In my opinion, procrastination is an awful thing. It creates stress because when you procrastinate, you typically leave a lot of things for the last minute. I know a thing or two about procrastination as I sometimes do this and then spend my whole day and sometimes night doing all the work I was supposed to do. I especially hate when I get assigned something and have more than a week or so to do my work and end up doing it the night before. While it may be easy and tell someone who procrastinates to just do it early, it is difficult to do so, or at least it is for me. I truly do hope I get over my habit of procrastinating as it would make life easier and stress-free. You have no idea the amount of stressful nights I could’ve avoided had I done my work earlier. Fortunately for me, something just clicks inside me and allows me to do my work very rapidly. Due to this, I would say I have an 85% success rate when it comes to doing things at the last minute and handing it on time. Music plays a huge role when it comes to doing my work fast as a result of procrastinating. While I am a huge hip-hop fan, classic old rock music hypes me up to do everything fast.