ENG1101 Sep 13, 2021: Freewrite

I’m a bit confused on how to start this one today, but here we go.

Back in 2015 (or 16, not entirely sure), I decided to choose my “Career” in life and that was to be a mechanic. Now the thing about that decision is that I was a 14/15 kid who had basic awareness of how the world revolved around me. You usually have a couple life realizations of when you gain “consciousness.” You know kinda like realizing “Oh crap I’m a child to these ppl??? Wait, that’s how cash works??? You have to wash your dog???” those types. Thoughts that bring on questioning everything. So in retrospect 8th grader me was deciding my fate for the rest of my life, not fun when you have 2million other options.
So back to the story, I decided to go with one of my passions “Cars,” following that decision I applied to the great schools in the fine city of New York to learn automotive technology. From there on I a few months passed, and I got accepted to a few schools. I decided to go to Automotive High School, with a percentage of 90% male population on campus. I then spent a year there. I had about 5 English teachers within the span of my first semester, some had scandals, some had anger issues. My favorite one of them all was this one teacher who seemed to be fascinated by Shakespeare. He taught us about the great pieces of literature Shakespeare wrote, which to me was interesting. Since I wasn’t able to do any freshman automotive shop classes.