only your life but someone else life also people need to relax and wait until the traffic is clear because most of this accident happen when is traffic on the road.

  2. Julianna Wu

    In the article” Road Rage,” the author states about the experiences of
    road rage and scientific evidence that road rage is unpleasant and
    harmful. I agree with the author that road rage increase in traffic to
    the anxiety people. Realistic to the world, road rages often happen in
    America when people are drunk and can die.In my life, I had never
    experience road rage because I had not driven a car before.

  3. Sabina Yeasmin

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses on the road is one place that people can express their anger in ways that can be very dangerous and even fatal. Whenever I am in road I see that a lot. One car driver try to cross another driver and for they start yell at each other. Which is not good for the person who is driving.I agree with the author because we all have our won way to express our anger but you have to think about the place where you are in. You can’t express your anger whenever you want. We have to learn how to control it.

  4. Mamun Rana

    In the article ”Road Rage,” the author states that road rage became serious problem while we are driving and some researchers are trying to prevent it. I agree with the author that express their anger on the road that can be very harmful for the driver or the passenger because its could be attempts to kill or injure the driver, passenger, and pedestrian. It’s realistic that when one driver trying to cross another or one driver don’t let the other driver pulled in front of his car then, they became anger and starts ”road rage” which could be very dangerous for both of them. I think it’s very dangerous to expressing their anger it on the road as a driver because its could be harmful on several peoples. Also people can express their anger on public lines when one skip to another.

  5. Herbens Bernard

    In the article “Road Rage,”the author discusses the cause and effect,the meaning of road rage,and a solution to help reduce incidents of aggressive driving .The author start with the example of Rene Andrew and Tracie Alfieri two women who were driving their cars in Ohio, Andrew pulled in front of Alfieri, Alfieri got angry and cause Andrew to got in an accident that left her with some serious injuries .The author also mention that the term Road Rage has no exact legal definition,but it is commonly used when a driver or passenger attempts to kill,injure,or intimidate a pedestrian or another driver or passenger or to damage their vehicle in a traffic incident. However researchers in the United States are conducting tests with a simple machine called The Flash, to see if it will help reduce incidents of aggressive driving which i totally agree with and might saves lives. I would say that it’s always better to express your though and feelings your anger,but do it in a way or places that won’t affect others, search as the road,but one of the most common place that people use to express anger is the gym , they do it by trying to force them self to work out more than usual, which i consider to be better than expressing anger on the road and causing damage to pedestrian,drivers or passenger that can also lead to death.

  6. Jakia Sultana

    In the article “Road Rage,” the author discusses why the road rage is a fatal problem and a solution to reduce road rage. I agree with the author that expressing anger on the road can be very harmful for the driver and the passenger because both can be injure or death. I think it is ok to express angerness but people should express their anger in a way that does not cause others. In my life, I have seen people express their anger and frustration in the train. I think it is dangerous but not as expressing it on the road as a driver.

  7. weichen

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses the road rage is very dangerous and it causes personal tragedy affecting in our life. The author start the tragedy between two woman who is pregnant, and they anger each other it caused the accident, and Andrews lose her unborn child. In the legal liability Alfieri was guilty and she went to the prison. The author continue by the research in the U.S driving is increasing and many death in the accident problem. Diviers should communicate each other and people should control their angry issue. I belived that would reduces more accident problem.

  8. helen14

    In the article “Road Rage,” the author discusses how it could be very dangerous and even fatal to express anger on the road. The author states that she stepped on the brakes because there was traffic ahead. In addition, the count found Alfieri guilty of killing someone with a car by driving in a dangerous way. Furthermore, the judge ordered her to spend eighteen months in prison. I agree with the author that expressing anger on the road can caused a person’s death. It will be better if you express your anger anywhere throughout the public, but not anywhere dangerous. I won’t give any perspective because I’ve never experience it.

  9. christytan

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses that two-third of traffic deaths are because of aggressive driving and the percentage was keep increasing. The author mentioned a way from the researchers how to deal with road rage and I agree with it. It is call “The Flash”, one flash means please, two flashes means thank you and three flashes means I am sorry. It will helps less of a tendency for the drivers to react to each other with rage. In my neighborhood, there’s always traffic in the morning and evening, sometimes the drivers got annoyed and they just kept honking and the noise is so loud.

  10. Hamza

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses why road rage is a serious issue and how road rage could be reduced. I agree with the author that showing your feelings on the road can be dangerous for everyone near as anger could confuse. I think you should express your anger but they should express their anger in a way that does not affect others and especially not when you are driving. In my experience, I have seen people express their anger and frustration on buses when some bus drivers drive slow which would make them late. I think it is good to reveal your frustrations and anger but not causing other trouble.

  11. JingFeng

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses that how road rage can be a very dangerous problem and the effect to the people, author used a example of a women driver who was attempted to kill someone by her car. I agree with the author that road rage showing your anger on the road can be very dangerous because when you are angry, your anger will cover your eyes and cause some harmful effect to other people. In my life, I saw some people were expressed their anger on the bus when the bus are crowded and people block the way.

  12. Kevin Paguay

    In the article ā€œ Road rageā€, the author explains how dangerous road rage can be and can affect peopleā€™s lives too. Rene Andrews, a six-months pregnant mother with her first child pulled in front of Tracie Alfieri, a mother of two childrenā€™s. Alfieri was so angry, she drove her vehicle and in front of Andrews Volkswagen. Andrews swerved to the right , crashed into a truck parked on the side of the road, seriously injured, and lost her unborn child. I agree with the author that releasing your angry on the road can affect everyone around you. In my life, I seen people releasing there angry on the train for the delays happening and waiting for so long to move the next station.

  13. Josias Portalatin

    In ā€œRoad Rageā€ the author state that they are a lot of accident on the street because some people do not know how to communicate buring a traffic. The article say that most of the drivers have a road rage before. I am agree with the author, he say that the are ways to communicate with a driver in the road, and people should take the habit of used those sign in a appropriate way. People would not take rage on a road because most of the accident occured during an traffic.

  14. Nojm

    In the article, “Road Rage,” the author discusses what things make us fall in most accidents and how we can decrease those incidents. Author shows an example that Rene Andrews made an accident who was pregnant; she also lost her unborn child. Aggressive driving makes more incidents because they rush due to maybe passenger. I disagree with that because accident might take your life. Life is more important than going 2-5 mins faster.

  15. Kevin

    In the article “Road Rage” the author state the cause and effect and the meaning of road rage. By doing so he tells us that road rage can cause many problems later on in life and may cause you danger the people near you in the car. I agree with this statement because when my mother has road rage I don’t feel safe inside the car and I feel like were going to have a car accident. In addition when i have a road rage while I tend to speed up and try to cut off people especially when am in a rush to get to my location. but still I feel like road rage is something we should go throw at all.

  16. Talha sadiq

    In the article “Road Rage” the author mention the causes and affect of the road rage and shows the solution to help the reduce of incident because of aggressive driving. The author shows some of examples of accident happened in road. Woman lost her unborn child in road rage. i agree with the author because people drive fast in the traffic and we need to stop them. In my experience i have seen a lot of road rage because of fast driving. My friend got into accident because he were racing with someone and now he is hospital. he in serious condition right now.

  17. Juan

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses that road rage is where people show anger to other by passing them or make them to crash and this event can lead to accidents or death. Iā€™ve seen many times in public transportation such as train and bus that there always gotta be someone with attitud and try to affect others get into a fight with others. I agree with the author that for everyone that have a license the government should teach them how to avoid road rage and how to no be angry behind the wheels . I ashamed with myself because of my stupid actions in the high way I almost got an accident.

  18. Mohamed

    In the article ā€œRoad Rage,ā€ the author discusses why itā€™s a serious problem and how can we get rid of it or reduce it by stating solutions for the aggressive driving. I agree with the author that there shouldnā€™t be feelling expressions on the road especially anger which may affect others in a bad way and can cause accidents. Iā€™ve seen some people driving with a very high speed just because theyā€™re angry about something, they should know that their feelings has nothing to do with driving, it just puts them and others on risks.


    in the article “Road Range,” the author says that the term Road Range it doe not have a exactly meaning or legal definition , but it usually used when a passenger or driver attempts injure or intimidate a pedestrian or another driver or make some damage or even could cause a tragedy. the author states that this is not a new problem in our society. Since I in New York one of the places that i see where people express their anger or frustration is the subway of NYC. You do not who is next to you or they thoughts or if the have a bad day that they only need one pretext to fight we anyone. But sometimes what shocks me is when not one does anything to stop it.


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