What makes you fell cozy?.

I feel cozy at home when ever I am wearing sweatpants. I love a pair of grey sweatpants because they are extremely comfortable and the color gray just feels cozy. I also have enjoy having candles around the living room, because it brings a clean smell throughout the house. I also enjoy watching movies on the couch with blankets over my legs and a nice warm cup of coffee in my hand.   I enjoy watching movies teen romance movies, comedic movies, horror movies and thrilling movies. I also enjoy watching informative ted talks about books to red, the power of sleep, history, exercise and self improvement video’s. I also enjoy cooking meals including breakfast which would normally be a few fried eggs with bacon and two bread slices. I also love lunch with work be normally some white rice with fresh salmon or fish fillets and cherry tomatoes with some spinach  and mozzarella cheese . Dinner will be fired chicken, potatoes , cut up vegetables and an orange juice.